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Pissed off & impatient members-Changes on BSB


BluMedia Staff
Staff member
Oct 26, 2008
Reaction score
South Florida
In the past recent weeks, many members have voiced there opinions regarding our changes and when they are going to happen and the recent "boring" scenes that have been updated.

First, I want to thank all the members that are not impatient and understand what we are doing here on this site and the reason for this thread.

When we film scenes for Broke Straight Boys, we just don't film one or two scenes. In a given week we film at least 6-7 episodes. Our production schedule is mixed with an electric group of models which some may find boring and ugly while some may find hot and very cute. When you do the math and we film at least 6 episode a week and we film 3 weeks of Broke Straight Boys in a month, we end up with an average of 18 reels of Broke Straight Boys content that needs to be edited, cleaned up and all the photos need to be ready and set up to upload to the site. This takes a lot of time and we film a lot so the reels pile up fast. Since we update the Broke Straight Boys site 3X in a week, the reels also go fast so that is why we have to keep up with supply and demand and keep ahead of ourselves. Because we have a lot of reels in the can, we had a lot of reels that were filmed in non-HD and those are the reels that Mark took out of order.

Now, like some members have mention, this issue is like beating a dead horse into the ground...we know the reels have been out of order, we realize it, we are making the corrections. We get it!!! For whatever reasons why the reels are out of order...I'm not going to explain why...read the other threads and do some research on this forum and you will get your explanation to why they are out of order.

When we moved into our new office and studio space, Mark and I were debating to film future Broke Straight Boys scenes in HD. Personally, I like the digital filming and none of our members ever complained about our quality of filming. I think our quality is pretty good and if you choose the higher streaming, the picture quality is excellent. However, technology is changing and as a business and consumer we are ALL being forced to change into HD. Mark and I decided it was time to switch Broke Straight Boys and film in HD as our first HD site. I have to admit and tell everyone the picture quality is very good. Now, the first 30 reels is a bit off color balance (which you may not see anyways) but we see it as we are in production and we see certain things wrong that you may not see. We all had to learn to use HD because its a lot different and we had to learn a new system.

Now with this being said, as we decided to change into HD, I also made some other changes...we are going to start filming in HD with hotter models, hotter action and we are going to use a lot of different models. You will see some of the same ole models in HD but you will also be seeing a lot of new faces that you haven't been introduced to yet. I have matched some of the new models with some of the repeat models. Some models will be paired up together that are totally brand new to the site. But this had been filmed in HD. The content you have been seeing now is the old footage that has been filmed in digital format that Mark is placing up on the site. jwglass, made a great analogy on another thread about these "so-so, boring episodes".

Now, let me address models. Many of the forumites have this belief that some of these models are professional porn stars...heck some even think they are all gay. I said this a long time ago, I'm not going to debate and argue about the sexuality of our models that appear on this site. If you want to know my personal view on our models...again do some research on this site and you can find the answers to this question. Again, this issue is like beating a dead horse to the ground. YOU as members can believe what you want to believe about our models. If you think they are all gay...thats fine by me, if you want to believe they are straight...that is fine by me...I'm not going to argue anymore. However, I'm going to defend myself and management when members request to see certain models. We have thousands of members and only a very small percentage of members are actually active on this forum. For management, this is our only way to monitor what our members think. We also get a lot of emails from members that never post on this site and you never hear from so we have to respect them as well and listen to there needs. The one thing all our members have in common is that they want to see certain models over and over again. Overwhelmingly 75% of the emails we get is requesting to see certain models once again, over again. As a good business practice and to satisfy our members, we bring back those models. Its YOU the members that decided which models are the most popular. I can give a rats ass which models or popular or not, this issue doesn't effect me at all...I just hire models that I think can film and fit the role as a Broke Straight Boys and film them...YOU make them popular and by your requests, we bring them back. As management we bring them back and we film them. As often as we bring them back, there is certain sexual activities these boys are going to do. It brings us back to the issue if these boys are straight or not. Now, I'm going to go out on a fact here...these models are not pros, they are not gay for the most part and they are not going to do 100% gay sex. If you want a model back again, over and over again...don't expect them to start doing then following:

Tops becoming Bottoms
Bottoms becoming Tops
Swallowing Cum
Bareback Sex

and any other type of sexual activity that a normal gay guy would do. Your not going to see this on Broke Straight Boys site. This is the reason why Mark developed a site called brokecollegeboys.com this site is geared for those boys that are willing to have gay sex...and explore...why? because those boys on that site are mostly GAY!!! or BISEXUAL and or willing to explore more. Our boys are not that willing to dive into hardcore gay sex. So if you request a model over & over again...they will do the same sex act over and over again but with different partners. This is what we have to deal with because our boys are straighter then your average porn boy doing porn.

The irony of all this is when we do bring back models due to members request, we get bashed, threaten that members are going to cancel there memberships, we get nasty rude comments and nasty rude posts on this forums then arguments pursue and all hell breaks loose and then I have too stop what I'm doing out of my busy day to make a long ass thread/post explaining why and what. Then management has to listen to bitching from our members regarding boring scenes and repeat models, just because we listen to YOU the members and satisfied YOUR requests by having return models come back over and over again. Don't bitch at us...bitch at your fellow members...bitch at the wall...and if you don't like what you see, then cancel your membership...don't threaten us...do it..cancel your membership and we will see you back here in a few months, sign up again...do the trial run for 3 days and if you see what you like...then welcome back...we will never deny any member there right to cancel or come back...again..this is the type of business we are in. Members come, members go...just like models.

For the changes. I'm not going to give you specific dates and time frames but within this year, the changes will be noticed...such as better looking models, some surprises from our models that have appeared on the site several times that I make them push the envelope a bit more and we get more action out of them. A lot of new faces or fresh meat...LOL. A nicer updated set, some scenes outside of the studio....the episodes will be in order so this will be less confusing for everyone including management. Some of your favorite models you will not see anymore or not on Broke Straight Boys Some of the old time favorite models may reappear in a few Broke Straight Boys episodes. These are the changes that will effect you as members. Now, please don't threaten us to see the episodes out of order or ahead of its time. If you can't wait and be patient and you have the need to threaten us by canceling your membership...then again..cancel your membership and come back and visit us again in a few months. But don't well and scream and be rude to us because we are placing the scenes in order. Don't request the new models to see them over and over again and then bitch at management :thumbdown:

If you can't control yourselves, and YOU have issue's and you want to be rude...seek outside help..don't take it out on management as we keep improving and listening to our members. On March 31, 2010 HD and the new changes will be going into effect. I will be turning a new leaf over...if your going to be rude to management...I will PM you personally and we can chat about your issue's and hopefully we can resolve it by chat or by phone.

Sorry for the long thread...but hopefully this can clear up some issues we have been having with certain members.

Overall, we love our members, you guys are great! and we do appreciate your support and for those silent members that may read the post, but don't post...lets hear from you!!!
David, Mark, and other Management,

I just want to say thank you for such a great site and running a great company. I am an active reader to these forums, but not responder. Maybe that will change soon.

As I have been reading about these changes and everyone's complaints, I have not given up or even thought twice about canceling my membership as others have threatened. I have also not wondered whether or not you and the team were lying to us about whether or not the changes would actually happen or when. I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and should voice it; however I find it irritating that people would threaten you like this in hopes of speeding up the new changes. I may not have much experience in the video production business, but I do understand that it is a very time consuming process. I do not know how many people are on staff between the different companies and sites. But with all that you have going on, I applaud you all that you are still taking the time to better Broke Straight Boys…while still producing the many great sites and keeping customer service at such a high level.

You have promised new changes, a better and faster site, hotter models, etc...and I believe you will keep that promise. I am behind you 100% and am looking forward to these changes as much I am sure you are to. I believe that when these changes are complete it will be worth all of the time we have been waiting. If nothing else, hopefully people will regret being as rude as they were, but unfortunately I doubt that. It is time everyone becomes more appreciative and less demanding.

Again, always remember you still have members that are supportive of you and your efforts to continue and provide us with the best porn site on the internet. Keep up the great work, please do not loose hope!

David, Mark and everyone of the hardworking D&E and BluMedia crew:

You are moving forward in a sensible fashion, after all you are businessmen. It would seem to be a waste of all your resources to not use what reels you have in the can - they are bought and paid for.

I look forward to HD coming up. I am also looking forward to seeing your new models and the returning ones as well. You have a great product and HD will only make it better in the long run.

As for who's str8 and whose not..... having met some of the touring models (Derek and Johnny) and having referred a new model to Broke Straight Boys, I know that those guys are str8. And yes they have limits on what they may or may not do. BCB is full on gay sex, if that's what you want. Broke Straight Boys may leave you wanting more but that's the nature of the beast.

I have been critical of management in the past. I am no longer willing to cause that kind of turmoil. It serves no purpose. David is more than willing to accept constructive criticism and comments. These are better done in private as he has said in this thread. We have here a situation where we can be "involved" in, but not run, a first class website. Let's keep that in mind.

IMHO David, Eddie, Monica, Tyler, and Chris at D&E and Mark, Stephane, Sha and Chuck at Blu are great and we should really appreciate that fact.

Take what you like of what I have said and leave the rest.
David, Mark, and other Management,

I just want to say thank you for such a great site and running a great company. I am an active reader to these forums, but not responder. Maybe that will change soon.

As I have been reading about these changes and everyone's complaints, I have not given up or even thought twice about canceling my membership as others have threatened. I have also not wondered whether or not you and the team were lying to us about whether or not the changes would actually happen or when. I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and should voice it; however I find it irritating that people would threaten you like this in hopes of speeding up the new changes. I may not have much experience in the video production business, but I do understand that it is a very time consuming process. I do not know how many people are on staff between the different companies and sites. But with all that you have going on, I applaud you all that you are still taking the time to better Broke Straight Boys…while still producing the many great sites and keeping customer service at such a high level.

You have promised new changes, a better and faster site, hotter models, etc...and I believe you will keep that promise. I am behind you 100% and am looking forward to these changes as much I am sure you are to. I believe that when these changes are complete it will be worth all of the time we have been waiting. If nothing else, hopefully people will regret being as rude as they were, but unfortunately I doubt that. It is time everyone becomes more appreciative and less demanding.

Again, always remember you still have members that are supportive of you and your efforts to continue and provide us with the best porn site on the internet. Keep up the great work, please do not loose hope!


Hey Erik,

Welcome to the forum and its nice too see and hear from what I call the "silent members". Its members like you that make all the difference and hopefully your words of wisdom will rub off on those members that think otherwise.

Thank you for your kindness and understanding!
David, Mark and everyone of the hardworking D&E and BluMedia crew:

You are moving forward in a sensible fashion, after all you are businessmen. It would seem to be a waste of all your resources to not use what reels you have in the can - they are bought and paid for.

I look forward to HD coming up. I am also looking forward to seeing your new models and the returning ones as well. You have a great product and HD will only make it better in the long run.

As for who's str8 and whose not..... having met some of the touring models (Derek and Johnny) and having referred a new model to Broke Straight Boys, I know that those guys are str8. And yes they have limits on what they may or may not do. BCB is full on gay sex, if that's what you want. Broke Straight Boys may leave you wanting more but that's the nature of the beast.

I have been critical of management in the past. I am no longer willing to cause that kind of turmoil. It serves no purpose. David is more than willing to accept constructive criticism and comments. These are better done in private as he has said in this thread. We have here a situation where we can be "involved" in, but not run, a first class website. Let's keep that in mind.

IMHO David, Eddie, Monica, Tyler, and Chris at D&E and Mark, Stephane, Sha and Chuck at Blu are great and we should really appreciate that fact.

Take what you like of what I have said and leave the rest.


Since you've been helping with referring models to our studio, you understand the type of models we are asking about and you see first hand the type of guys we deal with.

Also as a long time member and friend, I thank you for your kind words and I understanding and look forward to chatting with you in the future!!!
Dear David, Mark and the rest of the crew,

I haven`t been a member on this site for long but I have already lost patience over some of the member`s rants and whining. So, I take my hat off to you guys and say "You guys are my hero!" :D Patience is a virtue, as they say.

I have a confession; I have never looked at porn the same way ever since I walked into Broke Straight Boys In a good way, of course. I like how we get to know the models before they perform. It just brings us back a step and remind ourselves that these models, are just like you and me - normal people. Some get nervous, some don`t. Some would do more than others, some don`t even want to try.

And last but not least, I will try my best to save up from now onwards to stay with the site. I love the boys, I love the forumites and I love all you people making all these possible! <3

Your Asian Girl,
Well said David. As one who has been critical in posts, I want to say that through a couple of PM's and this post, you've changed my thinking-something that is not easily accomplished. :001_cool:

Keep doing what you're doing and I'll keep my happy ass planted on your site.
Thanks David!

David: I appreciate your lengthy post and I believe that you certainly summed-up the whole mess. I don't write often, but I do enjoy this site tremendously. I appreciate your efforts to please all, but, in reality, it can't be done. I know you spend huge amounts of money flying people in and sometimes think the members don't realize what is involved. I also really like the models as largely amateurs. If one wants slick, gloss and pros, all I can say is go out and get one of those other sites. Myself, they bore me because their models are bored with that they are doing and have been up and down the road to exhaustion.:001_unsure: I appreciate what you and the staff do and I really like to see some of these boys discover what they can do with another man. It is soooo hot! Some things are more enjoyable than others, but that is life. We're all a bit different. In closing let me mention that you indicate that there is some way to write you privately and not in the forum. What is that way?? I am not fond of always making public comments. Thanks:thumbup:
haha david i'm glad you liked my analogy. i read it afterwards and wasn't quite sure if anyone would have any idea what i was talking about!
I read your post and have to say some members might be pissed off! We all understand things change and changes need to be made. However, ranting at those members is not a very good business practice. We are all paying customers without whom there would be no site. As a paying customer it's a little difficult to be in essence "chewed out" by the people getting my money each month. Maybe next time you should tone it down a bit!
Thank you David for your well thought out post here. I agree with you on so much of this. And you know that I appreciate all that you do. :001_smile:

Thank you Mark, David, Eddie, Steve, Chuck, Ted, Monica and all the others who work so hard for us on a daily basis. Our appreciation should be obvious enough by the fact that we're still here paying our dues. But it doesn't hurt to say it once in a while also.

I wish that all the issues that make up R's analogy of "dead horses" would go away with one post. It will help calm the waters for a while. And of course that's a good thing. But even if you made that post a sticky thread you will still have new members bringing it up again in the future. It's the nature of this kind of forum that a new member on his second post will ask about something like kissing.

I'm NOT saying that that part of your post was a waste of time. Because it will help. But because of turnover in membership (and short attention spans) some of those things will reappear. It's the nature of the beast for instance that someone will gush about a new model and say he hopes that he'll bottom in the next scene. And then the same predictable conversation starts all over.

You are also quite right that if a member has really burning complaint or problem that they should take it to mgmt in a PM. Rather than splashing it in public. In the very rare instances where that has occurred I have gone to Mark or David privately. And I've always left satisfied. Even if it was just the satisfaction of knowing that my point of view was heard. And hearing their points of view are always helpful also.

I look forward to all the new improvements. And I can patiently wait a couple more weeks. :001_smile:
Thank you again guys for your support, and for the record, my post wasn't to offend anyone nor any particular members. It was my personal rant as well as giving you guys what is in store for the changes that some members are so impatient about. I just had the need to voice my own opinion and take a stand. I figured everyone else can do it, why not me :)
Thank you again guys for your support, and for the record, my post wasn't to offend anyone nor any particular members. It was my personal rant as well as giving you guys what is in store for the changes that some members are so impatient about. I just had the need to voice my own opinion and take a stand. I figured everyone else can do it, why not me :)

"it's your party, you can cry if you want to!" i forget said that quote....einstein maybe?
Hi. I am one of those "silent members". I post a rating on every scene. I lurk on the forums to see what other members think. I am looking forward to the HD version of Broke Straight Boys It has been stated before, but with the 3X a week updates, if a particular scene does nothing for me, there is another update in the wings. To David and everyone associated with Broke Straight Boys, thanks for your hard work and listening to your members!

Nitefly (a satisfied member since 2006).
Hi. I am one of those "silent members". I post a rating on every scene. I lurk on the forums to see what other members think. I am looking forward to the HD version of Broke Straight Boys It has been stated before, but with the 3X a week updates, if a particular scene does nothing for me, there is another update in the wings. To David and everyone associated with Broke Straight Boys, thanks for your hard work and listening to your members!

Nitefly (a satisfied member since 2006).

Great to hear and I'm glad you are posting on the forum, welcome. :thumbup:

Welcome...its really nice to hear from "The Silent Members" or the "Lurkers"...don't be shy...lets here from you guys...your input and activity means a lot to us too!!

Welcome...its really nice to hear from "The Silent Members" or the "Lurkers"...don't be shy...lets here from you guys...your input and activity means a lot to us too!!


Absolutely and we have special giveaways in the message board like clothing from models, be a director for a day, money giveaways etc. It is worth it to post on the board.

with all due respect, baloney (though I had another word in mind). your long defensive essay merely illustrates that you know the site has become increasingly "stale" and many of us are very simply put, bored with it. HD? who the hell cares? HD or not, when we are fed the same primary models over and over again, (out of respect to the guys not going to mention who, unless you really don't know who I mean) how can we NOT get bored. Whether your models are straight, bi or gay doesn't matter to this subscriber. If they look good, are fresh and have an adventurous side to them I'm in.
Thank you for all you do from me as well. I love this site and this forum. If you are unsatisfied, then leave. Don't be nasty and shit talk, just go on your way. In the end, the world will keep on turning, and the rest of us will still be here watching straight guys get it on...and talking about it.