Yeah, the guys makes it easy to love the forum.
lol... I believe you. But we both know also his other side.
When he is in action. lol
When you both are in action there is nothing that can hold you back.
I must admit... I love it.
Yes, away from the place you spend your childhood can change many things.
Especialy when you "stumble" into a total different way of life and point of views. AND we both know how convincing David can be. lol
You betcha! I'll take you up on that.
If you ever find your way to the "bi side" I will be there to welcome you on my side. lol
okay, it's time for bed now... nearly 1am in Germany.
Take care
Hey Siri,
They do make it very easy to love it here!!
Jordan and I like to refer to ourselves as the champions of tag-teaming! LOL!!
Any question is fine with me! I love talking about myself

If I ever go to the bi side YOU will be the first to know

when you're with females do you ask them to have anal or regular? i haven't tried anal yet and not sure if id like it. hope you're not turned off by the question..
Hey Qwerty,
Ha, I see how u picked your name, first six letters of the top row, eh? lol Or just qwerty like full qwerty keyboard... idk lol jw!
But I have only tried anal with two different girls and neither let me finish
I always have to end up saying,
"If I can take it, so can you!"
But I'd say the only difference is females are a little "softer" if ya catch my drift
Mike, let me be another person to complement you on your writing. I teach Composition and Screenwriting on the Other Coast. I'm constantly amazed at how poor the writing skills are of the people I encounter -- especially students at some of the top universities. The really sad thing is that my writing skills, when I was school, were only middlin'. B-level. Twenty years later, I'm better than most, adults included.
So props to your grammar -- and your cute smile.
Oh, and since you are also a budding artist, I'll tell you the same thing my mentors always told me: keep at it. I did and it changed my life. It'll change yours, too.
Dear Vistas,
Most people don't know this but, yes, I am a high school drop out. But I had my G.E.D. within a month of dropping. One of the bigger regrets in my life. I was caught up with the wrong crowd and got into the drugs scene... nothing serious.. Alot of drinking and smoking pot. I then dropped out and decided it was time to live my life... Big mistake.
I've always been a smart fellow, but, obviously I shouldn't be drinking, I can't handle myself when I drink. LOL . So i've stopped. My plans are to become a tattoo artist, to support myself, and to fulfill my dream of being an artist! After that, back to school I go! I plan on going into astronomy or botany.. I've always been a marijuana activist, some would say, and its been my dream to do something with it, something to make it better than it already is.
I've struggled with mental illness all my life, when I was 16 i was diagnosed with bipolar and intermittent explosive disorder. Idk what the last one is but I guess it's suppose to make me violent. I started on all types of different mood stabilizers and never really got it under control. That's when i started self-medicating with marijuana. I haven't had a "loss of control" in years. It truly blows my mind as to the capabilities of this drug. I would love to be the one to make it life changing.
Anyways, lol! I was kind of rambling.. but I figured this way you guys would get a little more of my personal life.
Thx for the advice, I will definitely stick to my plans!!
Mike thank you for taking the time to answer the members questions and welcome to the forum...
Dude you are pretty amazing for a straight guy. I realize you are acting and all. When it comes to sex your cock is no slouch to getting hard quick. I wonder if that scared you a bit at first knowing you were getting so hard so quick for sex scenes with guys. It it doesn't have a name I have a great one for you to tag your penis with. "old faithful" It seems like it never fails to get hard for a scene and your cum shots are quite amazing. It is kind os like you hear the word sex and bang there she blows... LOL That is a very redeeming quality in a man.

Dear Jayman,
No problem, I'm more than happy to be here!
Well, I kind of pride myself on my cock! lol! Idk what it is but as soon as they so, " OK, get it hard.", the wind blows and my dicks up lol!
I believe i remember dave and eddy telling me about that name, lol! That one is probably my favorite!! lol!

Hey Mike,
It helps to clear up alot. The thread following the release of the vid in question got rather heated, with people trying to decide if Jordan was being deliberately unkind to Preston in his words and actions. Or if it was just an act.
It's hard for us to decipher a model's character, personality, motivations and intentions when all we have to go on are 20 minute clips with 3 minutes of dialogue. So we tend to over-analyze every word and gesture. All in an attempt to figure out if this is a good person, bad person, likeable person, etc. to each of us individually. And there was alot in that scene involving Jordan that was rubbing some of us the wrong way. Not all of us. But some of us.
Thanks for giving us some inside info Mike!
Dear Tampa,
I completely understand. It's hard to tell a persons true feelings by the way they act on camera. What most people don't get the chance to see, is what goes on off camera. Whoever gets to come in and do the director for the day things or w.e. will get to see what really goes on. Then he can fill everyone in

lol but yeah I went thru and watched the videos... he did get a little out of control, but I cant say that I didn't egg him on lol. I wish he were still filming, for then he would have the chance to redeem himself. But, any time tampa!
on the topic of naming dicks, i read somewhere that someone named his dick "words" so he could say things like "putting words in her mouth" the only bad part about that is that the woman can shoot back "DONT PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH!"....then theres no blow job....damn.
as for the chewbacca impression, i wasnt implying that yours was bad, i have a friend who insists she has the best wookie war cry out there, and all she does in yell really loud and give everyone a headache. and yes, i vote that you give us a performance next time youre on the futon, and if you do it for the cumshot, i just might die laughing.
Dear JW,
Ok I'm going to answer all your ?'s in this one. lol!
If i had the dictionary tattooed on my dick, would you let me put words in your mouth?

Oh, I didn't think that lol.. I've heard some pretty horrible ones myself! LOL! In my film I'll be sure to release chewy lol! I think I would also die laughing, while trying to control my spasms from a sensitive head!! LOL!!
ROFLMAO!!! wookie war cry cum shot!!! lol!! Could you imagine what people would say that don't know anything about me? LMAO!!! Like WTF was that?!?! Did he just do the wookie war cry?? lol!!
I would have to say, the light!! LOL!! I use the force to get my cock up so fast and push all that cum out
Someone once told me that if I had chosen the darkside, the first time I tried to cum like that, my balls would have exploded! LOL!
then again, you could always name your cock chewbacca, it could become your trademark! thats something to talk about around the watercooler, "so this guy mike, hes got this banging body, beautiful smile and expressive eyes, but the best part about him is his wookie war cry cumshot!"
sorry, one last thing about starwars, yall probably hate my by now. but do you attribute your cumshot to your mastery of the dark side or the light?
Hi Mike! Loved your videos and love that hard cock! I hope we'll see lots more of you on here and hope there'll be some great body contact and some kissing! You've got a great smile, too!! Good luck, mate, and hope it goes well for you!
Hey Ricknz,
I've been trying hard to get the whole comfortability thing down with the kissing, idk why but it's just something that really hard for me to get myself to do. But thank you for all your compliments and I'll be sure to try in throw that into one of my videos soon!