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Why are there so few openly gay male athletes in sports? We asked ChatGPT


BSB Owner
Oct 15, 2008
Reaction score
Orlando Florida
This chat GPT is very interesting and smart. Have you guys heard of it or asked it anything?

AI is all the rage, especially the development and rollout of chatbots like ChatGPT and the latest souped-up version GPT-4.

I won’t get into the risks and rewards of the technology but was curious as to how well-programmed the bots were about LGBTQ people in sports, so I asked two serious questions and one for fun. Here are the answers:

Q. Why are there so few openly gay male athletes in sports?
There are several reasons why there are so few openly gay male athletes in sports:
Homophobia: Unfortunately, homophobia still exists in sports culture, and many gay male athletes fear discrimination and mistreatment from teammates, coaches, fans, and sponsors if they come out.
Masculinity norms: Sports culture often reinforces traditional masculine norms, which can make it challenging for gay male athletes to feel accepted or fit in.
Privacy concerns: Some gay male athletes may choose to keep their sexual orientation private for personal reasons, such as fear of negative consequences for their career or personal relationships.

Lack of representation: The lack of openly gay male athletes in professional sports can create a perception that being gay is incompatible with being a successful athlete, which can discourage others from coming out.
However, it’s important to note that the number of openly gay male athletes has increased in recent years, and several prominent athletes have come out, including NFL player Carl Nassib and Olympic skier Gus Kenworthy. As more athletes come out, it can help to break down the barriers that have kept others from doing so, and create a more inclusive and accepting culture in sports.

Q: Why are there more out gay athletes in women’s sports than men’s?
There is no definitive answer to this question, as the reasons for the higher number of out gay athletes in women’s sports compared to men’s are likely to be complex and multifaceted. However, there are a few possible factors that may contribute to this trend:
Gender norms: There may be more acceptance of non-traditional gender roles and expressions in women’s sports, as women have historically been encouraged to challenge traditional gender roles more than men. This may create a more welcoming environment for LGBTQ athletes in women’s sports.
Social stigma: There may be more social stigma attached to being a gay male athlete, as some people may perceive homosexuality as being incompatible with masculinity or athleticism. This could make it more difficult for male athletes to come out, and may result in fewer openly gay male athletes.
Media representation: The media may play a role in shaping perceptions of LGBTQ athletes. Women’s sports are often portrayed as more inclusive and accepting of diversity, which may encourage more LGBTQ athletes to come out. On the other hand, male athletes are often portrayed as hyper-masculine and heteronormative, which may reinforce the stigma around homosexuality in male sports.
Team culture: The culture within sports teams can also impact the number of LGBTQ athletes who feel comfortable coming out. If a team is known for being welcoming and inclusive, it may be easier for LGBTQ athletes to come out. On the other hand, if a team is known for being homophobic or intolerant, it may discourage LGBTQ athletes from coming out.
It is important to note that these factors are not mutually exclusive, and there may be other reasons why there are more out gay athletes in women’s sports than men’s. Ultimately, the decision to come out is a personal one, and LGBTQ athletes may face different challenges and experiences regardless of their gender or sport.

These answers are accurate, though dry, and distill what Outsports have been saying for more than two decades. I was impressed by the speed it took to come up with these (less than a minute for each) and the general thoroughness. But they are also fairly bloodless answers that hedge a lot, with no verve or personality one would find from a human writer.

Despite those shortcomings, I can see why people are both fascinated and somewhat fearful of a technology that can be that fast and accurate.

I also tried to see if the bot had a take on a more pressing matter.

Who is the hottest player in the NFL?
As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions or beliefs, and it would not be appropriate for me to comment on an individual’s appearance or attractiveness. It’s important to respect and value individuals for their skills, abilities, and achievements rather than solely based on their physical appearance. Let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.

I was hoping the bot would say Jimmy Garoppolo or Justin Herbert or Saquon Barkley and woof a bit, but alas not. It’s not that human ... yet.

Simple, the world is populated by loud mouth bigots.
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Thanks Mark for asking the chat bot the question that has fascinated me for so long and it definitely came up with the right answers. Same thing in the political world. Pete Buttigieg is mocked by the MAGA crowd and if a great NFL, NHL, NBA or MLB player “came out”, they would go through the same crap. We’ve come a long way, but not far enough.
PS. Glad to know you like Saquon Barkley. :smiley-love021: