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What's Life Like in New York City?

And in the Meatpacking district, which today is the location of some great restaurants and is part of the "beautiful people" and a great tourist destination. But back in the wild 1970's and 1980's was the epicenter of the leather scene with bars like The Anvil and The Mineshaft. Our tour took us to Washington & Little West 12th Street and my mind wandered back in time once again.....

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This was the site of The Mineshaft where heavy duty leather & S&M went on but the more timid and mild-mannered folks like me could go for drinks and observe the activities, as long as you adhered to the dress code, lol

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Also from yesterday, looking west, you can see a portion of The Highline, the overground park built on an abandoned rail road track. Another very popular recreational spot in New York City for tourists and native New Yorkers alike.

What a heyday that must have been! Those halcyon days and the wonderful memories must feel like a treasure of youth to you Mikey. :)

But then we all also unfortuntely know what brought it to a screeching halt.
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I may have posted this before, (With over 19,000 posts, I've probably said everything and posted everything at least once before). lol

But here is a video of cruising on the piers on the West Side right near the corner of Christopher Street and the old West Side Highway. I need to watch the video more closely and see if I was captured on film, lol

I didn't see the back of your head bobbing up and down. So I think you're safe buddy. haha :wink:
That song video was quite a treat if I do say so myself. I had never heard of that performance before. Let alone see it and hear it. :)
Did you by any chance visit the Bronx around NYU.
That song video was quite a treat if I do say so myself. I had never heard of that performance before. Let alone see it and hear it. :)
Excellent performance indeed Tampa! And I sure wish that I saw someone who looked just like Justin Timberlake sitting on that dock back in the say. :drool:
Did you by any chance visit the Bronx around NYU.
Interesting that you ask, as I never knew that NYU had a Bronx campus. But for the final twelve years of my working full time life, I was a salesman and my territory included The Bronx. Today it is Bronx Community College. It is on a gorgeous campus in University Heights upon a hill. I discovered that the Beaux-Arts building at the top, was designed by architect Stanford White.


It is still quite an impressive campus in a part of the city where one would least expect such beauty.

All true but we students, especially those like myself a grad student lived in the slum areas surrounding University Heights
All true but we students, especially those like myself a grad student lived in the slum areas surrounding University Heights

That's usually the way of it. The part of Tampa I lived in while attending college was called "Suitcase City". Because it was known to have such a constantly transitional population of young people who would not stay in that immediate area long term. I wouldn't call it a slum. But it was defintely not a historic or gentrified part of town either. haha It wasn't wealthy because it was mostly starving college students. It didn't have a settled, home-like vibe for the people who lived there because nobody was sure yet where they were actually going to put down roots. But I do have great memories from there and that time! :)
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That's usually the way of it. The part of Tampa I lived in while attending college was called "Suitcase City". Because it was known to have such a constantly transitional population of young people who would not stay in that immediate area long term. I wouldn't call it a slum. But it was defintely not a historic or gentrified part of town either. haha It wasn't wealthy because it was mostly starving college students. It didn't have a settled, home-like vibe for the people who lived there because nobody was sure yet where they were actually going to put down roots. But I do have great memories from there and that time! :)

Well the Bronx is filled with poor people and much of it slums. At one time of course it had been an elite area but that was in the 18th century. Other boroughs were better off.
I’ve lived in New York City my whole life and until five or so years ago, I never knew that NYU had that campus in The Bronx. I was in high school during those years and NYU meant Greenwich Village and Washington Square Park. During that era the only place I went to in The Bronx was Yankee Stadium. I love to keep learning about my city. Thank you for that additional information.
Your very welcome. At that time I used the subway system to travel around the city, esp after I got a girlfriend who became my wife and mother of my 3 boys. As to the campus it became part of the NT State university system.
Your very welcome. At that time I used the subway system to travel around the city, esp after I got a girlfriend who became my wife and mother of my 3 boys. As to the campus it became part of the NT State university system.
I was going to ask you here, about your days as a man with a girlfriend living in New York City, but decided to make a separate thread to hopefully get the attention of other forumites in the same boat, to share their experiences with us.

This is the link to that thread.

My part time job is closed for ten days for religious observances and I am taking advantage of the extra time off and the nice weather to explore the city a bit more. Today was Hudson Yards, The Highline, the new Moynihan Train Hall, (old Farley Post office), Madison Square Garden and The Empire State Building.






Ty for sharing these impressive pictures, Mike. I have not been back to New York City since we left in 1969.