Long time forumite
A damn rabbit hole you picked to fall down Mike! ASMR I believe is called, tons of videos of Turkish barbers doing this, another video series would be hamman scrubs. Basically you get scrubbed down and cleaned by another guy to exfoliate.
ASMR - Wikipedia
Thank you again Chac for illuminating me on “the ways of the world” in 2022. I feel like you are my gay nephew to help this older ”baby boomer” type learn about the rapidly changing world around me. You have taught me about muscle guys on YouTube as well as you explained the “Pervy” photographer who had that young body builder strip down to his shorts and roll them up until they were barely jockey shorts and ask for him to remove them as the scene went black.
And now you have explained ASMR to me. Indeed it is a rabbit hole as there are tons of videos including many of very good looking guys being rubbed and stimulated by their masseur’s. I read your Wikipedia link and of course focused on this part.
”Many differentiate between the euphoric, relaxing nature of ASMR and sexual arousal. However, the argument for sexual arousal persists, and some proponents have published videos categorized as ASMRotica (ASMR erotica), which are deliberately designed to be sexually stimulating.”
In these videos where the young men are shirtless and being rubbed and having their chest massaged, and I can see their nipples get hard, I keep thinking isn’t the rubbing affecting other parts of their body too? In the video I posted, the masseuse rubs the kids legs and I kept thinking that he might go higher up the legs closer to his crotch.
As I‘ve said before, the google algorithms know what I like and they keep feeding me YouTube videos and I am perfectly content to sit back in my recliner and watch what they have they to offer me.