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Tyler, Nu & Jake Episode


BSB Addict
Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
What is up with everybody? The new episode is up & no comments, critiquing, opinions, debates, discussions or arguments. :lol:
What is up with everybody? The new episode is up & no comments, critiquing, opinions, debates, discussions or arguments. :lol:

Hmmm Ray, you could have started us off!! :001_smile: I have downloaded it but haven't view it yet. Maybe later.... Time for bed! Take care.
Hmmm Ray, you could have started us off!! :001_smile: I have downloaded it but haven't view it yet. Maybe later.... Time for bed! Take care.

I thought I would get in early - lol
I am still downloading (bloody isp shaping - hopefully I will be back up to speed tomorrow)
Sleep well & pleasant dreams
It's ready to go: if I click High, Quicktime has it ready to watch in less than a minute. I haven't tried HD since I don't have the monitor anyway.

I'll have to watch it when I get back from Ariany tonight, but I've already given it a 5 because Tyler and Jake, and BSM Nu with his lovely smile, are in it. I know that skews the ratings, but I wanted to see if, this early, my vote changed the rating. It did, by one decimal. It stands at 4.1 at the mo.

Looking forward to what you guys think of it.

As hot of a topic as Tyler is around here I can't believe no one is talking. I bet when I get home from work tomorrow there will be at least 30 comments.

Sorry Slim, I didn't like it as much as you did (without even watching it), I'm selective with my 5's.

I look forward to hearing your opinion after you watch it.:grin:
Boy, this was so BORING! Tyler yawned his way through it, although he did seem to enjoy getting sucked. I don't find Nu sexy, (sweet yes, sexy no) so whenever he's involved I'm not really into the scene. However, I LOVE Jake, and I'm still waiting on him to be paired with someone hot.
Ummm.... yawn?
Since it's becoming apparent that no one can touch or interact with Tyler (he even pushed Nu's hand away), Jake just kind of stood there for half the vid. Nu and Jake at least touched each other. As in the previous vids with Tyler, there was opportunity for some spontaneous action on the side, but Jake didn't even bother trying to help Tyler when it was time to bust - can't say I blame him for not trying.

If Tyler was a new str8 dude then I would probably expect (and hope) that he wouldn't want to be touched right away, but this was just boring. At least he's working out and has some muscle showing now (get a tan, dude). I hate sounding critical of Tyler like this again, but maybe he should stay in production, promotion, etc. I think that he's just become too much of a "pro" for the site. Can't wait for the next episode with the new guys!
Boy, this was so BORING! Tyler yawned his way through it, although he did seem to enjoy getting sucked. I don't find Nu sexy, (sweet yes, sexy no) so whenever he's involved I'm not really into the scene. However, I LOVE Jake, and I'm still waiting on him to be paired with someone hot.
I haven't viewed it yet, but I totally agree with your statement about Nu. I've had trouble finding the right words to describe him, but your words do express my feelings that he's "sweet yes, sexy no".

He's a personable, reasonably attractive guy with a fine body, and willing to do whatever is asked of him in a scene, but he doesn't do it for me sexually. Back when I was in my late teens, my college friends loved "Screw" magazine, which was a tabloid of sex and sex videos, etc. They rated videos with the "peter meter", showing a cock in various states from limp to fully erect. Nu only gets a "one" on my peter meter.:sneaky2:
Tyler, was lacking life in the vid. He seemed really tired and totally not into having sex. He fucked well, but when they show his face, it's like nothing there. Even at the end when they walk away he's like the look of yeah what ever..... I did the job I was paid for..... It kind of lacked all the way around for me. Like something was just a little off. Would like to have seen Jake fuck again once Nu got flipped on his back, but that did not happen. I hope that if Jake is back again he is with someone different, maybe someone he is into a little more. Although I do like Nu, it seems that maybe Jake is not that into him, and therefore does not get him hot/worked up.
Really didn't like the vid. Sorry, but I found the whole thing to be perfunctory. I know these are straight guys, but this was about as passionless as it gets. And since nobody seems to have noticed yet, did Jake in fact really fuck Nu? There were no closeups of penetration or insertion by Jake when in the doggy position with Nu; in fact, it was edited out if it ever happened, but it was shown for Tyler's insertion. Don't mean to accuse Broke Straight Boys of faking it, but the way it was filmed it sure looked that way to me. If you doubt it, view it for yourself. I know that Jake is bigger than Tyler and maybe Nu couldn't take it that day. And yes, Tyler yawned all through it. I really like Nu, though. I can see him maturing into a very sexy older dude, and he is always sincere in his performances.
Ummm.... yawn?
Since it's becoming apparent that no one can touch or interact with Tyler (he even pushed Nu's hand away), Jake just kind of stood there for half the vid. Nu and Jake at least touched each other. As in the previous vids with Tyler, there was opportunity for some spontaneous action on the side, but Jake didn't even bother trying to help Tyler when it was time to bust - can't say I blame him for not trying.

If Tyler was a new str8 dude then I would probably expect (and hope) that he wouldn't want to be touched right away, but this was just boring. At least he's working out and has some muscle showing now (get a tan, dude). I hate sounding critical of Tyler like this again, but maybe he should stay in production, promotion, etc. I think that he's just become too much of a "pro" for the site. Can't wait for the next episode with the new guys!

I must agree. This was just blah for me. Tyler has this idea of being too good for the other guys. And I can see why. We get killed for any negative critic of him by members and the staff (MikeR included). I like Tyler's look. I like his body. But his attitude and just thereness is so over done. Nu...Well he has always been a video skipper for me. I see him and normally skip right by. He is pure unattraction for me. Luckily he had two hotties with him but it still fell flat.
Might I also say I am not a fan of dirty feet. Was Tyler hiking barefoot prior to this shoot or what...
Nu...Well he has always been a video skipper for me. I see him and normally skip right by. He is pure unattraction for me. Luckily he had two hotties with him but it still fell flat.
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who feels that way about Nu. Like I said before, nice guy, but doesn't do anything for me sexually. I will check out this scene tonight, as I am a big Tyler fan, and Jake is a cutie. But I generally skip Nu's video's as well.
If I had to guess, I'd bet Tyler runs around the office barefoot. I tend to agree with most of what has been said. BTW keep in mind that we are looking apx 6+ months into the past seeing these newly posted videos. I will be a while before our comments have effect on what we see. Nu did not see to react to Jake's fucking as opposed to Tyler's perhaps penetration was slight. As I said before I suspect that Tyler's attitude is explained by internal realities at Broke Straight Boys
As hot of a topic as Tyler is around here I can't believe no one is talking. I bet when I get home from work tomorrow there will be at least 30 comments.

Sorry Slim, I didn't like it as much as you did (without even watching it), I'm selective with my 5's.

I look forward to hearing your opinion after you watch it.:grin:

Hey Gurl,

OK, there was everything to love in this movie. All three of them are hot in such different ways. Jake has this perfect 10 twink frame. He's also handsome in the most original way. Compared to Tyler with his treble thick eyelashes Jake's eyes are almost bald around the edges. From the front he looks Latino, from the side he looks Irish. But with the cap covering his hair, his lashless eyes and his sculptural lips, he's like a statue from Classical Greece. He has one of the prettiest mouths I've ever seen, a bit like Paul Newman's in Cat. Tyler, yawning a bit nervously (not bored, completely the reverse) and being a good sport about being in a shoot at all, was very touching, keeping Dave on track with the facts: not exactly a vacation he said, just to make sure the record was factual. He did in fact a terrific job with the sex, stiff, loving the head and moaning while he was being sucked, fucking Nu beautifully, even helping technically by moving Nu's hand out of the cam's sightline. If he didn't feel the need to show a novice's hammy enthusiasm I can forgive him totally: he's always been pretty real and wasn't anything different in this video. Maybe it's his popularity that's given him the leeway just to be himself, but whatever, he was authentic. Nu, my fave BSM, was lovely as well with his glass half full dick, tipped up optimistically at the end, and his incredibly hot glasses. Nu's face is model-handsome and the glasses make him hot as hell. So he has a kilo more around his waist, Tyler did too. I'm sorry, I loved this video. I liked all three of them specifically in this shoot as opposed to liking them generally, which I do anyway.
'Yawning a bit nervously.' LOL. That's a new one. Somehow I doubt Tyler was the least bit nervous. I think he was bored out of his mind and completely disinterested in being there.
'Yawning a bit nervously.' LOL. That's a new one. Somehow I doubt Tyler was the least bit nervous. I think he was bored out of his mind and completely disinterested in being there.

Wow, I've never met anyone who didn't know what a nervous yawn was. He was alert, jokey, and maybe unsurprised at what was going down, but I don't think he looked bored while his dick was being sucked, nor when he was powerfucking Nu.

As big a fan as I am of Tyler, I was a bit disappointed in this one as well. The yawning was a put off for me, though he did seem to enjoy the blowjob, but let's face it, who doesn't like getting blown? His anal part with Nu was okay, but I've seen him get into a lot more; it's possible he just wasn't into Nu for whatever reason.
slimvintage: 'Wow, I've never met anyone who didn't know what a nervous yawn was.'

I know what a nervous yawn is. I just think it's a bit over the top to apply that excuse to Tyler's obvious lack of interest in the scene. I like Tyler. He's a cute guy. But in his past three videos, he has put little energy into the work and has all but ignored his partners. He won't even look them in the eye. It's your right to defend him, but it's also my right to say I think he can do much better. And I hope he will, because I believe many viewers are losing interest in watching him become a cold fish.
Tyler did seem a bit distracted. I do agree that he seems to be getting a swelled head. Tyler is a nice guy, and i wish he would just be more involved in the scene. Jake is a ten, and Nu did not have the same energy, that he showed in the first episode anally with Jake. I still think that a Nu and Jake scene, letting them be themselves would be very hot. I also think that with Nu, Jake would do a flip-fuck