Dear Mike,
You are so sweet for not shying away from that question. If you had chosen not to answer it at all I would have understood. So you obviously have a set idea of what you think makes a handsome guy. I think all straight guys do. Even if they're scared to admit it. lol
You are quite right about youth and beauty. They are all fleeting. While some age more gracefully than others. All looks fade over time. For men the skin starts to sag, the hair thins or turns gray... (or both) Many times the middle age paunch develops around the middle. So you're quite right that you need to pick someone for the long term who will still be stimulating and interesting to you mentally, emotionally and so on.
Your other comment reminds me of just about everyone's (secret) fantasy, whether they're gay or straight...

Being able to make love to yourself. I think all of us wish we could do that because we have a set idea of what we like, how we like it, when we like it and so on.
So what do you think makes a handsome guy?
You do have an awesome dick. It's got a great shape and size. And it's proportioned very well to your body size.
I'll try asking this another way so that you won't feel obligated to answer with Austin or Preston or Jordan. Among the models who haven't been around much lately or who have already left, who do you find the most attractive, handsome, sexy, etc.? And who would you most like to work with that you haven't already? And why?
Thank you Mike for being so gracious with us in giving your time so willingly. And I do hope that you get the car situation sorted out quickly
Take care!