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About race, and sexual attraction (serious, respectful, and hearfelt thread)

Actually Iggy, I see these as two separate, very different issues. Of course our own sexual preferences are almost inborn and no one can tell me who it's acceptable for me to be attracted to. However someone who is opposed to gay marriage is denying a segment of the population the same rights as heterosexuals have, and so that is a whole different "kettle of fish" to me.
The thing is they are not denying us anything. The Courts are overturning gay marriage bans all over the place. Even the Republicans know this is a losing issue for them. Let them speak their minds about it as that is all they have over us.

I also brought that up as a model spoke an opinion and was attacked for it. We should not attack the person for having the opinion. We also have a right to state our opinion on the matter at hand. But we never should demand they be fired or shut up. Free speech can and often is offensive to others.
I am also sorry to Ambi as I have changed the subject of the thread a bit. Now, back to some hot African boys:
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Having grown up in integrated schools and neighborhoods until age 14 in NE Ohio, we moved to South FL and for the first time I saw signs on doors, such as "colored entrance in back," and "colored water fountain", "colored restroom", etc. What an education I received overnight. My values had already been formed regarding race. I believe the Soul is the same in all living creatures although the body of each is different. That applies to two legged and four legged as well. If your God is telling you to hate any group of people, you're listening to the wrong voice in your head.
May all beings be enlightened.

What a wonderful perspective Kyle. Thank you for sharing that with us. :)
I'm a mixed breed, my Dad is Mexican and my Mom is Native Indian and I love a white boys!! I have dated (well got fucked)lol by Black guys, Latinos and Indians hum and a very beautiful young guy who I think was an Arab. But all in all my preference for a boyfriend is White. Like Mikeyank one of my best friends of over ten years is Korean, I love him like a Brother, but would never wake up to him he's just not my type. This is a nice thread guys, I love you all!!!:thumbup:
I'm a mixed breed, my Dad is Mexican and my Mom is Native Indian and I love a white boys!! I have dated (well got fucked)lol by Black guys, Latinos and Indians hum and a very beautiful young guy who I think was an Arab. But all in all my preference for a boyfriend is White. Like Mikeyank one of my best friends of over ten years is Korean, I love him like a Brother, but would never wake up to him he's just not my type. This is a nice thread guys, I love you all!!!:thumbup:
With this disclosure of information, I would like to dedicate this Cher song to the great Peterh of the Pacific Northwest!!! :thumbup1:

The thread is about race and sexual attraction though, it's not about racism which are two different things.

True, but soon enough the one will be discussed with the other. Sexual attraction is different than racism as we all get off on different things. There are some who like fat girls and others who like skinny girls. Some of us like short boys while others like tall ones. Some like shoes (and only shoes) while others get off on other garments.

Eventually race does get in the mix as we wonder if we would be attracted to someone of a different race. I can say yes, I can be as I've met more than a few who turned my head.
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guys black (84).jpg
Interesting thread. In the show we explore topics that are hot within the porn industry. This is one of them. You won't just watch what happens behind the scenes, but you'll also learn a lot about the inner workings of the industry as a whole without it being too "documentary" heavy.
I'm bi-racial and I have my own experiences and opinions on the subject, but you'll have to watch the show to find out more, lol. Also, don't be too hard on Damien for what he says in the trailer. He is a dear friend of mine and his heart is in the right place. Plus, preferences can change over time. What I like now is very different than what I liked when I was younger, With age comes wisdom, a better grasp of common sense, and experience which leads us to make better choices.~D
I'm bi-racial and I have my own experiences and opinions on the subject, but you'll have to watch the show to find out more, lol. Also, don't be too hard on Damien for what he says in the trailer. He is a dear friend of mine and his heart is in the right place. Plus, preferences can change over time. What I like now is very different than what I liked when I was younger, With age comes wisdom, a better grasp of common sense, and experience which leads us to make better choices.~D

Thank you for chiming in on this Damian. It would be easy for people to assume upon viewing that exchange in the trailer that you and Damien Kyle are not only in at least temporary disagreement on the subject of racism vis-a-vis the issue of sexual attraction...but that you're also not friends. I'm glad to know that you really like and respect each other.

You are so right about our tastes changing in life. Up until the last 4 years I have had a lifelong thing about not liking redheads. I found the red hair, pale skin and freckles to be a total turnoff. It didn't mean that I had a thing against Caucasians. lol I was just wired to not like them sexually. Fortunately because of the model (Big Redwood) Connor first and then the model Spencer, I reevaluated redheads based on my own sexual evolution of tastes, and now I do find many redheads attractive. :)
The thing is they are not denying us anything. The Courts are overturning gay marriage bans all over the place. Even the Republicans know this is a losing issue for them. Let them speak their minds about it as that is all they have over us.

I also brought that up as a model spoke an opinion and was attacked for it. We should not attack the person for having the opinion. We also have a right to state our opinion on the matter at hand. But we never should demand they be fired or shut up. Free speech can and often is offensive to others.


Absolutely agreed, Iggy.

Interesting thread. In the show we explore topics that are hot within the porn industry. This is one of them. You won't just watch what happens behind the scenes, but you'll also learn a lot about the inner workings of the industry as a whole without it being too "documentary" heavy.
I'm bi-racial and I have my own experiences and opinions on the subject, but you'll have to watch the show to find out more, lol. Also, don't be too hard on Damien for what he says in the trailer. He is a dear friend of mine and his heart is in the right place. Plus, preferences can change over time. What I like now is very different than what I liked when I was younger, With age comes wisdom, a better grasp of common sense, and experience which leads us to make better choices.~D


Thanks, Mr. C.

Thank you for chiming in on this Damian. It would be easy for people to assume upon viewing that exchange in the trailer that you and Damien Kyle are not only in at least temporary disagreement on the subject of racism vis-a-vis the issue of sexual attraction...but that you're also not friends. I'm glad to know that you really like and respect each other.

You are so right about our tastes changing in life. Up until the last 4 years I have had a lifelong thing about not liking redheads. I found the red hair, pale skin and freckles to be a total turnoff. It didn't mean that I had a thing against Caucasians. lol I was just wired to not like them sexually. Fortunately because of the model (Big Redwood) Connor first and then the model Spencer, I reevaluated redheads based on my own sexual evolution of tastes, and now I do find many redheads attractive. :)


Well, thanks for that, Tampa!!!

I'm a Scottish-Canadian, and not a flaming ORANGE-HAIRED redhead, like Beth's favourite, Cameron Monaghan (who is pretty damned cute): but really a strawberry-blond, with just a tinge of red. (My sisters are real blondes, without any red, at all.) My sisters and I have always loved (and only dated, all of us) jet-black brunets. It's weird, but I think it's no accident ;-)

Anyway, I had a dozen guys (at least) tell me, over the years, that redheads are JUST NOT EVER ATTRACTIVE. And I'll admit that - maybe I have a little parallel with Betu, here - they weren't my thing, either. (My DAD is a brunet, and all you Freudians in the audience are free to speculate about all that, but anyway. . . )

There are a few (very few redheads) like Beth's Cameron, who've made me think - "Wow, that guy is really cute!" Which I think is odder and more difficult for me, than for some, because I DO think that so many of us are looking for someone who is beautiful but complementary, in terms of looks.

But, anyway, T., it is nice to know that you've found a few redheads (or even blonds) who "work", for you ;-)

I'm a mixed breed, my Dad is Mexican and my Mom is Native Indian and I love a white boys!! I have dated (well got fucked)lol by Black guys, Latinos and Indians hum and a very beautiful young guy who I think was an Arab. But all in all my preference for a boyfriend is White. Like Mikeyank one of my best friends of over ten years is Korean, I love him like a Brother, but would never wake up to him he's just not my type. This is a nice thread guys, I love you all!!!:thumbup:[/QUOTE

I find bi-racial men quite attractive (sexually) which is interesting to me. Amer-asian guys! Or, if I see a guy with fair skin, and the obvious, subtle African American features, instantly turns me on!
Wesley Pike, a model featured in a few BigDaddy.com scenes is a good example of what I mean:


He's the model on the right in the green shirt!

Again, just personal preference type of thing!
I'm a mixed breed, my Dad is Mexican and my Mom is Native Indian and I love a white boys!! I have dated (well got fucked)lol by Black guys, Latinos and Indians hum and a very beautiful young guy who I think was an Arab. But all in all my preference for a boyfriend is White. Like Mikeyank one of my best friends of over ten years is Korean, I love him like a Brother, but would never wake up to him he's just not my type. This is a nice thread guys, I love you all!!!:thumbup:[/QUOTE

I find bi-racial men quite attractive (sexually) which is interesting to me. Amer-asian guys! Or, if I see a guy with fair skin, and the obvious, subtle African American features, instantly turns me on!
Wesley Pike, a model featured in a few BigDaddy.com scenes is a good example of what I mean:

View attachment 12628

He's the model on the right in the green shirt!

Again, just personal preference type of thing!
wow he is a beauty all right, I have to say I love your taste. X