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The food is where it's at. haha Carnival may be looked down upon by other lines but their food is actually rated pretty highly. I love the chocolate melting cake dessert. But my absolute favorite dessert on Carnival is their Creme Brulee'! OMG!

On the second Carnival cruise I went on on the Legend, they served the Creme Brulee' our first night. Usually it is just a one night deal. Right after dinner on the first night I marched up to the maitre d's desk in the dining room and asked if we could get creme brulee served to our table every night for the next 6 days. They immediately said yes. That it would be no problem. And don't worry. I managed to try a second dessert every night in addition to the creme brulee'. I didn't miss out on anything. haha I love all the food on cruises. :)

The chocolate melting cake ismy most favorite thing on the cruise, I skip dinner entirely and just order those. Lol:w00t:
Those spas are BULLSHIT! im serious i did that crap, 340 buck for a 90 min massage except it was only 45 mins, the other time was spent not doing anything but rubbing this green seaweed shit all over me and it was weird.

i go to progresso, and right off the ship they have a massage parlor where its 15 bucks for 45 min! i was all over that! head to tow it was amazing, and they actually used pressure, my "English Lady" barely touched me the whole time. it was a waste of money.

Common Guys, you know me by now, i go for the FOOD!!!! :D

Fuck, well someone didn't get a "happy ending" to his rub down! Now, look back and see what I wrote, "if you get a sunburn, buy the lotion at the spa." The lotion is the good stuff, not the spa. Besides by that time, I'm sure you're already face deep in pussy, as well from what I have seen of your episodes, I think you're well beyond a rub down...male or female! :biggrin:
Who here has been to Yellowstone? One of my favorite places to go and I went in late 2010. For those who don't know the last eruption was over 600,000 years ago and guess what? It is way overdue to erupt again. Thing is this is not just a volcano it is a super volcano which can produce eruptions thousands time than most historic volcanos. Here is a quick video for those who don't know so take a minute and learn.


I have been to Yellowstone! I enjoyed my trip very much. I have a goal to see every National Park.
Fuck, well someone didn't get a "happy ending" to his rub down! Now, look back and see what I wrote, "if you get a sunburn, buy the lotion at the spa." The lotion is the good stuff, not the spa. Besides by that time, I'm sure you're already face deep in pussy, as well from what I have seen of your episodes, I think you're well beyond a rub down...male or female! :biggrin:

Oh, lol I was just ranting about the spa, but I will consider this lotion if a burn occurs, and I will thnk of you now Beth, every time I get a burn. Lol I will be like "where is that spa lotion?" lol

I found this really cool video that I thought many of you might enjoy. Especially for the man whose smile could melt the Polar ice caps. Of course that would be Blake. :001_wub:

The creator of this video spent a year doing this and used a special time-lapse video technique to capture all of these amazing images that would not be caught by the average human being. I'll attach a link to the story for those who might be interested in the making of the video and the particular locations where it was shot. It was primarily shot in the U.S. Pacific Midwest.

http://www.grindtv.com/outdoor/blog...e+pacific+northwest+making+intern et+rounds/


I found this really cool video that I thought many of you might enjoy. Especially for the man whose smile could melt the Polar ice caps. Of course that would be Blake. :001_wub:

The creator of this video spent a year doing this and used a special time-lapse video technique to capture all of these amazing images that would not be caught by the average human being. I'll attach a link to the story for those who might be interested in the making of the video and the particular locations where it was shot. It was primarily shot in the U.S. Pacific Midwest.

http://www.grindtv.com/outdoor/blog...e+pacific+northwest+making+intern et+rounds/


things about this video.
2 seconds in: I love Ryan Farish, i have his entire album, its the music i listen to when things get really hellish and i tell everyone to FUCK OFF and i listen to Ryan's new age style of classical music and forget.
Also, the video that this is i have already seen, the person to show me actually was Mark, the first time we meet and talked for 14 hours straight. best night ever!

Love this video, combination of literally everything that i like in a calming way. so now if i am ever upset.. this video is my go to.

thank you for sharing it. ;)
Wow Tampa, thanks for putting that up; it is an awesome video!
Beneath the Central Station, a North/South subway gets build. A one year, and 500.000 photo's show...

Tampa and Robert have the most interesting and wonderful pictures and film clips of anyone on this forum. Your efforts to please are very much appreciated and please don't stop. I am amused and entertained by everything you post. Thanks guys.
Who is that adorable little guy in the photo Robb? lol :)

That would be me, Tampa, in probably much better times. Now you have a face to match up to my posts. If you want to see a more current pic, check out my profile pic. It was taken at a company picnic while I was still living in Florida circa 2000.
Tampa and Robert have the most interesting and wonderful pictures and film clips of anyone on this forum

Tampa with his 5000+ posts, is indeed an inspirational founding father of this board, and in his wake he drags pleasing sluts like me...

Your new Avatar look a bit too young for me Buckeye; any 18+ photo?
Tampa with his 5000+ posts, is indeed an inspirational founding father of this board, and in his wake he drags pleasing sluts like me...

Your new Avatar look a bit too young for me Buckeye; any 18+ photo?
Dear slut,

A 18++++++++++++++++++ photo is on my profile page taken about 2000. No more photos will be taken until I'm in my casket.

I must thank Tampa for dragging sluts like you. lol You have been a lot of fun.
Tampa with his 5000+ posts, is indeed an inspirational founding father of this board, and in his wake he drags pleasing sluts like me...

Your new Avatar look a bit too young for me Buckeye; any 18+ photo?

Dear slut,

A 18++++++++++++++++++ photo is on my profile page taken about 2000. No more photos will be taken until I'm in my casket.

I must thank Tampa for dragging sluts like you. lol You have been a lot of fun.
I think of both Robb and Robert as precious gifts here on the forum. I enjoy reading everything that you both have to say. Please keep posting guys!! You are both GREAT! :thumbup:
I think of both Robb and Robert as precious gifts here on the forum. I enjoy reading everything that you both have to say. Please keep posting guys!! You are both GREAT! :thumbup:
Mikey..........does that mean you are "fan" of mine? That makes me smile (I would use a smiley face here but I don't know how to do it). That would mean that Blake and I have something in common. We would have the same fan adoring us. Maybe Blake and I ARE becoming a couple.....NOT. (another smiley face)

Thanks, Mike. You're pretty GREAT, yourself.
Mikey..........does that mean you are "fan" of mine? That makes me smile (I would use a smiley face here but I don't know how to do it). That would mean that Blake and I have something in common. We would have the same fan adoring us. Maybe Blake and I ARE becoming a couple.....NOT. (another smiley face)

Thanks, Mike. You're pretty GREAT, yourself.
I am surprised that a talented guy like you, who knows how to upload pictures of himself doesn't know how to put in a smiley, Robb. When you post a message, click "go advanced" and low and behold there are 16 smiley's waiting for you, or click "more" and you will find dozens more. Just double click on the smiley of your choice, and "viola" you have a smiley in your post. Believe me, I am no computer expert by a loooooong stretch.

And Robb, if you and I keep telling each other how GREAT each other are, Jon will chime in and tell us to "get a room", and based on your young Robb photo, (not the baby picture), you are a guy well worth getting a room with. :blush:
I am surprised that a talented guy like you, who knows how to upload pictures of himself doesn't know how to put in a smiley, Robb. When you post a message, click "go advanced" and low and behold there are 16 smiley's waiting for you, or click "more" and you will find dozens more. Just double click on the smiley of your choice, and "viola" you have a smiley in your post. Believe me, I am no computer expert by a loooooong stretch.

And Robb, if you and I keep telling each other how GREAT each other are, Jon will chime in and tell us to "get a room", and based on your young Robb photo, (not the baby picture), you are a guy well worth getting a room with. :blush:
