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New year resolution: let's stop the bashing


BSB Addict
Nov 1, 2010
Reaction score
Mark the owner of this website wrote the following message back on April of this year:

We have tolerated enough bashing in threads. You guys can provide negative comments but we aren't going to stand by and let the site and models be bashed. What we need is constructive criticism. We are working on improving things and working on some changes. Bashing us does no good and I'm not going to stand here and let members call models queers and harsh words like that. If you are just going to bash us then your post will be deleted.

source: http://members.brokestraightboys.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3129&highlight=bashing

Why insult the Broke Straight Boys team, models and fellow members unnecessary? Let's make 2012 the best year ever on this forum!
I detest censorship in any form. I hope they use a path of reasoning with, rather than deleting. I don't like bashing either, but I have been accused of it when I certainly did not think I was. Some people misinterpret others remarks. It might be a poor choice of words or a muddled idea that causes confusion, but if Broke Straight Boys has been bashed enough that it should cause censorship, I certainly have been unaware of it. I think it is more like disgruntled customers not being satisfied with the goods and feeling like they are not being listened to. That's the way I have interpreted the negativity I have read.
Hmmmmm. Well, since I have this innate ability to see things from many directions, I can see three separate sides to this issue.

I detest "BASHING" of any kind, when it comes to personal attacks to an individual.

BUT, I also detest when people are so quick to accuse, without stopping to think. Many of these BASHING accusations are OVER EXAGGERATED and INCORRECT.

We are allowed and encouraged to have an opinion. Remember that opinions are like...........and everyone has one, so they will logically differ from person to person. We should be allowed and encouraged to disagree. I learn much more from reading opinions, that are not my own.

These boys on Broke Straight Boys, are a character, an actor playing a role. When they receive a critique, it is of their character not their "real" person. We do not know the real person, so we cannot be making a personal attack against a Broke Straight Boys model. Just like any good soap opera or reality show, there will be characters we love, don't love, and are indifferent to.

Someone saying they think Jimmy gives terrible blow jobs.......is not attacking his "person." They are not saying he is a bad person, boyfriend, father, or friend.....just that he gives bad head.

Someone saying that they do not want to see any more Colin episodes, is not saying they think Colin is a bad husband, friend, or person.......just that they are bored with Colin and prefer other models/actors better.

I seriously hope that this "BE KIND" movement does not take away from the diversity of Broke Straight Boys that I love so much, or hinder people with valuable things to share, from posting here.

Now all that being said............Mark, Scorpio, and Chuck are not actors, so the same definition of "actor" criticism does not apply.

So instead of being "kind" to a model that is not to your taste, I would say be constructive and civil, but if all else fails.........humor is my favorite approach.:biggrin:
Someone saying they think Jimmy gives terrible blow jobs.......is not attacking his "person." They are not saying he is a bad person, boyfriend, father, or friend.....just that he gives bad head.
I agree 100% with your comments, MsK, however when the same person who says that Jimmy gives bad blowjobs, also says in the same post that he "needs to learn to get over himself", and that the "'blowjob' he did was so pathetic, it was both embarrassing and insulting to watch.", and finally that "Jimmy, time for you to grow up and stop acting like a child."

I do believe that this was not a matter of commenting on the character who was playing a role, giving bad head, (which is obviously true. Jimmy gives the worst blowjobs on the site, so far). I took those comments to be "over the top", and yes to be "bashing" and "insulting" to the real person, who is an active participant on this forum, who plays the role of Jimmy Johnson here.

I feel that making a character assassination, based on the way a guy sucks dick, is inappropriate, and just plain wrong.
Mark the owner of this website wrote the following message back on April of this year:

source: http://members.brokestraightboys.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3129&highlight=bashing

Why insult the Broke Straight Boys team, models and fellow members unnecessary? Let's make 2012 the best year ever on this forum!
To: Mark, Steve, Chuck, Models and all Formites:
Bonne Année, Próspero año nuevo,Prosit Neujah, Gelukkig nieuwjaar, Kulli aam wantum bi khair
بخير و عام كل أنت Appy-hay ew-nay ear-yay, or how ever you like to say it… “Happy New Year”
To: Mark, Steve, Chuck, Models and all Formites:
Bonne Année, Próspero año nuevo,Prosit Neujah, Gelukkig nieuwjaar, Kulli aam wantum bi khair
كل عام وأنت بخير
Appy-hay ew-nay ear-yay, or how ever you like to say it… “Happy New Year”
The bashing remark you never read, got removed Ms.K:001_wub:
Just a negative comment, hitting below the belt. Not a serious opinion, constructive criticisms or arguments. Just bashing. Totally unnecessary... maybe it was meant to tease me.

The thread What I don't like about Jimmy! remains... That's not an opinion, after a post "There's nothing I like about Jimmy!". Just bashing.

Freedom of expression sure, but there are forum rules too. Let Clay feel welcome here to post whenever he feels like. And all models that join this forum should feel welcome too!
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Mark the owner of this website wrote the following message back on April of this year:

source: http://members.brokestraightboys.com/forum/showthread.php?t=3129&highlight=bashing

Why insult the Broke Straight Boys team, models and fellow members unnecessary? Let's make 2012 the best year ever on this forum!

"If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?"

"If someone makes a negative comment about someone or something, and no one reacts to it, is it still bashing?"

And finally, "If you had'nt brought up the subject, would anyone even be thinking about it?"

Why bring up something that was posted almost a year ago and try to make an issue out of it, when it currently isn't an issue at all? No matter what you say or do, or what position you take on a subject, there will always be an opposing view that does not agree with yours. Some members are very eloquent and diplomatic in their writing styles, others try to be non-confrontational while trying to ride the fence, while others will "shoot from the hip" with their responses. I may post that I do not care for Model "A" for any number of reasons, while you may love him for those same reasons and thus deem me a basher of that model, when in fact all I did was state my opinion. Now that model's supporters, none of which actually know the model personaly anymore than I do, will rush to their aid, with full power of attorney over that models feelings in an effort to right the wrong that was done to that model.

That's the script, I did'nt write it, like it or don't, but you aint gonna change it, so you might as well get used to it, cause it's gonna happen again.

To be continued......
All I remember is how quite often members would unleash on David for some stupid little things, and David got upset quite a few times too because of that. So personally, if I were Clay, I'd stay away. You reap what you sow.

I also remember David getting his feelings hurt alot by some of the nitpicking people would do to his scenes that he put so much work into. It was always nice when people were praising his work and he could bask in some of that glow with us. He would sometimes give us some background on the models or how a scene played out off camera. Those were good times!

I also remember though how a scene he thought was really good would get panned by the forum and/or get low ratings. Then he would be crestfallen and hurt. And I would feel sorry for him. So having the director actually participate in the forum versus just reading it is always a mixed bag. The good times can be wonderful! But there are the not so good days that one has to consider also before deciding whether to take the plunge.

And yes I do get upset a lot when I read certain posts and you can tell by the way I post sometimes hehe.

Tyler got his feelings hurt here on this forum so much he will never ever return. And Jimmy is about to do the same.

Why bring this up... Jason have you read Tim's posts in the General Chat Forum?
"According to the forum count there are 141 members here. Most, if not all, have nothing to say. On 12.16.2011, the record was set at 4.47 am, with 1,105 members. It was not an exciting evening. Are these people really here?"

681 people are viewing the "member site chat" right now. Hardly nobody will respond here... I care.

Feel free to use your freedom of expression. I have read the opinions of Youngandconfused22, TJgoldstein, Deeteldumb and others. They shoot horses don't they?

The "Currently Active Users" is incorrect. It says that right now there are 141 members signed on. Signed on, just means that they did not officially log off of the site. It says that Colin is currently active.....but when I go to his profile page it says "Last Activity: 12-23-2011 12:23 AM". That was three and a half days ago. The numbers are misleading............
4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42

The numbers must be misleading, because such few people post here. See the pic... 687 viewing!

A friend of mine mailed: "I go online occasionally, but don't really go to the chat site anymore. I read posts, but find very few appealing enough to want to be drawn back into the chat. (...)

(...)BSB2 seems to be getting better than it was at its inception, but the chat still has drama queens who take exception or umbrage to what others say, and the usual whiners who don't know how to express differences of opinion without putting down everything from the performers to the owners to the site content."


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Actually Robert, I love the forum just the way it is now, basically uncensored, totally unpredictable. I was never really a fan of most reality television programs, but I find the forum to be more interesting than any television reality show.

I like the fact that it may be totally boring to me, for weeks at a time, with subjects that I either totally disagree with, or have no interest in commenting on. That is because it is not forced, but there is a natural ebb and flow. Other times I am fascinated by multiple active topics, and can't wait to see who posted, and what they had to say.

I also think that controversies can be stimulating, as long as no one takes it to a personal nasty level, involving a model, a forumite, or a member of management. Some of my most memorable times on the forum, were during our controversial periods. I joined Broke Straight Boys after seeing some clips including the very first scene on Page 1 of the site, Alex & Chris. That was exactly the kind of scene that turns me on the most. (By the way, I re-watched that scene a couple of weeks ago, and was thinking how the straight army diude, Chris reminds me both, personality and body type to Jimmy, but I digress).

I came to this site to watch young hot handsome, believably straight guys get naked, suck cock and more, but I got hooked on the forum. It really has been a mini series here, and I am still fascinated by it.
Okay guys,
Here's my New Year's mantra:
Don't hate...masturbate
if you're in luck then you can...fuck
don't put down my ideas and I won't give you no...jeers
we're all here to have fum (literary license), to watch and...cum
I think you can inspire me and I...thee
so smile and stay a...while
the boys are so yummy I ain't no...dummy
I like to watch especially their...crotch
so I choose peace or is that...piece?!


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and I'll try to be less sarcastic...

Clay has posted his first two messages - thanks to Rob Ryder, and I hope he'll take some more baby steps here. Maybe share some background stories with us.
Here's my opinion for what it's worth. I pay for my membership so I have every right to comment on anything as Clay and Mark seem to have no problem taking my money, Here's how I took that post from April, I am angry and took it as a threat and how dare they threaten any member. If you don't like it then feel free to refund the members money and ask them to move on but I suspect they don't have class enough to do that. I frankly don't like mean and nasty threads and tend to avoid them because I don't get my thrills from beating up on young guys trying to make a buck but I fully intend to tell management when I don't like something and you need to take that threat down from April.