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An Open Letter to Management

Dear bithebi:

You couldn't have started this thread with a better post. It was logically presented and written cogently and concisely. It was long because you had a lot to say. And you said it well. (There are many posts on the forum longer than this one of yours where that is not the case - lol!!!)

The thoughts and observations you expressed are ones that many forumites have expressed over time just not in one place. And I think that gave all of us, including management, much to think about. And you elicited from management a post which was more responsive than any I can remember. Perhaps it was due to your being new to all this or that management is just tired of the same old harpies making the same old observations and suggestions. Whatever the case, you got them to respond and make certain commitments (as well as reveal certain things about the site and how it runs heretofore not known). Within a few months, the scenes currently being filmed before your email or ones already in the can will have been shown. After that, I suggest you keep your eyes open to see how management is following through on its commitments.

Thank you again, bithebi, for doing this public service not only for the membership, but also for the site itself. We all benefit if the site continues to improve.

Dear Stowe,

Thank you for your kind words; they are most appreciated.

As I mentioned in my post, although I often read others' posts, including yours, I typically do not jump into the fray because of time constraints among other reasons. However, over the years I have found many posts interesting, entertaining, and well thought out and written, including many of yours. There have been others that did not fall into any of those categories but that is no more than a reflection of society in general so why should this community be any different?

I am overwhelmed by the fact that my post generated so much traffic; I really didn't expect to see so many replies, and even though some of them have nothing to do with my topic, it is nonetheless very cool that it opened up such a strong dialogue.

I too was very encouraged by Bryce's response and look forward to seeing my suggestions adopted, to the extent feasible. I understand that the abrupt endings should end (pun intended), as, of the things I mentioned, that seems to be the easiest. Camera angles/blocked shots/taking into account less flattering body parts will require a little more effort but I believe also fairly easy to do.

As I mentioned earlier, I look forward to continuing to be a Broke Straight Boys member for many years to come and look forward to seeing what Broke Straight Boys has in store for us in the future. And, who knows, maybe I will even rejoin College Dudes if it goes back to using models that look more like undergrads instead of PhD. candidates. LOL

All the best,

Totally agree with you about the ending of the scenes. they seem to cut off the performers before they are truly done.
I wanted to repost my comments regarding last night's scene with Chris and Drake on bithebi's original thread. Some of their concerns with episode direction appears to have been addressed in this scene.

bithebi.....it took awhile( this thread began on July 29, 2017), but some of your suggestions to Management seemed to have been applied here.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE Management, keep the camera running for at least a solid minute, if not 1-2 minutes after the guys cum, and let them do whatever comes naturally.........And, at a minimum, let them keep stroking their own cocks and not rush them off the bed. If you do so I promise I will remain a loyal Broke Straight Boys customer for years to come (or cum).

But my biggest disappointment of all ... just let the camera keep running after the guys shot their loads, without any words being spoken for at least a minute. ... let them keep stroking their own cocks and not rush them off the bed. If you do so I promise I will remain a loyal Broke Straight Boys customer for years to come (or cum).

Consider it done! you are right this is an easy one to do and I can't imagine us getting any flack for starting to shoot the ending this way. We have a lot of scenes "in the can" right now.. but when we do our next round of shoots.. I promise to make this wish my command!

Sha and Bryce, it is awesome to see your words come into fruition. This was a very redeeming part of the episode. For this viewer (and hopefully bithebi too), the ending was more subtle; the guys didn't appear to be "punching" a time clock! Thanks again!

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Where is the beef? This scene has been in the can a long time and it's been in twitter for some time. I'm wondering when we might see it? IMG_2357.jpg
Where is the beef? This scene has been in the can a long time and it's been in twitter for some time. I'm wondering when we might see it? View attachment 18620
I'm looking forward to seeing Damien's "deflowering", at least on Broke Straight Boys, as well, Repareur. However when they tweeted and posted the pictures it was from the shoot week of August 28th and they are often several weeks ahead with shoots already filmed before we see them.

These were some of the models shown with the still of Damien that you posted, and Zack is upcoming this week,so I assume these scenes will be upcoming soon.

Mikeyank, I know you are right. But they posted the tweet very close to when Damenien's earlier scenes aired. I'm just saying it's s long time for a tease. I'm not sure there are that many people like me willing to wait this long! I'm not a member of the other site and don't want to have to join. Not really, now that the cats out of the bag that our new straight guy isn't a virgin and maybe was out right gay anyway I guess it doesn't matter. My guess is they originally intended the scene to air earlier because they don't usually tweet stuff out this far in advance.
Mikeyank, I know you are right. But they posted the tweet very close to when Damenien's earlier scenes aired. I'm just saying it's s long time for a tease. I'm not sure there are that many people like me willing to wait this long! I'm not a member of the other site and don't want to have to join. Not really, now that the cats out of the bag that our new straight guy isn't a virgin and maybe was out right gay anyway I guess it doesn't matter. My guess is they originally intended the scene to air earlier because they don't usually tweet stuff out this far in advance.
Perhaps I am a "Pollyanna" when it comes to Broke Straight Boys, but I've convinced myself that Damien was a straight boy when he applied for work both at Broke Straight Boys and the "other site" and that he was accepted to do both. He did just a solo there first and then came here where he sucked, got sucked and topped. And although he did go back there and got fucked, in my mind, he is still a "gay for pay" guy and not someone with a boyfriend, or who hangs out in gay clubs back home.

Of course, this is all pure conjecture and probably wishful thinking on my part. But with so few "believably straight" guys on Broke Straight Boys-2017, I need to conjure up these stories in my head to get off to at least a few of the guys on the site today. And although I don't watch them all that often, it's good to know that all of the archives of David and his futon and his boys like Mike Robbins, Tank Shane and the like as well as Clay and Jimmy, Bobby, Rocco, Ayden, Adam, Paul and so many others are available to me for instant viewing at the click of my mouse.

But for now, I am still looking forward to watching Damien Nichols get fucked on Broke Straight Boys, as in my mind he fits in with the names I just mentioned. Again, it's just my fantasy, but I pay each month and can fantasize however I choose. I've always said about "classic Broke Straight Boys" that it is a fantasy site set in a reality format and even today, given the right model, I can still enjoy that illusion or reality. :001_tongue:
Think you got it right about Damien. Definitely 'gay for pay' guy. And I hope they are paying him well enough to have him stay for awhile.
Think you got it right about Damien. Definitely 'gay for pay' guy. And I hope they are paying him well enough to have him stay for awhile.

I am with you guys. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt if for no other reason than it boost the fantasy.
This was a good scene. [Drake and Justin] Yet I am disappointed on a few levels here. My main hopefully constructive criticism would be that this may be Drake's last scene in this round of shoots. And yet we never got any update from him on he has been doing in his life since he left. Of course we have very positive regard for him from when he was here before. He was one of the few models who posted in the forum. Yet even though he chose not to jump back into the forum (and I don't fault him for this) I was still hoping for something...Anything!...to help humanize him again for the fans beyond just his handsome face and nice body.

I realize that the scenes are not usually shown in exact chronological order. So there may be a scene or two left where the opening banter might show where he is officially welcomed back on camera and where he may actually share something interesting for his fans beyond just platitudes of being on a "hiatus" before returning here, happy to be back, yada yada. If I have missed a video where a more personal update was asked of and shared by him, I will profusely apologize. That said, is there nothing more to learn about him since he's been away for so long? He's back to being a near stranger to us and yet there was nothing shared about him personally. Is he happy in life? Did he get a new car? Did he have a move into a new place that he's really proud of? Did he start taking any college classes? Has he taken any fun trips abroad? Did he pick up any new hobbies that he enjoys? Is he dating anyone? Did he have any family drama that he would have been comfortable sharing with us? I'm not looking to be rude, nosy or get stalkerish intel on him. I was just looking for something that would help re-establish the human connection I felt for him before.

I didn't expect them to make a whole new BTS vid for an already established Broke Straight Boys model. Yet I hoped we'd get some kind of interesting updates from him personally in at least one of the intros to the vids. He came back to us almost a stranger again. And it seems he's left us knowing no more about him than before he returned. Is that all we get from a model who's been away for so long? Why couldn't he have been asked beforehand to share something (of his choosing) in the intro to the videos? With the new members as well as his established fans? For new members of the forum in particular he's a total stranger. I have not been able to enjoy his scenes as much this time around because he has gone back to being a two dimensional porn model on my computer. He's handsome and beautiful of course. But on Broke Straight Boys I'm spoiled by usually getting a better understanding and appreciation of the person than just that.

I'm sorry if I got too rambling and repetitive here. haha

I had posted this to the Drake and Justin thread a while back. I hope that others will not think it vain of me to quote myself. I just wanted to give my next post here the context that would save me having to completely re-write and re-explain my perspective.

I know that there probably has not been enough time to implement my suggestion above, if there was a desire to do so. So I'm not bringing this up to scold anyone for possibly ignoring my suggestion. But I am bringing it up again to point out that the pretty much the same thing has happened in the most recent scene with Zach. I was pleased that Sha officially welcomed Zach back on camera. I feel that that's a classy and polite thing to do for models who have been away for almost a year or more. Even if the staff has already literally hugged and welcomed Zach or other models back in private off camera, I see it as a polite thing for it still to be done at least once on camera. Why? Because I feel it's the fans and audience who are being vicariously represented by the staff. Whether it's articulated as such, I still see it as, "On behalf of all the members and fans who have missed you while you were away...I/we welcome you back [Model X]."

So yes. Zach was welcomed back officially on camera. Thank you! :) And perhaps in future vids of this latest series he will be allowed to open up and share something about himself on camera that will humanize him and give newer members to whom he is a stranger, an appreciation of him as a real person. That said, the rest of the conversation with Zach in his comeback video (if indeed this was his first video filmed since returning) was really just inane filler and small talk.

Is Zach to be one more model who returned after being away for quite a while, and then leaves us again knowing nothing more new about him than we already knew before he returned?

If more substantive conversation is being avoided in the intro to the vids so as not sabotage the "fluffing" phase of the scene...then with use of editing and splicing, why not film part of the opening interview with a model who's been away for a long time (and his scene partner on the bed with him) before the fluffing and practice run of the scene? It's just a thought. I can see that if a model chooses to share something serious or sad going on in his life, that you don't want both models' semi-hardons that they've worked on beforehand, to shrivel up to nothing right before going into the scene.

In the past Sha has asked certain models to share stories on camera which they shared with him in the house off camera. It would be great if we could get back to some of that again. (With the model's uncoerced consent of course.) The introductory BTS's are great and all. But after about 6 months or so, memories fade and the models start slipping away from us as real people unless we have the reinforcement of at least some ongoing substantive conversation.