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My interview is ready.

Thank you guys for all the kind words :) I really hesitated posting this video but I'm glad I did. Maybe my life is not as boring as I think it is. hehe

I've had a sick doggy since Wednesday and she's been staying at the pet clinic for 2 nights now so my mood is pretty down right now. She was diagnosed with diabetes. We should get Molly back today, and I can't wait.

Thanks again guys and I'm very glad you enjoyed the videos :)

Buddy I will say a prayer for Molly. It's hard on us, but harder on them. We understand what's going on, they don't always get it.

It is incredible the bond that we can share with some animals, but when you think about it, not really. Until the last 100 years or so, most people had domesticated animals. We have bred them for eons. But the same can be said for us. Those that were good with animals survived better than those who didn't.

Have a nice romp when she gets back and some good lap time. You'll both feel better for it.

Just got a chance to watch your interview. First I want to say thank you so very much for taking the time to do this for us. I really enjoyed it very much. It was nice to see the extended version of your troll dance..... It was great and even now, 30 minutes after watching it, I am still laughing. Although your actual interview was mostly serious and direct, with a little humor in it, I can tell from the dance video that you are very much a funny and fun guy.

The interview, well it was anything but boring!!! It was more than I had expected, and thanks for reading and answering the questions posted to you. That was awsome!!! I have always thought you were a great guy, but after watching the interview, I feel like we know you a little bit better, and like you all the more!!! I can see from the video that you are in fact just a guy, doing his thing day in and day out, and I liked that alot.

I respected your answer on your best quality, and although I have not met you or seen a lot of you...... I have to say that your eyes are very sexy and draw me into you. They have a way of capturing my attention and holding it there!!!

When a guy as good looking as you, who happens to work in the porn field, I tend to develope an image of who that person is, I have to say I was way off the mark on you, you are a very down to earth guy, and seem to be very genuine and nice.

I wish you all the best and hope you enjoyed a little bit of doing the interview for us all, as we all wanted to really see who you were and what you were all about. I can not thank you enough, and tell you I really enjoyed it. Love ya for it!!!

Jeff V.
thank you

I want to thank you Steve for giving us an honest, open interview. I so enjoy "real people" who are direct, and say what they think. You impress me as a no bullshit kind of guy, and I respect that. Thanks for both videos. :thumbup:
These have been the most stressing 4 days I've had in a long time. We got Molly back yesterday to spend a few days with us. She was diagnose with Diabetes and now with cushing's syndrome. She's not eating, and so very weak. She now has 2 wounds on her back and we don't know how they appear. Of course, Petsmart people can't help cos they're useless. So We'll be back to the vet tomorrow. Netx thursday is when she'll run more tests so we can give her a good treatment for the cushing's. The waiting is horrible :(

How is La Molly doing now she's back?
These have been the most stressing 4 days I've had in a long time. We got Molly back yesterday to spend a few days with us. She was diagnose with Diabetes and now with cushing's syndrome. She's not eating, and so very weak. She now has 2 wounds on her back and we don't know how they appear. Of course, Petsmart people can't help cos they're useless. So We'll be back to the vet tomorrow. Netx thursday is when she'll run more tests so we can give her a good treatment for the cushing's. The waiting is horrible :(

Moll is getting massive doses of love from Palma to get her better. The sores on her back are typical of Cushing's, unless she got them in the Cage Kafig while she was under observation. Has she been on cortisone? If she has, and could do without it, her Cushing's would disappear eventually.

Take care Stephane man. Hope she gets better soon.
Hi Slim, Sorry I didn't reply to you before. Molly passed away a few days ago so I had to take days off. Molly was my little girl for 8 years so this was hard for me. She went in kidney failure Tuesday morning and all odds went against her then so there was only one decision to make. The worse decision of my life. So thank you guys for the kind words and everything.

Moll is getting massive doses of love from Palma to get her better. The sores on her back are typical of Cushing's, unless she got them in the Cage Kafig while she was under observation. Has she been on cortisone? If she has, and could do without it, her Cushing's would disappear eventually.

Take care Stephane man. Hope she gets better soon.
So very sorry to hear about the passing of your girl Molly, Scorpio. Take care, and I wish you well.
I am so very sorry to hear that you lost your Molly. Seven years ago I lost the best dog I've ever known and I still miss him. My heart goes out to you and I understand the time off. I was pretty useless after the loss of my Nacho (golden retriever). Take care, and know that everyone out here is sending you their love.

Steve I have been catching up on back messages and just stopped by to say great job on your video until I read about your terrible loss. I am so sincerely sorry to hear this as I know to well how much our friends can mean to us. As incredibly hard as it was you have done the right thing and Molly is now in a place of no pain and total happiness. You can never replace her but you will always have her memories and like fine wine they will improve with age. God Speed my friend and may the Lord bring you peace.
So like you to say "sorry".

Hi Slim, Sorry I didn't reply to you before. Molly passed away a few days ago so I had to take days off. Molly was my little girl for 8 years so this was hard for me. She went in kidney failure Tuesday morning and all odds went against her then so there was only one decision to make. The worse decision of my life. So thank you guys for the kind words and everything.

Dear sweet guy,

Anything you need, let us know. I don't imagine for a second there's a thing in the world that would take away any of your sadness, but there isn't one of us on the forum who wouldn't do what we could for you.

Molly had such a bunch of stuff wrong with her that the tough decision you had to make was the only one possible, even though it was a terrible one to have to make. We had a beautiful pointer bitch from before I was born, and by the time I was 12 she was so old she couldn't walk without wobbling. She lost her sight and had difficulty eating but she was her adorable self right to the end. I held her while the vet gave her a shot and she nuzzled me trustingly and licked my face while it took effect, only a minute or two. We were out in the back yard and I stayed there holding her till way past dark. Not saying I know what you feel since nobody can, but do want you to know that the love you're getting from here is real.
Stephane! AKA my Stevie! :)

I just got a chance to check out your video and even I got to learn a few new things about you. I wanted to send you my condolences about your losing Molly, I know she was the one who always liked barking when I was on the phone with you. :)

You are an amazing person and I couldn't be happier to work side by side with you. You are right about working under Mark, he is one of the most giving people you will ever meet.

Glad you are doing well and were able to find another amazing puppy-dog over the weekend. I know you will love her as much as Molly and give her a great home.

Okay, back to work I go.
~ Chuck
Scorpio, I haven't had a chance to see your interview and plan to.
Just wanted to pass on my condolences to you on the loss of Molly. I know what you went through.
Back in 2002, I had to have my cat (Ernie) put down. I had him since he was six months old back in 1988. Ernie's health deteriorated toward the end and his kidney's also shut down. I took him to our family vet where Dr. Tibbett's said the best thing for Ernie was to let him go, so I did. I must have cried for a couple days after that.
I finally broke down and found another kitty in late Aug 2004. She was a little over 6weeks old when I got her and she has been a charm every since that day I brought her home and she is still with me today.
Glad to hear that you found a puppy and I know that you and the puppy will grow on each other for many years to come.

Hey guys,

First, for those of you who don't know me, I'm the web designer who created all the Blumedia websites (Broke Straight Boys..)

Second, if you're interested in watching my interview, please go to the following link USING INTERNET EXPLORER:
URL not available anymore.

Thanks :)

I'm sorry Robert. (rrhill) I tried. I found it, but the link to Scorpio's interview is no longer available. I don't know if it is retrievable or not. Obviously though his interview was very well received by many of us in here. We loved it!
Hey guys,

First, for those of you who don't know me, I'm the web designer who created all the Blumedia websites (Broke Straight Boys..)

Second, if you're interested in watching my interview, please go to the following link USING INTERNET EXPLORER:
URL not available anymore.

Thanks :)

i can't access the interview, please help.
This thread and post are over a year old. It's not clear if the interview in question still exists.

Again. This is not a new thread. This post is from 5/26/2010.
Wow Scorpio,

Thank you so much for giving us the link to your video again. You were up early this morning if you posted this at 7:00 am EST. That was 6:00 your time. I didn't know you were such an early riser. lol Seriously though.... If you had chosen to, for whatever reason, you could easily have said that you didn't want to share it again. Then of course I would have felt bad for putting you on the spot by bumping up the thread. You really are such a nice guy.

I really enjoyed watching this again over a year and a half later. I know you didn't want to do the interview in the beginning. There was and is just so much goodwill and warm feelings for you though that we wanted to know at least a little bit more about you.

One thing that came through very well in the interview is how much employees of Broke Straight Boys care for Mark. He's your guys' boss but it also comes across from you and Chuck how much you care about him as a person. You guys always sound very earnest and sincere when you speak of him. Not like you are just trying to win brownie points. With warm praise coming from such standup guys like you and Chuck, I'm sure that Mark is a very special man.

I hope that you are still doing well dear Stephane and that you are still living and enjoying your piece of the American Dream. I wish all three of you in your household, and all your loved ones everywhere, a very Merry Christmas.

Big hugs! xoo

You can find the link to Scorpio's interview again on either post #1 or post #36.
Hi Scorpio,

Thanks for sharing these video's. Trying out porn sites is one of my hobbies. Move on after a month usually. Broke Straight Boys is different, and that's mostly because of the people creating this site.

The design of this site feels like driving a red Ferrari, with black leather seats...