who needs sliced bread when you got mike? damn i wasnt kidding, youre hot. and as for that grin, im glad one of us is smiling tonight!
Aw, Thank you!!
I'm sure I'm not the only one grinning on here

hello from Ohio, so which scene from director of the day did you enjoy, if any at all? and would you want to be in the scene?
I really could not tell you, there are so many wonderful ideas, but I would love to be in the scene! It's always a blast working with dave and eddie, so i suspect it would be even more fun throwing someone into the mix that doesn't quite know the way things go... but I would definitely like to be in it.
Hey Mike
When you say you have become more comfortable with your sexuality does that mean you have become bi/gay?, or are you still straight but more open minded about gay sex in general?
Hey Dave,
I'm just a straight guy who likes to have fun

lol! idk its really hard to explain... I grew up in a community that was totally against gays. Growing up and having some feelings toward the other sex, left me a little confused. I wasn't quite sure what to do. I began doing porn and have adopted a new look on things in the gay community. If i told you my fucked up warped view I had growing up, it would blow your mind. I guess basically you could say I'm straight, starting to lean towards the bi side.

Mike, Tell me a little about what in general your tattoos mean to you.
Hey Silver,
OK, lol, well the tribal on my arm is about halfway done at the moment, when it's finished, it's going to be what you see now, with a monkey on the inside of the tribal and tropical plants surrounding. My parents bought a monkey recently, a common marmoset, named him louie, and I've been in love with him since I first layed eyes on him! lol!
Then theres the devil/angel tat. I rather enjoy this one! It gets the most looks and I think its rather cool! lol! I guess I decided to get this one because of my sides, good and evil. I'm a really nice guy and good hearted, but cross me and your done!! lol
The chinese on my right triceps means my name

The chinese on my right wrist means serenity

The tattoo on my chest (probably my favorite besides the lawnmower) is a love/hate ambigram. Love regularly and hate upside down. I got this one because of the love hate relationship that follows with most people i have contact with in my personal life.
The Graffiti on my back I just loved lol
The chinese below the graffiti means luck, I just want to be lucky!!! lol
umm All the ones on my legs are freehand besides the sonic, my first tattoos! Not first as in first, but the first ones I've done.
Nfl below the sonic, my best friend and I decided we needed matching tattoos, we had gotten this txt message chain mail that said something about NFL meaning Niggas for life... lol! so thats what we went with.
Let's see, Ah, One Love down my calves is for my mother. I got them last year on her birthday, when she asked me not to get any more tattoos, as her birthday present! lol!
The bb with an arrow pointing to it on my hand, is yes, because I have a bb in my hand lol!
Finally, the 3 dots on my hand, they stand for my crazy life. They're referred to here as party dots.. idk y but I guess because everyone gets them at partys lol and this would be my very first tattoo! It all started with three little dots!! lol!
Hey Mike,
Figure you appear to be a pretty normal guy. Have you been following the playoffs much? Wasn't sure if you had a particular team you're rooting for.
Hey Hottamales,
Once the bears are out of it, I could care less! lol! Buttttt

if I had to pick a team I'm going to have to go with the colts. Idk why, but i pick them! lol!
GO BEARS!! lol
Hello Mike,
It's great to see you in the forum.
You and Jordan are a great team. It's always fun to watch the scenes with you both.
When I remember your first scenes I see a total different guy. Not so open minded etc.
I like what I see now.

So you surely have learned more than one thing... "never say never" and "try it out before you can say: I don't like it".
But what have changed your mind?
I think it happened it the shot with Preston and Jordan. Am I right?
well, then... welcome to the forum.
have a great time.
Take care
Hey Siri!
Thank you! I'm loving it already! lol
I love working with jordan, LOVE IT! lol, He is one of my bestfriends off of camera, really sweet guy, totally nice, and polite.. believe it or not! lol
As to what changed my mind, I really have no idea... lol! But i guess just being in a different part of the country, away from the small town hick ideals, I really got to see what the world was about. I got to see that not everyone felt the same way as the intolerant bastards that live where I do. I'm just happy to get an escape from the home life! But if u have anymore questions, feel free to ask!!
Hi Mike very glad to see you posting as you're one of my top 5
Broke Straight Boys Models. To bad with Preston as you two were really hot together but shit happens. You and Jimmy though had to be one of the hottest scenes yet for being just an oral scene. I to am curious as to where do you feel you are sexually speaking now? Do you feel yourself being pulled one way or the other, and more precisely and please be honest have you had any off camera considerations with another guy yet? Don't worry we wont hold it against you if you haven't. LOL One last question were all dying to hear has David got to to bottom yet? Glad to have you here and keep up the good work.
Hey Denny!

YAY!! top 5! I always love hearing I'm a favorite, but then again, who doesn't? lol But really, thank you

it really does mean something to me.

Yeah, preston was a great guy, wish things would have worked out better!

But what can ya do? I'd still come back and do another scene with him tho.
As for the feelings towards everything, I'm still straight

lol but, yes, I have had some off camera experiences and have enjoyed them! I doubt I will change my orientation seeing as how I still LOVE girls lol everything about them, besides their bitchy attitude! lol... But yeah i'd probably fool around off camera again

Idk I guess I'm leaning towards the bi side but I have a different view on bisexuality lol
The only scene i've bottomed in was with drew... quite the disaster, I think. Idk about trying it again... I would have to give it some serious thought.

Mike, here's another smile for you: you are quite sexy, quite fun, and one of my favorite guys to watch. I'm partial to it a little rough, a little "real" and really like the attitude you brought to your scenes.
Shame about you and Preston. You guys had good chemistry. Probably because he was very into you.
Anyway, welcome to the board.
Hey Vistas,
Great to be here! Thank you for all the wonderful things you've said!
Preston and I did have chemistry, or i guess what u call chemistry? idk! lol!! He was deffinitly a cool guy

MikeR, when the forum was first set up I was the unbearable grammar and spelling troll who poked fun at how the texts for the episodes were written, and consequently got everyone totally tired to death of me until I stopped. But in that trollish capacity I couldn't help noticing that:
Dude, you write so WELL! If only for that reason it's gonna be ace to see you posting your thoughts and comments as often as you have time for.
Harking back to something you said: you check out your videos in order to improve, OK, but it has to be a turn-on to see yourself doing that stuff if the other guys are hot? Part of coming to terms with your sexuality? How far along are you with that?
Dear Slim,
I've grown up wanting to be some sort of artist, whether it was a performer or a painter. In that time I've picked up a couple of other skills, you could say. I started off wanting to be a cartoonist, that moved to wanting to be a painter, that then became a writer (where I learned to write) and many other things. I absolutely hate improper grammer when it's uncalled for. That's why I've decided that I would respond in the same manner I'm approached, formally or informally. I prefer formal, but am good with either! lol
As for why I like watching my videos, I guess its because I love seeing myself! lol

I'm pretty comfortable... there are still things I don't like to do and won't do. I guess it's the little voice in my head that i have left from the people I thought most of telling me that what I'm doing is wrong. It's a tough situation!
Mike Robbins