And in the Meatpacking district, which today is the location of some great restaurants and is part of the "beautiful people" and a great tourist destination. But back in the wild 1970's and 1980's was the epicenter of the leather scene with bars like The Anvil and The Mineshaft. Our tour took us to Washington & Little West 12th Street and my mind wandered back in time once again.....
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This was the site of The Mineshaft where heavy duty leather & S&M went on but the more timid and mild-mannered folks like me could go for drinks and observe the activities, as long as you adhered to the dress code, lol
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Also from yesterday, looking west, you can see a portion of The Highline, the overground park built on an abandoned rail road track. Another very popular recreational spot in New York City for tourists and native New Yorkers alike.
What a heyday that must have been! Those halcyon days and the wonderful memories must feel like a treasure of youth to you Mikey.

But then we all also unfortuntely know what brought it to a screeching halt.
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