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The lack of "Straight Boys" on Broke Straight Boys

With the release of Charlie's first couple of scenes, I do believe that his primary sexual orientation is heterosexual. It made me think of guys who've appeared on the site in the past who are primarily straight in their lifestyles. Earlier in this thread, Jay mentioned Elijah Scott who apparently fits in that category as well. My mind was wandering earlier this morning and I thought of four who I also believe are basically straight. Diesal and Shane are models from the Broke Straight Boys-1 era and I believe I heard that they are both in committed relationships with women. Ayden always spoke about his girlfriend and his little boy, and for a time I had access to his real social media, which he deleted shortly thereafter and he showed family pics with his girl, his son and even his real family members and friends. The fourth is a guy who only made limited appearances here, Abram Hoffer but I got the same vibe from him. All four were able to fuck dudes, and even get fucked, but to me they were true Broke Straight Boys in the literal sense.





Of course as I type this a ton of other names come to mind, including three who've passed away, Mike Robbins, Dustin and Tyler White. And I can;t leave out Jimmy Johnson as a straight identifying model. And much more recently Axel Green came across as straight, so the list has many names. But as I've come to realize going way back to the earliest days, a lot more were really gay than straight. Hence my favorite expression relating to the subject. I enjoy the "believably straight" ones, at least.

Today is a work day for me, so as I commute to work, I'm sure I will think of other names.
I didn't realize you had become a working stiff again buddy.

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I’ve been working two days a week right along since my retirement from full time work in June 2016. I don’t do it for the money but it is good for the brain, staying sharp dealing with my crazy bosses. And it’s nice knowing that they need me more than I need them. :cool:
I’ve been working two days a week right along since my retirement from full time work in June 2016. I don’t do it for the money but it is good for the brain, staying sharp dealing with my crazy bosses. And it’s nice knowing that they need me more than I need them. :cool:

I remembered that part. But for some reason I was thinking that you had eventually fully retired. Just confused I guess. I'll blame it on Covid. haha
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After watching Jay’s brilliant “Best of AdamBaer-Part1” yesterday, I started thinking bout how watching all those clips got me more excited sexually than watching most of the newer models and scenes and wondering why. We never know the true sexuality of any guy who performs here, but the old “believably straight” term comes to mind for me watching Adam, Ayden, Carter, Liam, Skyler, Johnny and even Paul having gay sex. One factor is that this was the first porn site for them all, to my knowledge and so the perception of them being straight was easier for me to believe. And there was an innocence and a look of wonder in them at how pleasurable man on man sex could be.

I understand that many of today’s models live in heterosexual relationships and only do gay porn for money, but in my mind it is often, “by the numbers” sex and does not seem as innocent in my eyes anyway. We’ve discussed the changes in the industry and in guys in general today as compared to a decade ago and longer, but watching the boys from Adam’s era on the site brought this all to mind again, and I wanted to comment on my feelings while watching the compilation video.