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Broke Straight Boys Is Finally Coming To Television Dec. 19, 2014

Thanks, BUT will they always be available to view, I mean we all have different schedules and I don't think you can DVR YouTube, but thank you for your courtesy.
I only see a 44 minute episode and the 6 minute trailer. Should I see 2 or 3 more?
I am guessing YouTube HereTV Premier are on a different schedule I am only seeing the Trailer as well as episode 101 this has been like now 6 hours from the first episode
After such a long wait for the series, the way it is being handled by HereTV is disappointing to say the least. From other comments on the forum it seems as though some VOD services have been carrying the first four episodes since last night, however HereTV’s own YouTube channel subscribers had to wait until 5 pm EST today. Even at that point only a single episode has been made available. HereTV don’t seem to engender any desire for new subscribers brought in by this series to want to stick around.

Mark, I hope you can make it clear to your partners over at HereTV that they could be bungling the chance to capture new paying subscribers. Not only have we been led to believe the first four episodes would be available today, but we had to wait while other users with access to VOD services have been able to watch the series before us. I wanted to show my support for a series I’ve heard hyped for a long time, but with how HereTV is handling this I wonder if I’d have been better off to go searching for a torrent or some other way to see the series. I’m very sorry to have to sound so negative, but especially for members of the Broke Straight Boys site and this forum, we’ve heard this series hyped for a long time, and when it’s finally available some of us really want to see it. I tried to send a message to HereTV but only got a bland reply that the series would be up at 5 pm EST today – only to find a single episode. Very disappointed with how HereTV is handling this. Mark, Sha and any other BluMedia folks listening I realize this isn’t your fault, but I’m hoping by explaining the frustration your members are having that you might get someone over there to understand that if they don’t give the subscribers what they’ve been led to expect they are really just telling us to drop them. They have an opportunity to grow their subscriber base and they are blowing it.

Anyway, that said, I did just finish the first episode. I have to say that I am really impressed. There was only one part that I cringed at and thought was a little flaky (more on that later). Honestly, this first episode does do a very good job of setting up the series and what messages you may want to get across. The boys are rowdy and entertaining – as they should be. It’s very interesting to see them out of their scene “personas” a bit (although some of them seem to be one and the same). I enjoyed finding out more about everyone behind BluMedia more too, and hope to see more of that in the future episodes as well as more of the boys. The editing is very professional and probably rivals anything you might see on other reality series today. Mark, you have often stated how proud you were with how the series turned out and I think you have every right to be.

I’m still a little disappointed it has taken almost a year and a half from the announcement to get out to the audience though. I do realize there was quite a struggle to get it “on air” so maybe someday there could be a follow up BTS here where maybe one of the boys (Paul, perhaps) could even interview Mark or Sha about the long road to get the series made and aired – sort of as an epilogue to the series. There’s certainly nothing disappointing about the series after the long wait, but I did have to smirk a little when both Jimmy and Sergio made their claims about never bottoming, which, thanks to the long gestation period to broadcast, has now happened for both. It doesn’t change the overall message of the series, but it does show it dated a bit.

OK, I did mention there was one bit (actually two) that I did find just a bit cheesy. Again, they don’t detract from the whole but they did make me laugh because they just didn’t seem on the same par as the rest of the episode. These were the jingles for the “Keepin’ It Cool with Kayden” and “Porn Star Confessional” segments. The visuals were as good as the rest of the episode, but those jingles… like I said, made me laugh but for the wrong reasons. Still, if that’s the worst I can find to complain about in this highly polished episode, well then you know you guys did a great job!

Can’t wait to see the rest – when they are eventually up.

I am guessing YouTube HereTV Premier are on a different schedule I am only seeing the Trailer as well as episode 101 this has been like now 6 hours from the first episode

I was confused too but the schedules are different.
After such a long wait for the series, the way it is being handled by HereTV is disappointing to say the least. From other comments on the forum it seems as though some VOD services have been carrying the first four episodes since last night, however HereTV’s own YouTube channel subscribers had to wait until 5 pm EST today. Even at that point only a single episode has been made available. HereTV don’t seem to engender any desire for new subscribers brought in by this series to want to stick around.

Mark, I hope you can make it clear to your partners over at HereTV that they could be bungling the chance to capture new paying subscribers. Not only have we been led to believe the first four episodes would be available today, but we had to wait while other users with access to VOD services have been able to watch the series before us. I wanted to show my support for a series I’ve heard hyped for a long time, but with how HereTV is handling this I wonder if I’d have been better off to go searching for a torrent or some other way to see the series. I’m very sorry to have to sound so negative, but especially for members of the Broke Straight Boys site and this forum, we’ve heard this series hyped for a long time, and when it’s finally available some of us really want to see it. I tried to send a message to HereTV but only got a bland reply that the series would be up at 5 pm EST today – only to find a single episode. Very disappointed with how HereTV is handling this. Mark, Sha and any other BluMedia folks listening I realize this isn’t your fault, but I’m hoping by explaining the frustration your members are having that you might get someone over there to understand that if they don’t give the subscribers what they’ve been led to expect they are really just telling us to drop them. They have an opportunity to grow their subscriber base and they are blowing it.

Anyway, that said, I did just finish the first episode. I have to say that I am really impressed. There was only one part that I cringed at and thought was a little flaky (more on that later). Honestly, this first episode does do a very good job of setting up the series and what messages you may want to get across. The boys are rowdy and entertaining – as they should be. It’s very interesting to see them out of their scene “personas” a bit (although some of them seem to be one and the same). I enjoyed finding out more about everyone behind BluMedia more too, and hope to see more of that in the future episodes as well as more of the boys. The editing is very professional and probably rivals anything you might see on other reality series today. Mark, you have often stated how proud you were with how the series turned out and I think you have every right to be.

I’m still a little disappointed it has taken almost a year and a half from the announcement to get out to the audience though. I do realize there was quite a struggle to get it “on air” so maybe someday there could be a follow up BTS here where maybe one of the boys (Paul, perhaps) could even interview Mark or Sha about the long road to get the series made and aired – sort of as an epilogue to the series. There’s certainly nothing disappointing about the series after the long wait, but I did have to smirk a little when both Jimmy and Sergio made their claims about never bottoming, which, thanks to the long gestation period to broadcast, has now happened for both. It doesn’t change the overall message of the series, but it does show it dated a bit.

OK, I did mention there was one bit (actually two) that I did find just a bit cheesy. Again, they don’t detract from the whole but they did make me laugh because they just didn’t seem on the same par as the rest of the episode. These were the jingles for the “Keepin’ It Cool with Kayden” and “Porn Star Confessional” segments. The visuals were as good as the rest of the episode, but those jingles… like I said, made me laugh but for the wrong reasons. Still, if that’s the worst I can find to complain about in this highly polished episode, well then you know you guys did a great job!

Can’t wait to see the rest – when they are eventually up.


Thanks for your review of the show so far. It is great to here good comments about it because my crew and myself put so much into it. I can't tell you how many struggles we had with this show but I know it is something people would want to watch so I dealt with each hurdle to get it on the air. I am very sorry about the delay with the show but now that the first season is on the air the second season will be so much easier.

I'm sorry about the confusion with Here TV. I was confused myself but hopefully all the confusion has passed. Thanks again for your critique of the show. :)

Well I was lucky enough to see all 4.On Comcast..No big review . But I liked it. It was fun. Of coarse I thought Paul was the Star.
All you Jimmy haters I even liked him. For 7:99. The cost of a pack of smokes in San Francisco or a medium pop corn at the movies.
I thought it was well worth it. And am looking forward to the next ones. Thought it was done well. And I hope it is a success. Cause I got to like Mark too. And I hope the show makes it for his sake....
Now ...How long do we have to wait for the next episodes ????
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I agree Mikey. The Sword seems to have a grudge against Broke Straight Boys The logic of berating HereTV for drifting away from providing gay entertainment...by airing a show about models (straight or otherwise) who perform gay sex, on a successful international gay website, for a mostly gay audience, just doesn't hold much water.


Totally agreed.

You mean to say that after nearly 9000 posts you don't know where I am located...


LOL, Jon!!!! I'll never forget where you are, buddy ;-)

Your favourite prickly Scotsman,

"This was their finest hour". And, Jon, no American ought ever to forget Britain, or the Commonwealth. For Britain stood, ALONE.


I was confused too but the schedules are different.

It would have been great for HereTV let us and you know about the schedules, but I do like the anticipation. Just sad that we wont know how they are rolling them out. This way those that are subscribed to the channel don't sit waiting all day for the next one . (see dedicated/excited to the show and hoping the next one real soon... wasting my day)
It would have been great for HereTV let us and you know about the schedules, but I do like the anticipation. Just sad that we wont know how they are rolling them out. This way those that are subscribed to the channel don't sit waiting all day for the next one . (see dedicated/excited to the show and hoping the next one real soon... wasting my day)

Tampa posted earlier the HereTV schedule. Go to heretv.com and you can get that tv schedule for the whole week.