Hey Mike,
I really hope that I'm the first one.
The two girls don't know what they missed. With the right stimulation it's such a great feeling from the first try.
Yes, never give up your plans and dreams. It's never to late.
It's all up to you.
I wish you all the best on your way in life.
Well, I remember your first scenes and how uncomfortable you felt.
I'm sure when you are really horny you wouldn't resist the kisses of a guy.
Maybe I'm wrong but hopefully I'm not. LOL
Take care
Hey Mike,
Dude, I was in a relationship for 3 years with a young guy whom I eventually discovered had IED. He'd had a rough childhood and told me when we first got together that I'd landed myself with damaged goods. He was an amazing kid, very beautiful and cool for his age, really talented and terrifically smart. And perplexed and remorseful immediately after he lost if for a few seconds and went wild. Oddly it was liberating for me because in my family any sort of violence was totally closeted and even if we shouted at each other till our eyes bulged about politics, the idea of getting physical with one another was a non-concept.
So when he went ballistic on me I actually liked the feeling of perfect release that sharing the violence gave me. Until I knew more about his condition I thought he self-induced the attacks in order to feel the love afterward. He was always testing the unconditionality of my feelings for him, and I thought he did that stuff to put my love on trial and feel the bliss of making up after a brawl. When I was really rough right back at him but then held him tight till he got through it, he gradually pretty much stopped having the events.
Everything you say about yourself could, in the most bizarre way, apply to this kid too. He'd go on these giddy sprees of stream of consciousness comedy. We had the same sense of humor, but it was considered a loss of face to laugh too much at the other guy's riff; you had to outdo him instead until until one of you cracked up. It was so much fun, I can't tell ya how much. And the sex was mindblowing. I should have pvt. messaged you this, but I think the "Brokes" don't have the ability to do PMs.
Maybe during that would be interesting LOL
Thanks for sharing with us again Mike. You keep this up you will need to start your own Ask Mike colum. LOL :
I have always been attracted to the bad boy vibe in everyone I either saw online or knew in person. I have liked your videos from the very first one and hope I find someone like you in real life. Down to earth, fun, loving, has a good head on his shoulders, and maybe the same size cock but its not the siz of the boat its the motion in the ocean if catch my drift. I just need someoone in my life to help me raise my self-esteem then maybe just maybe I can be truly happy.
Dear Mike,
Do you think that you have a bit of an exhibitionist streak in you? Have you had alot of fun with flashing your pubes at chicks who asked to see your tattoos? I can just imagine that you're having a conversation with some cute chicks about your tattoos. Then you coyly tell her/them that you couldn't possibly show them one in particular. Knowing of course that they'll start begging you to show it to them. haha
You drag it out and hem and haw about how you really just can't show it to them. Knowing of course at that point that they are so eager to see it they are about ready to pants you to find out where and what it is. LOL Then you pretend that you really don't want to...but you go ahead anyway and do a seductive little strip tease for them. Until you're finally flashing your pubes at them. And maybe flashing a couple of guys too. LOL
At that point everyone has a good laugh. The girls and a few guys are pretending they never wanted to see it. Even though they did!You're pretending you never wanted to show it to them. Even though you did. haha Everyone gets a good laugh...plus an an eager eyeful of the hunky guy in their midst. You get the chance to show off and strut your stuff in front of an audience. And a good time is had by all.
Has that scenario ever played out for you?
Mike, thanks for sharing such personal information with me... and a thousand of your closest friends. Would you believe I was a therapist and social worker before becoming a writer and teacher? Yeah, I know. Internet. You can be whatever you want, but I actually was.
It's pretty inspiring that you went back and got your GED and recognize that you could have made better choices while in school. Cthulhu knows that I've worked with plenty of adults that still haven't made the kind of connection you did. That you took steps to fix that with the GED is great.
I had to go back and look up IED myself. It's more newish and there's still a lot of debate about the diagnosis. Generally though, it means you blow-up out of proportion to the slight or frustration at hand. You stub your toe and you rip a door off of its hinges. Someone spills coffee on you and you beat them to a pulp. Not you, per se, but those are extreme cases of it. Sounds like there's a lot of that in your background. There are many proposed origins for the problem, from genetics to environment to serotonin problems to a lesion on the brain.
Since marijuana controls anxiety and anxiety is linked to IED, I can see how it might have brought that under control. I'm glad it's worked for you. My only concern, as a former therapist, is the "self" part in the medicating. We aren't always the best judges of how things are going. What we think is going on and what actually is can be wildly divergent. It's why I wish you had a doctor or a shrink in your life to monitor what's going on. Funny story: there's actually a mother who got her 8-year old son an RX for medical marijuana to control for a host of behavior problems. She got a doctor to supervise and has had great results, and least from what I could find on-line. For me, though, it's the fact that there's a doctor involved and a mom involved that tempers some concerns. As I said, for anyone struggling with MI, going it alone is okay, but it's far easier to fall off the path because you don't have someone to catch you when you start to stumble.
You can read about it here:
I really do wish you well with your tattooing. My only thing is, you are so fucking beautiful to cover all that glory up with tats, no matter how great those tats might be! lol.
Oh, and, Sith rule.
I have never been on a forum where I look forward to getting to know new things. I mean, most forums I`m on, I`d go on just to talk to people and that`s basically it. But coming on Broke Straight Boys, I`ve learned more than what I do in school. Not exaggerating since my school is too laid back =/ And since the community I am in doesn`t really emphasize on the correct or proper usage of the English language, I feel really intimidated when I come on here with all you guys using big words which I have to look up the dictionary for. But then again, I`ll use this opportunity to better my English
Anyway, I think its truly admirable that you are able to come out and tell us some pretty personal information about yourself. Considering that we are just strangers to you. Oh wait, could it be that it`s easier because we are strangers? ;D
when you become a tattoo artist let me know because I would love to have you as my go to guy for tattoos I have two and want more so keep that in mind.
so i was in a bar tonight. straight backwater hick bar and it happened to be karaoke night. well i found myself unable to pick a song, and this is my question for you:
if you could sing any song karaoke, what would it be? (dont worry about whether they have it or stage fright, cuz everyone knows that when you get drunk enough, you are more than willing to sing and dance for their new buddies for the night.)
basically i asked myself, W.W.M.R.S., what would Mike Robbins sing?
ROFLMAO!!! could u imagine if it were their first time!!! HAHAH!I would have to say right before your about to shoot your load and dont tell the others that your gonna do it that way its a surprise all the way around
ROFLMAO!!! could u imagine if it were their first time!!! HAHAH!
P.s. who won???? BOO YA!![]()
Heya other mike! long time no see how you been buddy?
Heya other mike! long time no see how you been buddy?
Heya other mike! long time no see how you been buddy?
You two guys have to tag someone adorable like Alec, of the beautiful, ever-ready humongous dick. The ratio of boy weight to penis weight in that shoot would be close to 3 to 1, you're all so scrawny and have such...
Dear Yami,
I've hear some people say that english can be one of the toughest languages to learn. Idk about that since I've only taken 2 yrs of spanish and that was easy. But i suspect japanese to be very challenging! Good luck with this language, I've been studying it for as long as I can remember, and still am not able to get everything 100% correct!
Yes, it makes it so much easier to tell everyone on here about me. In person I'm like a scared little rabbit! lol! Hard to believe, I know! I guess it's because I've gown up having more interaction with computers than I have people lol. But idk its just easy for me to say what's on my mind and not have to worry about anyone judging me!
Dearest Mike,
I don`t know why and correct me if I`m wrong but your reply seem to lean on assuming English isn`t my first/main language. The majority of Singaporeans are at least bilingual because English is a MUST and our families usually speak in our own Mother Tongue or Second Language.
why do i always feel self-conscious posting around tampa? lol