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Moving on


BSB Addict
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
leeds england

It is with much regret that I have to say goodbye to you all, both forumites and the Broke Straight Boys/BlueMedia team. I have enjoyed my years on the site and especially the forum, where I have made more friends than enemies (I think lol).

So here's wishing everyone and their families a happy, healthy and prosperous life.



P.S I will remain active until my current monthly subs run out.. tara xx

It is with much regret that I have to say goodbye to you all, both forumites and the Broke Straight Boys/BlueMedia team. I have enjoyed my years on the site and especially the forum, where I have made more friends than enemies (I think lol).

So here's wishing everyone and their families a happy, healthy and prosperous life.



P.S I will remain active until my current monthly subs run out.. tara xx

There are several forumites without whom this place could never be quite the same, and you are one of the few. I've loved your waspish humour and the good-guy highroad you always take on questions of right and wrong.

And you're a well sexy sounding fucker to boot.

Don't waste your remaining time on the forum; keep posting mister till the end.

xx slim
Sorry to hear...but wishing you the best


It is with much regret that I have to say goodbye to you all, both forumites and the Broke Straight Boys/BlueMedia team. I have enjoyed my years on the site and especially the forum, where I have made more friends than enemies (I think lol).

So here's wishing everyone and their families a happy, healthy and prosperous life.



P.S I will remain active until my current monthly subs run out.. tara xx

Dear jon,

First there was Undie and now another Broke Straight Boys fixture on the forum leaving. I am sorry to see you go. Wishing you the best and hoping your mother is doing well too!

If you are in contact with Undie still, wish him a Happy Birthday on March 1st for me and much success in running his marathon. I would appreciate this as a favor to me. You both will be missed on the forum!


*sniff sniff* What is this world coming to??? I'm sad to see you go, Jon. Be well and happy. xoxo
Oh No! Yet another forumite is departing! EEEEECH! Jon, I am very sad to hear this, and can only hope you will return to us soon. You have definitely made a friend here! You will be missed!

Take Care, peace and joy to you always!
Jon, I'd noticed on your homepage that you posted that you were "going to do an Undie", back on February 1, but I was hoping that you had changed your mind. You and I have had our ups and downs over the years on the forum, but I've always appreciated your straight forward approach, (pardon my use of the word "straight" :wink:). I love people who speak their minds, and don't try to be politically correct, and say the "right thing", all of the time. And that fits you to a tee. You tell it just as you see it.

I also appreciate your great affection for music from your father's, (and my) time. It is most typical for young men to rebel against our parent's music, and declare music of our own time as being far superior to the "crap" that our parents listened to. I'm sure your dad was proud of you, an intelligent, good looking young man with a good head on his shoulders.

While we used to argue on the forum about the type of models that turned us on, we did come to respect each other's opinions. I can honestly say that whenever I see a new post from joninliverton, I am anxious to read it, as I know it will be either funny, or thought provoking, or something that get's me worked up, if I strongly disagree. I'm truly sorry to see you go Jon. You've been family since November 2008, and I'm going to miss you.
Wow... I never expected such reaction in so few hours yall - see I still pick up the yankee bits. Thanks very much for your kind words and wow Nov 2008 - jeez I could have bought a new car with all those subs lol.

My time at Broke Straight Boys has had it's ups and downs, the dramas of the gays vs straights, the forumites who tried to get on the futon but failed, the homophobic friend of Steve - was it Troy ? but the bit I liked the most is this part of the forum where we get to chat about anything. There are not many threads on this side of the fence that resort to bitching or bad mouthing - all that is done in Section B as I call it.

Huge respect to those members who put so much time and thought into their posts - Jayman, Slim, Stimpy, MikeYank to name a few. I could never take so much time to write such in depth posts because of my heavy work and social commitment. Massive respect to MarkyMark and his partner for doing what they do best and to people like Gary who's had his share of problems but keeps his head up - love ya Gaz. Big hug goes out to Tampa who's been very quiet of late - hope you're okay D.

The girls too have made this forum a good place to be - I was a bit unsure at first and kept well away from Miss D's whip, but then the smell of leather drifted across the Atlantic and I wanted more. Big lurv to Miss K and I promise to keep my grumps to myself in future - snogs to lumpy too and a hug for Joe who I'm sure won't be offended by me including him with his friends xx

Finally some british love to my good friend Zyl, Lester and Undie. New York is looking good for May.

PS. Don't be offended if I've missed you out - you're all favourites but it's getting close to 2am and my brain hurts. x
Wow... I never expected such reaction in so few hours yall - see I still pick up the yankee bits. Thanks very much for your kind words and wow Nov 2008 - jeez I could have bought a new car with all those subs lol.

My time at Broke Straight Boys has had it's ups and downs, the dramas of the gays vs straights, the forumites who tried to get on the futon but failed, the homophobic friend of Steve - was it Troy ? but the bit I liked the most is this part of the forum where we get to chat about anything. There are not many threads on this side of the fence that resort to bitching or bad mouthing - all that is done in Section B as I call it.

Huge respect to those members who put so much time and thought into their posts - Jayman, Slim, Stimpy, MikeYank to name a few. I could never take so much time to write such in depth posts because of my heavy work and social commitment. Massive respect to MarkyMark and his partner for doing what they do best and to people like Gary who's had his share of problems but keeps his head up - love ya Gaz. Big hug goes out to Tampa who's been very quiet of late - hope you're okay D.

The girls too have made this forum a good place to be - I was a bit unsure at first and kept well away from Miss D's whip, but then the smell of leather drifted across the Atlantic and I wanted more. Big lurv to Miss K and I promise to keep my grumps to myself in future - snogs to lumpy too and a hug for Joe who I'm sure won't be offended by me including him with his friends xx

Finally some british love to my good friend Zyl, Lester and Undie. New York is looking good for May.

PS. Don't be offended if I've missed you out - you're all favourites but it's getting close to 2am and my brain hurts. x

thanks jon, and no i dont mind at all being lumped in with the ladies, they seem to be my clique here. we've had our ups and downs, and im greatful for all of them. one of my favorite ventures in life is meeting and getting to know new people. hopefully youll stay in touch!
Wow... I never expected such reaction in so few hours yall - see I still pick up the yankee bits.

No. That is not a yankee bit. That is a rebel, or confederate bit. The yankees are up where yankee Mike is and the rebels are down in the south, where cuddin Mike is, in Georgia, or JAWjah.

But you've picked for your own one of the most charming contractions used by any Americans, and it suits you very well.

Huge hug again:thumbup1::001_wub:

And to Zyl, Lester and Undie, y'all are very lucky to be meeting him.

It has been a pleasure having you on the forum. Your words of wisdom, your humor, insights were always appreciated. It did not matter if we agreed or disagreed with you, we always knew where you stood and why.

You will be missed by all. I wish you well wherever life's journey takes you. Hopefully, one day you might just decide to come back.



No. That is not a yankee bit. That is a rebel, or confederate bit. The yankees are up where yankee Mike is and the rebels are down in the south, where cuddin Mike is, in Georgia, or JAWjah.

But you've picked for your own one of the most charming contractions used by any Americans, and it suits you very well.

Huge hug again:thumbup1::001_wub:

And to Zyl, Lester and Undie, y'all are very lucky to be meeting him.

Slim how unbritish are you lol. You must surely realise that us uncivilised Brits call all Americans Yanks no matter where they come from. lol
Slim how unbritish are you lol. You must surely realise that us uncivilised Brits call all Americans Yanks no matter where they come from. lol

That part's true, but not everyone says y'all. More or less it's south of a line running east from Joplin Missouri to Baltimore Maryland that you start to hear natural, unselfconscious y'allin' going on, and the farther south the more of it you hear.

Y'all sounds like it should refer to two or more people, but not so. "You all" can be one person, as in "y'all gonna give me uh key-iss?". And one of the most fetching constructions is the possessive, as in "Wuz thet thaiah y'all's Dildo on toppa the medsin cabnitt?"
Y'all cum back! Yuhere!

That part's true, but not everyone says y'all. More or less it's south of a line running east from Joplin Missouri to Baltimore Maryland that you start to hear natural, unselfconscious y'allin' going on, and the farther south the more of it you hear.

Y'all sounds like it should refer to two or more people, but not so. "You all" can be one person, as in "y'all gonna give me uh key-iss?". And one of the most fetching constructions is the possessive, as in "Wuz thet thaiah y'all's Dildo on toppa the medsin cabnitt?"

Dear Slim,

Cud y'all tells me whatsa medsin cabnitt ass I gots therest?

Thanks vermuch y'all!

Wow... I never expected such reaction in so few hours yall - see I still pick up the yankee bits. Thanks very much for your kind words and wow Nov 2008 - jeez I could have bought a new car with all those subs lol.

My time at Broke Straight Boys has had it's ups and downs, the dramas of the gays vs straights, the forumites who tried to get on the futon but failed, the homophobic friend of Steve - was it Troy ? but the bit I liked the most is this part of the forum where we get to chat about anything. There are not many threads on this side of the fence that resort to bitching or bad mouthing - all that is done in Section B as I call it.

Huge respect to those members who put so much time and thought into their posts - Jayman, Slim, Stimpy, MikeYank to name a few. I could never take so much time to write such in depth posts because of my heavy work and social commitment. Massive respect to MarkyMark and his partner for doing what they do best and to people like Gary who's had his share of problems but keeps his head up - love ya Gaz. Big hug goes out to Tampa who's been very quiet of late - hope you're okay D.

The girls too have made this forum a good place to be - I was a bit unsure at first and kept well away from Miss D's whip, but then the smell of leather drifted across the Atlantic and I wanted more. Big lurv to Miss K and I promise to keep my grumps to myself in future - snogs to lumpy too and a hug for Joe who I'm sure won't be offended by me including him with his friends xx

Finally some british love to my good friend Zyl, Lester and Undie. New York is looking good for May.

PS. Don't be offended if I've missed you out - you're all favourites but it's getting close to 2am and my brain hurts. x

My British lover :( I come back and you leave. Hopefully, I'll be able to catch up on yahoo with you a bit more. Miss you... xoxoxoxo.

It is with much regret that I have to say goodbye to you all, both forumites and the Broke Straight Boys/BlueMedia team. I have enjoyed my years on the site and especially the forum, where I have made more friends than enemies (I think lol).

So here's wishing everyone and their families a happy, healthy and prosperous life.



P.S I will remain active until my current monthly subs run out.. tara xx

sorry to see you go jon, Take care of yourself and your friend. peace and love to you and your family.
sorry to see you go jon, Take care of yourself and your friend. peace and love to you and your family.

Thanks I2ina69 and you keep on trucking safely ok. Each time I see one of the those big american trucks I'll be thinking of you.

Also - for those who want to keep in contact take a look at my profile. :001_tt2:

PS Membership finishes on 28th but I'll be in Spain by then anyways.
My British lover :( I come back and you leave. Hopefully, I'll be able to catch up on yahoo with you a bit more. Miss you... xoxoxoxo.

Zyl, my American heart throb - don't tell Lester though :001_wub:

I sent you a yahoo message yesterday but you're never online :cursing:

Laterz darling x
mistah stimpy, a medsin cabnitt is that thang wutha mirruh onit you gat hangin above ya wash basin, that's gotta Dildo on top an a buncha Cialis an Rogaine, toothpaste, condoms an aspirin, inna insaad.

My friend you will be missed. I too have enjoyed your posts. I have enjoyed your humor and you have helped me better understand the pulse of the world in general on many an occasion. I too am getting very busy. So, I can understand that whole busy life thing. I do hope to see you again soon. Don't forget to come back and visit. I,for one, am always glad to see you.

Nameste my friend.