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I am a huge science Buff, seriously, I love doing nothing more than talking about earth science being, meteorology, geology, volcanology, pyro tech, lights tech, and astronomy! Im studying all of these in college, CHALLENGE ME! lol if you dare!:newhere:

Hey Blake. I figured this thread would be a good one to tell you about a new movie coming out. It's a Disney documentary movie called "Chimpanzee". If I'm not mistaken it has come out in theaters this weekend. I was at a theater very recently and saw a preview.

I tell you Blake it looks awesome! They filmed a group of chimpanzees in a national park in the Ivory Coast of Africa. It's all filmed inside of a rain forest that is most inhospitable for humans. They follow the life a male baby chimp with a plotline that actually tells his story. I think for reasons that will relate to both of our life experiences that his story will resonate with you on some level.

One of the things they described doing was running huge ziplines of sorts in some of the the tallest trees within the canopy of the rain forest. But instead of installing pulleys to transport people from one side to another, they put video cameras on the rollers so that the camera would catch smooth breathtaking vistas of the forest from high above. They aren't video shots taken by helicopter. They are real views of the rain forest from within the trees themselves. The few aerial clips they showed in the previews looked great! So beautiful, lush and green.

I must say though that after I saw the commercial for it here in Florida, I sat there smiling and thinking of you Blake. All I could think about at that moment, besides how much I wanted to see it myself...was, "I have to tell Blake about this! I think he'll love it." I'm looking forward to seeing it soon. :)
Hey Blake and Mark,
I have an idea that I think a lot of the member's would love; when you guys take your next trip together, film a little and put it on the "Behind the Scenes." A lot of us are interested in the places you are going to and would love to hear and see more. I could also see Blake doing a little blog/diary about the trip and post it here with photos, explaining some of the science terms and ideas that are so fascinating.
Hey Blake and Mark,
I have an idea that I think a lot of the member's would love; when you guys take your next trip together, film a little and put it on the "Behind the Scenes." A lot of us are interested in the places you are going to and would love to hear and see more. I could also see Blake doing a little blog/diary about the trip and post it here with photos, explaining some of the science terms and ideas that are so fascinating.

LOL I like that idea. Well you might get your wish since a bunch of guys will be here for Pride including Blake. :)
The blog or diary idea would be really cool too Blake. Not anything novel sized that would feel like work. haha You know we would all love to hear things in your own words as you explained what all you saw, from your perspective as a nature enthusiast and scholar. And of course we'd to get sense of your own enthusiasm over everything you are seeing. :001_smile:
Who here has been to Yellowstone? One of my favorite places to go and I went in late 2010. For those who don't know the last eruption was over 600,000 years ago and guess what? It is way overdue to erupt again. Thing is this is not just a volcano it is a super volcano which can produce eruptions thousands time than most historic volcanos. Here is a quick video for those who don't know so take a minute and learn.


Although Ive never been to Yellowstone Ive always wanted to go someday. I have a passion for rock climbing and exploring new territory as well as hiking. Sunsets are ALWAYS better in less populated areas as well !!
So actually, about this little side show of knowledge, Mark.

We can still do this small show without getting your site involved. This is how.

Upon my visits to places you guys take me, I will start up a video blog about what's going on, where I am, agenda, and what features I will see, on you tube!

So we could just record everything on practically my phone, upload it directly, and have the link posted on the Fourm for each episode! That way it's easy access, could have random people stumble apon it bringing more fans in, possibly, and you don't really have to add any work to your site. :D

What do you guys thnk? A YouTube video blog of vacations?
I will be going on a cruise this coming September!

I will be going to Cozumel Mexico, and I will be also going to progresso Mexico.

It's a 5 day cruise, porting out of Galveston, so everyday I will probably record a whole lot, if I get a good enough hand held camera. Waterproof! Cuz I gotta record the amazing water.

Trial run: starting this weekend when I'm in Phoenix, I record all of us guys there doing a bit of our job, And whatever fun may happen afterwards.

Probably won't be much to actually create a video blog, but I will try just to see. And every vacation being for pleasure, I will record everything that goes down and edit the videos for entertainment reasons. :biggrin:
I don't need anyone's permission. Lol I just need you guys to watch it. Lol

That's a given! haha If you're in it, we'll watch it. :wink: And if Mark's in it at all, that would be quite the twofer. But if Mark chooses to remain off camera, that's fine as well. No pressure.
I will be going on a cruise this coming September!

I will be going to Cozumel Mexico, and I will be also going to progresso Mexico.

It's a 5 day cruise, porting out of Galveston, so everyday I will probably record a whole lot, if I get a good enough hand held camera. Waterproof! Cuz I gotta record the amazing water.

Trial run: starting this weekend when I'm in Phoenix, I record all of us guys there doing a bit of our job, And whatever fun may happen afterwards.

Probably won't be much to actually create a video blog, but I will try just to see. And every vacation being for pleasure, I will record everything that goes down and edit the videos for entertainment reasons. :biggrin:

Wow, you'll have fun on that cruise; I did it a few years ago. Make sure you go to Chichen Itza. It is one of the Mayan ruins and is known for its study of the stars. At the very top, you are able to go into the temple the Mayans used to pinpoint where various stars were; it's very cool!
Also, if you take the on land drinking tour, make sure you keep your towel with you. They give you a towel with the ship's name on it so that if/when you cannot walk back, any taxi will know where to "drop you off." The best drinking tour though, is the one on the catamaran: beautiful ocean views, snorkeling, bathing suits...or not and a lot of liquor! Enjoy, and if you get sunburned, buy the after sun lotion in the spa, it's the best!
I will be going on a cruise this coming September!

I will be going to Cozumel Mexico, and I will be also going to progresso Mexico.

Why would you even want to go to Progresso?!? It is a nasty little town full of nothing but danger for a white American boy. I live on the border, and trust me, anywhere you go in Mexico is dangerous right now, specially if you go alone. SAme thing in Cozumel. If you leave the ship for land, make certain that you always travel in a group. Mexico is not the fun and friendly place it was 10 years ago. BE SAFE!
Why would you even want to go to Progresso?!? It is a nasty little town full of nothing but danger for a white American boy. I live on the border, and trust me, anywhere you go in Mexico is dangerous right now, specially if you go alone. SAme thing in Cozumel. If you leave the ship for land, make certain that you always travel in a group. Mexico is not the fun and friendly place it was 10 years ago. BE SAFE!

I go every year on the same cruise, i usually try to go 2 times a year.

I love it in cozumel, im very careful, always in a group, and i never travel to far to where i cant see the ship. :P
Wow, you'll have fun on that cruise; I did it a few years ago. Make sure you go to Chichen Itza. It is one of the Mayan ruins and is known for its study of the stars. At the very top, you are able to go into the temple the Mayans used to pinpoint where various stars were; it's very cool!
Also, if you take the on land drinking tour, make sure you keep your towel with you. They give you a towel with the ship's name on it so that if/when you cannot walk back, any taxi will know where to "drop you off." The best drinking tour though, is the one on the catamaran: beautiful ocean views, snorkeling, bathing suits...or not and a lot of liquor! Enjoy, and if you get sunburned, buy the after sun lotion in the spa, it's the best!

Those spas are BULLSHIT! im serious i did that crap, 340 buck for a 90 min massage except it was only 45 mins, the other time was spent not doing anything but rubbing this green seaweed shit all over me and it was weird.

i go to progresso, and right off the ship they have a massage parlor where its 15 bucks for 45 min! i was all over that! head to tow it was amazing, and they actually used pressure, my "English Lady" barely touched me the whole time. it was a waste of money.

Common Guys, you know me by now, i go for the FOOD!!!! :D
Common Guys, you know me by now, i go for the FOOD!!!! :D

The food is where it's at. haha Carnival may be looked down upon by other lines but their food is actually rated pretty highly. I love the chocolate melting cake dessert. But my absolute favorite dessert on Carnival is their Creme Brulee'! OMG!

On the second Carnival cruise I went on on the Legend, they served the Creme Brulee' our first night. Usually it is just a one night deal. Right after dinner on the first night I marched up to the maitre d's desk in the dining room and asked if we could get creme brulee served to our table every night for the next 6 days. They immediately said yes. That it would be no problem. And don't worry. I managed to try a second dessert every night in addition to the creme brulee'. I didn't miss out on anything. haha I love all the food on cruises. :)
I will be going on a cruise this coming September!

I will be going to Cozumel Mexico, and I will be also going to progresso Mexico.

It's a 5 day cruise, porting out of Galveston, so everyday I will probably record a whole lot, if I get a good enough hand held camera. Waterproof! Cuz I gotta record the amazing water.

Trial run: starting this weekend when I'm in Phoenix, I record all of us guys there doing a bit of our job, And whatever fun may happen afterwards.

Probably won't be much to actually create a video blog, but I will try just to see. And every vacation being for pleasure, I will record everything that goes down and edit the videos for entertainment reasons. :biggrin:


Well have a great time on your cruise. I just took the same cruise out of New Orleans earlier this year. I've been to Progresso twice now. While Beth is right about Chichen Itza, it is a 2 hour plus bus ride to get there and back, so you don't have a lot of time to spend there. It is a great place to visit. However I'm told they no longer allow you to climb El Castillo. Last time I was there I not only could climb it, but we were able to go inside and climb the inside pyramid. If you want to see some Mayan Ruins that you can climb, go to Uzmal. It is a short bus ride. I had a great experience there.
As for Cozumel the choices are endless. I've done dolphin encounter, snorkeling, jeep tours, etc. This year I took a Manatee encounter and swim. When I got there I had the option of going at a different time, that was not offered by the company I purchased this shore excursion. So when my time came, I was the only one in the encounter. so I had the guide and a Manatee all to myself. Then they had two others join and I was swimming and feeding all of them.

Blake, I would recommend NOT to purchase shore excursion from the ship. Many time you can get better deals from other companies and better prices. I used a group called shoreexcursion.com for mine. I saved $20-30+ on my excursions.

Have fun and take some good shots (though you timing in Sept. is the peak of hurricane season for this area).

Live long and Prosper,
