when the news of tyler clementi broke it was that a victim of bullying had jumped from a bridge in new york city.
then this thread appeared and newspaper articles appeared and the tv cameras showed up and thus began a public inquiry into how could this happen? (AGAIN!?)
the case tried in the media determined that but for the actions of one boy there would be not story. guilty of something, but what? perhaps, being stupid in a new jersey college.
i firmly believe that it is wrong to violate the privacy of another. wrong and unlawful are not the same thing.
the case tried in the courts determined that a law designed to protect against strangers viewing and broadcasting a person's body and certain body parts for sexual pleasure is the law that was violated.
justice will be served after how many lives have been destroyed?
whether he sits in a small cell being watched 24/7/365 or walks the city streets, he will never escape his own mind. knowledge doesn't become wisdom until you understand how to use it.
not sure where i read it, but it went this way. knowledge is tomato is a fruit, wisdom is not adding it to fruit salad.
i saw it happen once, the judge at sentencing said that the jury was wrong. the facts presented in the case did not get you to a verdict of guilty as charged.
if the judge, in this case, were to set aside the jury's verdict, the state would appeal.
i understand to need to feel justice has been done.
wasn't it robert kennedy who said, some look at things and say, why? i look at things and say, why not? why not give this kid the ability to make a better world for everybody? being stupid is not a crime. being insensitive is not a crime. being locked away would be criminal.
sorry for my rant! i just would like to see the guilty punished and not the accused defendant.
i would to get to heaven and learn that once there a student in new jersey had the compassion and skill the would have added years to my life, but he went to jail and then was deported, as criminals should be.