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YouTube & TikTok Shorts

From the time I was a teen in the schoolyard to later in high school and in college, as well as going to the gym as an adult, the guys with the hot bodies are always the first to whip off their shirts or pull up their shirts to wipe the sweat off their faces, leaving their admirers like me breathing heavy. :drool:
I wasn't sure where to post this on the music thread or the YouTube one, it's a YouTuber that plays Beethoven's moonlight sonata shirtless: 😍😍. Br will probably appreciate the classical music 🎶

Thanks to Chac for this perfect video for this thread as it is a way hot young shirtless guy playing Beethoven. When Mark set up categories for our threads he rightfully put this thread in the category,

“Free Gay Porn Videos, Pictures & More”​

I am respectfully asking our fellow members to try to stay at least somewhat within the bounds of a thread title with a theme category. This thread was is titled,

YouTube & TikTok Shorts​

With my premise being “cute gay related or just cute boy shorts”. And Mark placed it in the perfect category. We already have a thread devoted to “Members Favourite Music” and we can always start a new thread.

I thank all in advance for trying to keep posts in a somewhat orderly fashion where members can go to find what they are looking for. Wishing everyone a pleasant Sunday and a wonderful week ahead. :sun:
Here is a short clip of some cute guys on Tik Tok
Today my YouTube feed introduced me to Johnny Orlando who has been on social media since he was eight years old. He is 20 today and very much my kind of attractive guy. He sings but I’m not sure if I like his singing, but I definitely love his looks. I am a fan as of today. :drool:

Still not sure if he sings well or not, but this makes me want to see him in concert. Although I’m not sure how I’d fit in with the teenage girls in the crowd. :001_rolleyes:
