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The way we communicate and how it affects our privacy


Well-known Member
Jan 5, 2009
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Tampa started a threat awhile ago about this which went nowhere. Let's try it again. As some of you know, I have have been following the Tyler Clementi case. A great amount of the evidence presented by the prosecution came from communication from Mr. Ravi that was stored in a number of ways. I would like to start a discussion on here about this new world we are living in and how it affects our privacy. In other words, by taking part in this new means of communication , are we really aware of what we are exposing ourselves to?
Let's start with a phone call. Voice phone calls are not recorded. There is a record of the number called, when and for how long. This is for billing purposes. Now we have text messaging. It appears that they are saved for a period of time. Why? Same for Voice mail. I can see a reason for this. Please join in the discussion.
It is frightening when you think about it. I know when I first started using a computer I found chat rooms and I thought that any private conversations you had with someone were just that, private. Boy was I wrong!

I now try to think about what I send out into cyber land, and hope nothing ever comes back to haunt me. I try to make sure I don't write anything that is illegal, even if it is immoral. I also hope that I am not important enough a person as to have my business come under scrutiny.

I am almost afraid to read where this thread may go and almost prefer not to know anymore! LOL
Like porn, if you put it out there, it is forever!
I understand that when you post words or pictures it is out there forever. That is a decision that I make when I post something. Where I have a problem, is that someone else can take it and put it on other sites.
I understand that when you post words or pictures it is out there forever. That is a decision that I make when I post something. Where I have a problem, is that someone else can take it and put it on other sites.

This is true: it is a lesson I learned. Now I do think about the repercusions of my actions...well, posting wise, anyway. Thanks Ms. K!
everything i do that can be observed, may be observed, recorded and broadcast.

just the other day, i discovered that my ass is on google earth. i mean there is my ass on the street view of my street. off topic

jpegs, mp4s, and mp3s make up the pictures, videos, and sounds in my life.

txts, and emls make up the documents, and emails documents in my life.

pdfs make up the archived documents

when telephone calls go to customer service, the call is recorded for training.

when telephone calls go to voicemail, the message is a saved. i wonder why i would save the messages or why i would want anyone to preserve those messages and for long?

when i text, it is preserved wherever, i sent it.

now for all considerations, telephone conversations, voicemail messages, and texts are private.

if it is out there, then it is out there. once i share it, i have no way to reclaim it.

when i pull the curtains closed, then there is nothing to be observed, recorded and broadcast.

i am still evolving regarding this subject.
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This really isn't a form of communication, but if you pay by credit or debit card the store my chose to keep your purchases in a data base. I believe some supermarkets do this so they can give an appropriate coupon. It doesn't work too well for me. I will buy a bag of potato chips and get a coupon for tampons.

I think Twitter is a public forum, so one knows what to expect. I would not expect my text messages saved on my mobile phone, but it appears they are. I use a web-based email system. I can thrash my emails, but are they really gone?

I use facebook and now when I use google to search for news stories, my facebook avatar follows along with me down by the comment section. That creeps me out a bit.
everything i do that can be observed, may be observed, recorded and broadcast.

just the other day, i discovered that my ass is on google earth. i mean there is my ass on the street view of my street. off topic

jpegs, mp4s, and mp3s make up the pictures, videos, and sounds in my life.

txts, and emls make up the documents, and emails documents in my life.

pdfs make up the archived documents

when telephone calls go to customer service, the call is recorded for training.

when telephone calls go to voicemail, the message is a saved. i wonder why i would save the messages or why i would want anyone to preserve those messages and for long?

when i text, it is preserved wherever, i sent it.

now for all considerations, telephone conversations, voicemail messages, and texts are private.

if it is out there, then it is out there. once i share it, i have no way to reclaim it.

when i pull the curtains closed, then there is nothing to be observed, recorded and broadcast.

i am still evolving regarding this subject.

Can one really see your ass from Google Earth? At the time the photo was taken, were you in an area where you had expectation of privacy? This could be a major lawsuit. Google has bundles of money.
not from space, my ass is not the big.
when a friend was giving someone my address, he went to google earth found my address and then went to a street view of my address. there i am ass to the camera picking up something that flew out of the trashbin.
he first words to me were, i found your ass using google earth.
if it had been my face and i could be clearly seen, then i would go after google. there are few who can id my ass from a distance.
just one more way of showing that when it is out there it is out there.
not from space, my ass is not the big.
when a friend was giving someone my address, he went to google earth found my address and then went to a street view of my address. there i am ass to the camera picking up something that flew out of the trashbin.
he first words to me were, i found your ass using google earth.
if it had been my face and i could be clearly seen, then i would go after google. there are few who can id my ass from a distance.
just one more way of showing that when it is out there it is out there.

So, what if someone working for Google knew about your ass from a distance. Maybe he emailed his buddies about it. That would be on the record. This is an invasion of privacy from space. You could sue for invasion of privacy. And then, maybe bias charges. I am being a bit over the top here.