That wasn't all I could tell, although of course I noticed the bare spots that you've gradually decorated since then: I could also tell that Drew likes you a bunch, and IMHO it was that fact that made him shy on cam, just digging you bigtime and being impressed with the flipflop concept and sitting there beside you. Another thing, that you don't have to confirm or deny, is that it looked to me that at one point , and I remember thinking this when that video was first released, Drew was having to flaccid-fuck you to comply with the necessities of the scene. Which if true deserves kudos for both hotties for making that fragment of the shoot blend so well, but which would also lend credence to the idea that he was shy and nervous because of you. You were in touch with Jordan and Preston. Have you kept up with Drew at all?
OK, so is it Old Testament, like Ezekiel or Abner? Someone said Abraham which made me think of that, and there was a cute Amish guy called Jonah with excellent glasses on here a couple of years ago. You don't wear glasses, btw? Glasses are H O T.