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Hey, whats up? its ya boy, Mike robbins! lol

I don't kiss and tell ;) lol! Nah.. it was with one of my friends who came out of the closet not to long ago and recognized me... after everyone had already found out. lol! But he said he was a huge fan and wanted a taste for himself lol! Idk it was kind of awkward.. never have fooling around with a guy off camera and it being one of my oldest friends... I'm much more comfortable with women.. lol

Dear Mike,

I can't tell you how excited I am that you decided to join us in here. It really means alot to us when popular models like yourself agree to post. As other guys have already commented on... I love your goofy grin and the way your eyes sparkle when you smile.

And you really do have a very pretty dick. It's a perfect size and shape. I thought it was so funny the way Preston almost lunged over at it to get a taste when you were seated in the chair. LOL Who could blame him? LOL

(Please tell me that that shy smile crossed your face when you read that!)

Your interview in the "Behind the Scenes" was very good. If you were nervous you didn't show it. You gained even more fans after the interview (with your clothes on) because you seemed so down to earth and approachable.

I think it was very kind of you to allow an old friend of yours the chance to be intimate with you off camera. Even if it was a bit awkward, and meant more to him than it did to you...you were still doing a good deed for a friend. And that's what counts. You're a good guy, Mike! :wink:

Welcome! :001_smile:
you joked about not kissing and telling, but what i truely want to know is whats your stance on kissing? i dont recall ever seeing you kiss in any of your videos, however i might be mistaken.

Nope, sorry, I've never kissed guy. Idk why, buy it just turns me off completely. Limp noodle kind of thing. I've only been passionate with girls thru-out my life and have developed quite the comfortability with them. It's hard to say if I'll ever kiss a guy, let alone on camera.

Dear Mike,

I can't tell you how excited I am that you decided to join us in here. It really means alot to us when popular models like yourself agree to post. As other guys have already commented on... I love your goofy grin and the way your eyes sparkle when you smile.

And you really do have a very pretty dick. It's a perfect size and shape. I thought it was so funny the way Preston almost lunged over at it to get a taste when you were seated in the chair. LOL Who could blame him? LOL

(Please tell me that that shy smile crossed your face when you read that!)

Your interview in the "Behind the Scenes" was very good. If you were nervous you didn't show it. You gained even more fans after the interview (with your clothes on) because you seemed so down to earth and approachable.

I think it was very kind of you to allow an old friend of yours the chance to be intimate with you off camera. Even if it was a bit awkward, and meant more to him than it did to you...you were still doing a good deed for a friend. And that's what counts. You're a good guy, Mike! :wink:

Welcome! :001_smile:

Dear Tampa,

For the first time, I am truly speechless! My "goofy" grin crossed my face a few times while reading your post :D lol! The first time dave said anything about a forum, I told him to sign me up! lol!

Ah, the interview :)! Well as soon as dave asked me if I would do one, I instantly began to worry about what I would say, what questions he would ask, and how long it was going to be... I went in and sat down, in front of the camera, and everything just seemed to pour out without thinking. kind of that auto pilot thing again lol.. Then the next thing I know its over. I was baffled at how short it seemed. I just watched it the other night and was like, eh, not bad! lol

Yeah, he deffinitely loved it! lol :001_tt2: We still talk every now and then.. I'm in the process of moving so it's been difficult to keep in touch with everyone, but it's made us alot closer, and now I have someone to tell all my stories to! :lol:

i hope this question isnt too personal, but i have to ask it....star wars or star trek?
Hey Mike,

Thanks so much for you kind reply. It means alot to me, I assure you. I was hoping that you could shed some insight into Jordan for us. As you may have gathered, his nice guy image has taken a few hits lately due to some of his more recent vids.

Did he go through some inner sexual turmoil that caused him to act so aggressively and rather harshly to the bottoms or the other more gay models? He's such a cute guy and he seemed so nice in the beginning. On this kind of site we are used to seeing guys who are straight or mostly straight act out a bit and ham up their straight credentials. Nonetheless many of us don't like to see what we may perceive as them being homophobic or demeaning towards the gay or bi models.

I personally much preferred the very polite and jovial Jordan we met in his first videos. If he's still filming and if you still talk to him, maybe you could pass that along to him in at some point.

That's not to say that every model has to act like a boy scout. A bad boy type in here helps to stir things up a little every now and then. haha It's just that I prefer the ones who act reasonably respectful towards the other models.
wow, i really wanna hear that chewbacca impression, because ive heard some pretty bad ones
If I'm not getting too personal here Mike, how do you deal with those massive cum shots of yours in real life? I hope I'm not embarrassing you by being so forward. But your never-ending cumshots are a bit of a trademark of yours here on the site. Some of them are just jaw dropping to watch. :blink:

Did/do you ever have to use a sock or something so you wouldn't spray the headboard and linens when you were learning to jack off? LOL I bet your cumshots don't make a quickie jack off session so quick and easy. :cumshot:
Hey Siri!

Thank you! I'm loving it already! lol :)
Yeah, the guys makes it easy to love the forum. :001_smile:

I love working with jordan, LOVE IT! lol, He is one of my bestfriends off of camera, really sweet guy, totally nice, and polite.. believe it or not! lol

lol... I believe you. But we both know also his other side.
When he is in action. lol
When you both are in action there is nothing that can hold you back.
I must admit... I love it. :blush:

As to what changed my mind, I really have no idea... lol! But i guess just being in a different part of the country, away from the small town hick ideals, I really got to see what the world was about. I got to see that not everyone felt the same way as the intolerant bastards that live where I do. I'm just happy to get an escape from the home life!
Yes, away from the place you spend your childhood can change many things.
Especialy when you "stumble" into a total different way of life and point of views. AND we both know how convincing David can be. lol

But if u have anymore questions, feel free to ask!!

You betcha! I'll take you up on that.

Hey Denny!

As for the feelings towards everything, I'm still straight :) lol but, yes, I have had some off camera experiences and have enjoyed them! I doubt I will change my orientation seeing as how I still LOVE girls lol everything about them, besides their bitchy attitude! lol... But yeah i'd probably fool around off camera again :) Idk I guess I'm leaning towards the bi side but I have a different view on bisexuality lol
If you ever find your way to the "bi side" I will be there to welcome you on my side. lol

okay, it's time for bed now... nearly 1am in Germany.

Take care
Hey Mike,

Thanks so much for you kind reply. It means alot to me, I assure you. I was hoping that you could shed some insight into Jordan for us. As you may have gathered, his nice guy image has taken a few hits lately due to some of his more recent vids.

Did he go through some inner sexual turmoil that caused him to act so aggressively and rather harshly to the bottoms or the other more gay models? He's such a cute guy and he seemed so nice in the beginning. On this kind of site we are used to seeing guys who are straight or mostly straight act out a bit and ham up their straight credentials. Nonetheless many of us don't like to see what we may perceive as them being homophobic or demeaning towards the gay or bi models.

I personally much preferred the very polite and jovial Jordan we met in his first videos. If he's still filming and if you still talk to him, maybe you could pass that along to him in at some point.

That's not to say that every model has to act like a boy scout. A bad boy type in here helps to stir things up a little every now and then. haha It's just that I prefer the ones who act reasonably respectful towards the other models.

Hey Tampa!

Well, Jordan has his ups and downs like everyone, I guess. But above all it was just an act for the camera. I don't know what was going on in that video lol I just went along with it. But in no way shape or form is Jordan homophobic or hateful towards gay or bisexuals. We were just having fun and putting on an act. He may have got a little carried away with it, but who doesn't when they role play :b_evil:

Hope that helps to clear things up a little bit!

If I'm not getting too personal here Mike, how do you deal with those massive cum shots of yours in real life? I hope I'm not embarrassing you by being so forward. But your never-ending cumshots are a bit of a trademark of yours here on the site. Some of them are just jaw dropping to watch. :blink:

Did/do you ever have to use a sock or something so you wouldn't spray the headboard and linens when you were learning to jack off? LOL I bet your cumshots don't make a quickie jack off session so quick and easy. :cumshot:

ROFLMAO!! I was literally waiting for this question!! Well usually I either lay down a towel or something and see how far I can shoot.. LOL! But if I just get one of those random urges, I grab for whatevers closest and pray its not something I love to wear! lol! Yes, I have even used socks... on quite a few occasions :wink:

wow, i really wanna hear that chewbacca impression, because ive heard some pretty bad ones

Well dont knock it til you hear it! ;) lol!

Ok, you have GOT to do that on the Futon in your next shoot! LMAO! I'd love to hear that, too!

Now I have a goofy grin on my face! LOL!

OK! lol!! I'll try and throw it in there somewhere! I'd say at the cum shot but that might be a little to funny!!! LOL!
when you're with females do you ask them to have anal or regular? i haven't tried anal yet and not sure if id like it. hope you're not turned off by the question..:)
Mike, let me be another person to complement you on your writing. I teach Composition and Screenwriting on the Other Coast. I'm constantly amazed at how poor the writing skills are of the people I encounter -- especially students at some of the top universities. The really sad thing is that my writing skills, when I was school, were only middlin'. B-level. Twenty years later, I'm better than most, adults included.

So props to your grammar -- and your cute smile.

Oh, and since you are also a budding artist, I'll tell you the same thing my mentors always told me: keep at it. I did and it changed my life. It'll change yours, too.
Mike thank you for taking the time to answer the members questions and welcome to the forum...

Dude you are pretty amazing for a straight guy. I realize you are acting and all. When it comes to sex your cock is no slouch to getting hard quick. I wonder if that scared you a bit at first knowing you were getting so hard so quick for sex scenes with guys. It it doesn't have a name I have a great one for you to tag your penis with. "old faithful" It seems like it never fails to get hard for a scene and your cum shots are quite amazing. It is kind os like you hear the word sex and bang there she blows... LOL That is a very redeeming quality in a man. :sneaky2::thumbup:
Hey Tampa!

Well, Jordan has his ups and downs like everyone, I guess. But above all it was just an act for the camera. I don't know what was going on in that video lol I just went along with it. But in no way shape or form is Jordan homophobic or hateful towards gay or bisexuals. We were just having fun and putting on an act. He may have got a little carried away with it, but who doesn't when they role play :b_evil:

Hope that helps to clear things up a little bit!

Hey Mike,

It helps to clear up alot. The thread following the release of the vid in question got rather heated, with people trying to decide if Jordan was being deliberately unkind to Preston in his words and actions. Or if it was just an act.

It's hard for us to decipher a model's character, personality, motivations and intentions when all we have to go on are 20 minute clips with 3 minutes of dialogue. So we tend to over-analyze every word and gesture. All in an attempt to figure out if this is a good person, bad person, likeable person, etc. to each of us individually. And there was alot in that scene involving Jordan that was rubbing some of us the wrong way. Not all of us. But some of us.

Thanks for giving us some inside info Mike! :thumbup1:
on the topic of naming dicks, i read somewhere that someone named his dick "words" so he could say things like "putting words in her mouth" the only bad part about that is that the woman can shoot back "DONT PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH!"....then theres no blow job....damn.

as for the chewbacca impression, i wasnt implying that yours was bad, i have a friend who insists she has the best wookie war cry out there, and all she does in yell really loud and give everyone a headache. and yes, i vote that you give us a performance next time youre on the futon, and if you do it for the cumshot, i just might die laughing.
then again, you could always name your cock chewbacca, it could become your trademark! thats something to talk about around the watercooler, "so this guy mike, hes got this banging body, beautiful smile and expressive eyes, but the best part about him is his wookie war cry cumshot!"
sorry, one last thing about starwars, yall probably hate my by now. but do you attribute your cumshot to your mastery of the dark side or the light?
Hi Mike! Loved your videos and love that hard cock! I hope we'll see lots more of you on here and hope there'll be some great body contact and some kissing! You've got a great smile, too!! Good luck, mate, and hope it goes well for you!