mike when you retire from this you could be the Dog Whisperers assistant
ceasar milan it trying to teach me to be calm and assertive with our lab who outweighs me by a few pounds. my sister can walk him with relative ease, but as soon as he sees me take his lead he'll pull and drag me to every tree or whatever he might want to smell or pee on. i guess he can sense my energy and i've tried to relax while walking him but i get really stressed...im still working on that

ceasar milan it trying to teach me to be calm and assertive with our lab who outweighs me by a few pounds. my sister can walk him with relative ease, but as soon as he sees me take his lead he'll pull and drag me to every tree or whatever he might want to smell or pee on. i guess he can sense my energy and i've tried to relax while walking him but i get really stressed...im still working on that