[Spoiler alerts for Final Episode #8]
That was quite an episode! We found out that Damien turned down and refused to do a scene with
Kaden Alexander. Damian Christopher took great offense to it. More so than
Kaden Alexander himself apparently. Then the person actually pitching the biggest fit over it of all people, was
Cage Kafig. Because of editing and the time constraints of half hour episodes, there's plenty we won't know about what all was said. It sure got awkward and ugly though.
I thought Shannon did great on CNN! As brief as the interview was, he did fine. Being put on international television like that has to scary as heck. haha
We found out what had been obvious to many of us for quite a while, that Paul and Damien are a couple.

Of course the majority of their most diehard fans (myself included) have never abandoned them over the issues of them being bi or gay. I'm thrilled that they are still on the site and giving us top-notch performances.
Mark acknowledges on camera that the previous production company of the site, with some of the models at least, they provided them with drugs and slept with them. So while some of us may pine away for the good old days of the site, it was not always as rosy, sweet and innocent behind the scenes as many of us would like to imagine. Mark wanted a fresh start to get back to a company culture more in line with his own vision. Which sadly brought us back to this final scene of the episode with Mark having to clean house all over again.
Here at the end of the episode it confirmed for me again what a genuine and caring man Mark is. He really does see his employees as a family. As a fellow Scorpio, like me he tries to keep the volcano of all of those emotions in check. But sometimes it's a losing battle and the emotions all bubble to the surface. My heart broke for him when he found out about the great betrayal. It was no doubt an employee entrusted with great responsibility. Some of us in here probably already know the who. A few of us have at least a vague idea of the how and why, even if we don't know, or care to know, any of the gory details. It was a no doubt a betrayal on several levels though. I felt so bad for Mark though to see him so quickly after he found out about all of the deception and realizing he had no choice but to fire this person. It had to have been an awful day.
That's the kind of drama that isn't and cannot be scripted.