p.s. Apologies for any misspelled word/grammar. I was multi-tasking!![]()
LOLL Tyler. I should put that warning up for every post I make.

I end up with far more typos than I am comfortable with. Even grammatical errors with missing words in places, and so on. And I've always been a stickler myself for good spelling and grammar. lol
In the lengthy post above for instance, I had completed the whole thing and was ready to proofread it before I sent it. I was in the Advanced mode screen when I hit "Preview Post" so that I could see it in bolder print on a black background. Whereby as I said, I planned to proofread it before I sent/posted it. When I hit "Preview Post", rather than putting my post up on the screen to review, the screen flashed and it lost the entire thing. All gone. I was pissed and frantic trying to figure out if I could recover any of it. I had spent over an hour thinking it through and typing it.
In some situations when that happens you can go back into the site, go back to that same thread where you wrote the lost post, go to the blank Quick Reply box at the bottom, and hit the Go Advanced tab next to the little blank screen. Then you end up in the blank screen of the Advanced section. At that point, and if you're lucky...you'll see a tab at the bottom of the blank screen saying something like, "Restore Saved Content." If you click on that restore button...and again if you're very very lucky...it will often bring up most, if not all of the post you lost. In this case, fortuntely for me...it restored the whole thing. I wasn't going to take another chance on using the Preview Post tab again. So I just quickly hit "Post" without proofreading it. Better to have a few misspelled words, missing words or mangled sentences than nothing at all. lol
Once it was posted and I knew I had it in here safely, where it couldn't be lost again, I knew I could use the Edit feature to go back and do some fixing and proofreading. The problem is that you are only allowed a certain length of time to use the Edit feature before you're locked out of it and no more changes are possible. The time limit was put in place for a good reason that I won't go into now. But I ran out of time to finish proofreading the post. So I'll have to ask all of your indulgence for a few missing words or mangled sentences. Maybe including even this post. haha
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