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YouTube & TikTok Shorts

I don’t really watch his stuff. i just know who he is.
He avoided doing anything sexcual for a very long time. I give him credit for that. I truly believe he does this for the joy (obviously it is for the money as well). I have always believed it is no different for any person to use his gifts to earn a living be it their brain or their body. It is the rare human being that can be good at what they do if they dislike what they are doing.
These are two of my regular YouTubers, StanChris and Art doing a collab.
I’m so proud of myself, learning terms like “collab”. 😁

This is not a short tiktok video. It is actually a full 19 minute video and I really don’t understand who the barber/masseuse is and who or why the kid is getting lathered and rubbed, or who the other kid in the corner is. And why is everyone smiling? This somehow found itself in my YouTube feed and I find the kid very hot and I’d like to be touching and rubbing him too. 😃

if anyone understands this, please explain it to me. But it sure held my rapt attention for all nineteen minutes and I usually have a short span of attention, but this is an exception.

This is not a short tiktok video. It is actually a full 19 minute video and I really don’t understand who the barber/masseuse is and who or why the kid is getting lathered and rubbed, or who the other kid in the corner is. And why is everyone smiling? This somehow found itself in my YouTube feed and I find the kid very hot and I’d like to be touching and rubbing him too. 😃

if anyone understands this, please explain it to me. But it sure held my rapt attention for all nineteen minutes and I usually have a short span of attention, but this is an exception.

A damn rabbit hole you picked to fall down Mike! ASMR I believe is called, tons of videos of Turkish barbers doing this, another video series would be hamman scrubs. Basically you get scrubbed down and cleaned by another guy to exfoliate.
