I have debated about throwing my two cents into this thread as I haven't been a member for that long and not exactly sure where in the chain of "style" I came to this site, but I do have my opinions about the current state of affairs here. Please understand that I mean no disrespect to anyone, management/model/director or anyone else connected to this site...and I may not have the names right in my assessment of who, where, why or when....
Interviews: I long for the interviews of Sha and the models. It was professional, informative, mature, and classy. Currently it comes across to me as cheap, unprofessional, and ill prepared and tacky.
Models:Most, but not all appear to me as totally gay and very much on the "nelly" side. There are a few exceptions. That doesn't mean that most of the boys aren't cute or attractive, just not that masculine. Under the previous filming regime models probably wouldn't be allowed to come across as disrespectful or rude. Not the case currently. The fake bravado I witnessed from one of the last scenes' model wouldn't have been tolerated. Quite frankly, he just isn't "all that" in my opinion. We "old folks" are the ones paying for his presence on this site. When compared to the classiness of someone like Tanner to this young man, there is no comparison.
While the thought of a straight guy having some sort of sex with either another straight guy or a gay guy is why I joined this site I am ok with pretending that at least one of the performers coming across as straight or mostly straight. I guess masculinity is what does it for me. I know there must have been many considerations in making the decision to revert to the original style but given what I have seen so far (there are extenuating circumstances I know) I much prefer the days of Jake, Tanner, and so many other fine young men, to the current situation. JMO
Thank you for chiming in Sha. It's nice to know you are still around with us.xo
As I've spoken to on another thread I don't think it's fair to give much in the way of negative feedback when we are in the midst of Covid. When referring to model hires in particular I'm well aware that the options of the company to hire, test and transport these models to the studio under current circumstances is extremely challenging. These are obviously not normal times.
The only thing that I might indulge in splitting some hairs on in your post is the issue of having straight, or straight-ish or straight-er models. It doesn't matter to me so much whether a straight acting model can prove that he has a girlfriend, or a wife, or kids. Or that he take a lie detector test to answer the sexual orientation question successfully in the strictly hetero affirmative. I don't mind if a model is secretly gay, pansexual, polysexual, bi, straight-curious, etc. If they're not truly straight, that's not a deal breaker for me. But I would prefer that at least one model of the pairing be more butch and able to pass for straight. Even if he's not straight.
Someone brought up Tanner and he's a perfect example of a model who I've come to see over time from social media and anecdotal evidence as being less than 100% straight. However he is still very popular on the site (for myself and others) precisely because he is butch enough to offer a nice contrast to some of the gayer and more effeminate models he's paired with. While it would be cool (for me at least) to have lots of scenes with seemingly straight on straight models performing gay sex, I realize how unreasonable and impractical that is nowadays.
I know right now that it's tough enough just to find a pool of models who are willing and able to make it safely to the set with all the upheaval going on in the world. But once things start to return to pre-Covid normal I'm hoping we'll see more of the types of contrasted pairings I describe above.
Upon further review I'd like to point out that our friend SFP said almost exactly the same things as me in somewhat different words. And he said it first. haha I should have maybe skipped my post and and just wrote, What SFP said!

And SFP... I'm glad you're throwing your two cents in. There's no seniority system in here as to who gets to post or whose opinion carries more weight.
If you're a member and you pay your dues to be here like everyone else, the company (and all the rest of us) are happy to hear from you.