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I am not sure of date - certainly in the pliocene or oligpocene epics, A Mont Matamoras(spelling?) erupted in the Coastal Montains in either Oregon or Washington. The eruption was so severe that it sent hot ash clouds as far inland as nebraska , iowa and missouri.
It was so severe that it buried all kinds of weird mammals that existed on the plains at that time (beavers that built corkscrew burrows, antelope with 3 sets of horms, miniature rhinos, etc).
HOLY SHIT that brought tears to my eyes, absolutely amazing!!!!!!!

I've seen quite a few of those but that one is the best ever, thanks for sharing. :)


I'm glad you like it. Each day, Astronomy Picture of the day has something new to show.

Live Long and Prosper,

I so agree Mark. That was amazing. I've seen satellite photos of the lights on the various continents at night. But I've never seen a video of this quality. And the purplish light being being projected out by lightning within storm systems all over the planet was just amazing to see from space. That was awe inspiring.


I guess I have more work to do on these types of pictures.

Live Long and Prosper,

I am not sure of date - certainly in the pliocene or oligpocene epics, A Mont Matamoras(spelling?) erupted in the Coastal Montains in either Oregon or Washington. The eruption was so severe that it sent hot ash clouds as far inland as nebraska , iowa and missouri.
It was so severe that it buried all kinds of weird mammals that existed on the plains at that time (beavers that built corkscrew burrows, antelope with 3 sets of horms, miniature rhinos, etc).


You might be referring to Mt. Mazama which erupted around 7500 years ago. It was 42 time more powerful that Mt. St. Helens. The end result is Crater Lake.
Now around 12.5 million years ago there was a super volcano that erupted in Idaho which spread ash all the way to the plains, but I don't know the name of that volcano, if it was even given one.

Live Long and Prosper,


Here are three photos I took of the last Shuttle Flight taking off. Also a photo collage of the last Total Eclipse of the 20th century.

It is not easy attaching these, so when I have the time I'll try and add some others.

Live Long and Prosper,



eclipse photos 001.jpg


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Transit of Venus

Here is one of my photos I took in 2004 of the Transit of Venus. The dot is Venus. I was east of Boston in Acton, MA and the sun was rising over a small hill and I took this photo. If I can ever get the collage photo to attach, I have a series of three images showing the rising sun/Venus.

Live Long and Prosper,


eclipse photos 005.jpg
Here is one of my photos I took in 2004 of the Transit of Venus. The dot is Venus. I was east of Boston in Acton, MA and the sun was rising over a small hill and I took this photo. If I can ever get the collage photo to attach, I have a series of three images showing the rising sun/Venus.

Live Long and Prosper,


View attachment 6063

Those pictures are very cool!

I wish that i could have seen that?! Venus. would have been breath taking.
Wow I wish so much I would of seen the space shuttle launch. I tried I tried. :(
I never made it either Mark. :001_unsure: I did see a night launch once from farther east in central Florida. Even though I wasn't all the way on the east coast, it was stunning!

I also saw the shuttle go up a couple times during the day and once at night, from closer to Tampa. Even though it was the size of a tiny postage stamp, it was still pretty cool.

I'm also very pleased that Vicekid got to show me these pictures in person shortly after the launch. It was such a thrill to vicariously share the exciting moments with him and hear his stories. It's a shame that the shuttle program is over.
I'm also very pleased that Vicekid got to show me these pictures in person shortly after the launch. It was such a thrill to vicariously share the exciting moments with him and hear his stories. It's a shame that the shuttle program is over.[/QUOTE]

The fun part of the trip was setting it all up. I only had a 4 day window to stay in Florida. And there is no guarantee that shuttle goes up as scheduled. It was due to go up Friday around 11:30 am and it only had a 10 minute window of opportunity to launch. If it could not lift off within that 10 minutes, the launch would be postponed.

I arrived in Orlando late on Thursday, got my car and found my hotel. I purchased some drinks, and food to take with me to my viewing site. Based on news reports and the potential traffic jams, I decided to leave at 2 am Friday to insure I found a good place to view the shuttle.

So with my car packed with pillows, blanket and supplies I left around 2 am and arrived north of the cape around 3am. The bridge that overlooked the launch pad was basically empty. I parked, saw the shuttle in bright lights on the launch pad, went back to the car and took a nap.

Around 7 am I set up my camera and tripod on the bridge and waited 4 plus hours until launch. It is hard to describe the excitement that was on the bridge at lift off. There were thousands in the area. It took about 6-8 seconds after we saw lift off that we heard the roar of the engines. Even at over 12 miles away I could feel the vibrations generated from the launch.

I met many Americans from around the country, driving in from South Carolina, Georgia, Houston, Seattle, etc. I had to wait three hours before I could leave where I was set up and it took another 4 hours to get back to Orlando. What a traffic mess.

With my remaining time I had a chance to meet with my friend Tampa and visited a Titanic exhibit.

When I have the chance I will try and share a few photos I took of the first Shuttle landing at Edwards Air force base.

Live Long and Prosper,

Here is one of my photos I took in 2004 of the Transit of Venus. The dot is Venus. I was east of Boston in Acton, MA and the sun was rising over a small hill and I took this photo. If I can ever get the collage photo to attach, I have a series of three images showing the rising sun/Venus.

Live Long and Prosper,


View attachment 6063

Thanks for this pic Vicekid, it is beautiful. I would love to have a pic like this to hang on a wall. I have always loved pics of the moon, the sun, and all the planets and stars.
Connections and the day the universe changed

a better way to view connections. i just love these programs

Connections,2 and 3 and TDTUC

James Burke : Connections

connections, e01 the trigger effect


connections, e02 death in the morning


connections, e03 distant voices


connections, e04 faith in numbers


connections, e05 the wheel of fortune


connections, e06 thunder in the skies


connections, e07 the long chain


connections, e08 eat, drink and be merry


connections, e09 countdown


connections, e10 yesterday, tomorrow and you


Connections² 01/02 revolutions & sentimental journeys


03/04 getting it together & whodunit?


05/06 something for nothing & echoes of the past


07/08 photo finish & seperate ways


09/10 high times & deja vu


11/12 new harmaony & hot pickle


13/14 the big spin & bright ideas


15/16 making waves & routes


17/18 one word & sign here


19/20 better than the real thing & flexible response


James Burke : Connections³,

episode 1 feedback


episode 2 what's in a name?


episode 3 drop the apple


episode 4 an invisible object


episode 5 life is no picnic


episode 6 elementary stuff


episode 7 a special place


episode 8 fire from the sky


episode 9 hit the water


episode 10 in touch


James Burke : TDTUC, The Day The Universe Changed

tdtuc, 01 the way we are


tdtuc, 02 in the light of the above: medieval conflict-faith & reason


tdtuc, 03 point of view


tdtuc, 04 a matter of fact


tdtuc, 05 infinitely reasonable


tdtuc, 06 credit where it's due


tdtuc, e07 what the doctor ordered


tdtuc, 08 fit to rule


tdtuc, 09 making waves


tdtuc, 10 worlds without end
