BSB Addict
Must be nice having so much time on your hands. Not being nasty. Just saying. Must be nice.
That was Rude..Sorry...Must be nice having so much time on your hands. Not being nasty. Just saying. Must be nice.
This particular trilogy was very very controversial back in the day. Mainly so because one of the three guys is very homophobic and singles out the gay identifying model named Aiden (who may be one of the sweetest, nicest, most endearing fem twinks ever to walk the face of the earth, lol) with mean, disparaging and homophobic remarks. Ahem! Keeping in mind that the self-identifying supposedly totally straight guy dishes out these disparaging homophobic remarks while maintaining a rock-hard boner most of the time. Me thinks he doth protest too much maybe??? lol
By the end of the trilogy, surprisingly I had a genuine respect and admiration of this seemingly homophobic guy [named Torin] for the character he showed by his extreme generosity and all the kindness extended to his straight friend Steve. While others may Talk about the nobility of helping out others in a time of need...this guy actually walked the walk instead of just talking the talk. It's hard to explain without knowing or detailing the whole backstory first to all of you. Suffice to say that it is very good porn my mind, in keeping with the Broke Straight Boys paradigm of the site. But it will also challenge and provoke you both mentally and emotionally at the same time.
But Tyler, these scenes fit your specifications of being a very good and very memorable trilogy which was shown consecutively without distractions of other scenes placed in between. lol
As an aside... I have made my strong dislike of having fem gay models on the site well known over the years. lol I've always felt that on a site called Broke Straight Boys that even a gay or bi model who is hired should at least be reasonably butch and passable for straight. Dear sweet little Aiden is one who stole my heart and broke all those rules. haha I wish I could just sweep him up in my arms, plant kisses all over him, put him in my pocket and take him home with me forever. Where I would cuddle with him every night, protect him from any negativity in the world, and exchange sweet nothings with him until we fell asleep. LOL
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Yes my dear friend Mikey. These scenes created a firestorm of protest. It got hot in here, and not in just a sexual way. lol Plenty of people would have loved to see Torin's a** kicked for some of the homophobic things he said and did to dear, sweet little Aiden. Myself included. Not only did I fall in internet love with Aiden (LOL) but to the shock of some, I also eventually came to the defense of Torin. It was complicated. haha
I'm rather busy right now. But when I get online later I will try to track down some of those older threads and repost them...if you think there would be interest. Or if you think newbies might want another trip to the well to comment on their own...that's fine too. It would take me some time to find three 8 year old threads. I know that. haha
I for one would enjoy reading those older posts and comments related to certain episodes. Think about was the BSB Twitter at the time!
Many of you may think that the storylines are made-up, in fact I rely on true stories for the basis of why the models are here. Yes! I do get to know the models and off camera find out why they what to do "gay porn", in this case, his house did burn was actually was a sad story.
Steve was out with some friends and his parents were out playing bridge (card game) and while the family was out, they had an electrical fire that burnt down there whole house. Steve's parents were 3 houses down and they smelled the smoke and seen the fire trucks....when they stepped out to see what was going on in the neighborhood, they realized it was there house that was on fire. Since they didn't own the house and they were renting the house and they had no insurance on the house, they lost everything.
When I picked Steve up a the airport. He was carrying a borrowed suitcase and minimum amounts of clothes in the suit case, we had to give him clothes and the other models let him borrow clothes while he was down filming. In the meanwhile, Steve's parents moved into friends home and Steve moved in with Torin.
To follow-up on this story, when Steve returned home, the money he earned he moved out of Torin's house and his parents got a room in a nearby Motel 6 and stayed there. Steve gave his Dad and Mom the money and his Dad and Mom works so they saved up there money and the lady that owned the house, owns another house nearby in the neighborhood, its a smaller house but they were able to move into that house for cheaper rent and they are getting themselves back in order. Steve emailed me and he wants to come back and do more scenes, but I told him I will think about it and see how he does when we upload his scenes. If you guys want him back, we will bring him back...if his ratings are low, then I'm not sure to bring him back or not?
What do you think??
Well said, Coach! haha
The models, members and the site are lucky to have Sha.![]()
One thing that I like especially about Broke Straight Boys is Sha. He seems like a kind mentor to the guys, but he's not afraid to be tough with them when he needs to. The Colorado house and the current location (Florida?) are upscale and classy. I've read a few "memoirs" of porn "stars" who talk about various studios and how they were shabbily treated. Broke Straight Boys appears to be above all that. I believe that the Broke Straight Boys guys are treated well and fairly. It bothers me when guys leave Broke Straight Boys for other studios. Will they be taken care of well? Guess we won't know, but it's very cool when they return to Broke Straight Boys I like to think the returnees saw that things weren't as green on the other side of the fence as they hoped and that Broke Straight Boys is a class operation. Still, however, I wish we had more Broke Straight Boys behind the scenes episodes like we got from Colorado. Keep up the good work, Sha. So glad you enforce a no drugs and alcohol policy at the house. Some of the guys need that kind of guidance. And keep the hot boys coming (or cumming)!!
You can do that, tyler. Just ask tampa or mikey; they are the best at digging up old threads. I'm sure they'd be more than happy to share their expertise!
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Lin/ to the scene:
Link to the Forum thread for the scene:
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Link to the scene:,-torin-&-steve
Link to the Forum thread for this scene:
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Link to the scene:,-torin-&-steve
Link to the Forum thread for this scene: Sorry.. I couldn't find it. The title may have an odd name.
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Link to the scene:,-aiden-&-steve
Link to the Forum thread for this scene:
I was able to find only of the forum threads. But I hope you all enjoy the series, and also possibly the original threads about the scenes.
I just re-read that thread Tampa, and now I'm sorry that I brought up the thread. lol I got angry all over again at Jon and Rifle as I'm re-litigating the arguments again in my mind, eight years later. You and I and Elyot are the only current forumites on that thread that I can recall.View attachment 18133
Link to the Forum thread for this scene:
I was able to find only of the forum threads. But I hope you all enjoy the series, and also possibly the original threads about the scenes.
A few pics.
In one, Torin is clearly showing how much he hates what is about to occur.
Another shows Aiden has Torin right where he wants him. "He WAS directing".
Another shows Steve enjoying Aiden's show.
I included Steve's ass shot just because.
I just like watching naked guys get it on.........
Ya'll go back to arguing. I'm just gonna enjoy the show.
Yes Mikey,
Sometimes trips down memory lane can stir a pleasant nostalgia for the past. Others can stir up old grievances and get one riled up all over again. You never know which it might be in such a long-running forum like this. We know how Jon runs very hot and cold. When he gets a bee in his bonnet there is absolutely no talking him down or reasoning with him. He will only cool when he is ready to do so. Over the course of maybe a year or two Rifle did a complete personality change before our eyes. Perhaps there were some mental health issues involved, or it could have very simply been that his husband's health was failing and the wait for that inevitable outcome just kinda turned his heart to stone. After the loss of his husband especially, who he had been with for decades (and had about 8 adopted children, and bunches of grandchildren with) he was no longer the wonderful person we first met. He rarely had a pleasant or kind word to say about any subject in here after that.
It's interesting to me Tampa, how I like to "romanticize" the past speaking of how much fun the forum used to be. But re-reading this thread from seven and a half years ago, instead of feeling nostalgic, it kind of sickened me.The point being though with this series is that is so memorable to those of us who saw it unfold in real time precisely because it stirred up so much passion, a few arguments, yes...but also in the process, some riveting intelligent debate.
I've watched all 4 episodes. Question....shouldn't the 4th one have been 3rd? I see the dates and all. Just a theory, but perhaps they were all in the can and management wanted to get episode 3 out to the "hungry" members at the time? In the future when I view them again, episode 4 will be 3rd. It will be interesting to see how the corresponding forum chatter matches up. Speaking of corresponding chatter... Thank you Tampafor crawling into that vault and bringing those conversations forward! I attempted once, to look for some conversation on a past model, and with the search options avaiable, it was easier to just slowly find a date and matching thread. For now, I will rely on your expertise and take stowe1's advice!
The background story, along with Torin and Steven's present living situation, absolutely for sure brings added relevance to this series. There are many other tensions going on besides sexual. Torin is close to the breaking point on so many levels, including his sexual boundaries. that he is definitaley in that "whatever" attitude. Torin sees his friend crossing the lines on so many levels, plus the pressures of David's on screen suggestions (once the camera is rolling), suggestions from fiesty little Aiden(after awhile), he just gives it up/submits. But, he satisfied knowing he has made close to $6,000.00 over the past 2-3 weeks! That's a lot of cash for a Broke Straight Boys!
I agree, Torin's attitude regarding Aiden in the second scene was hateful, but Aiden dished it back and held his own. That is how I saw it. He won Steven over pretty quickly and didn't get much back talk from him. Torin was the hero here, giving stability in so many ways to several people, while fighting his own demons with alchohol, as he admits. Out of the four, what struck me was in episode 3, when David suggested that Torin plow his friend, Steven. He balked but David reminded him he still was holding the $2500 fee (and I am paraphrasing) and Aiden also chimmed in that he was waiting to see Steven go anal, too, as promised. He puts on the blindfold, slowly enters Steven, then.....OFF TO THE RACES!!! He doesn't let up until he pops! As I was watching, I was, Torin is really opening his friend's butt I sense some anger or rage? Perhaps revenge because of the living arrangements for the past several weeks? His way of really "kicking Steven's ass out of his home space? In the end, there wasn't much , if any nice talk, with another parting verbal jab to Aiden with Aiden rolling his shoulders. By this time (Torin would never admit it), but Aiden had earned a different level of some type of respect from Torin.
Episode 4. My big take away other than it was out of order regardless of the date was how well Steven sucked cock! I was impressed. He sucked cock better than Aiden. I was saving my comment regarding Aiden's oral skills here. Hahaha...Aiden's cock sucking sucked!!!....visually, anyway. That is my opinion. He never wrapped around either of the boys cock with a good lip lock. Maybe I have certain standards! hehehe!! Anyway, I was really impressed with Steven's oral skills. Also, Torin caught on pretty quick, once he dropped that over the top straight boy attitude. But you know, when I go into that mode of judging straight guys, I ask myself...put yourself in their shoes and that was a girl's pussy!When I do that, I throttle back. Disgusting!! hahaha!!
Excellent episodes Tampa. Now to read the matching forum chatter. I am starting to dissect this Broke Straight Boys
p.s. Apologies for any misspelled word/grammar. I was multi-tasking!![]()
It's interesting to me Tampa, how I like to "romanticize" the past speaking of how much fun the forum used to be. But re-reading this thread from seven and a half years ago, instead of feeling nostalgic, it kind of sickened
It was great to see some of the names of old friends on the thread, but there was also so much vitriol that now I think that maybe it's better today, that we all don't get so personal when defending our thoughts and opinions. Of course there were also many light hearted fun threads and teasing and laughing back in the old days too, but this discussion was way too serious with accusations flying around. Over-all it was not a fun experience for me reliving that period on the forum.