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Hey, whats up? its ya boy, Mike robbins! lol

Ahhhhh this is frustrating .... knowing what you want to say but not knowing how to say it.

Mike, I am not suggesting this relates to your feelings about kissing another guy because our levels of sexuality are different, but I can certainly empathise with you.
When I was younger (don't ask - hehe) I could not consider the idea of kissing a guy, it was such a big turn off for me (at the time I considered myself to be straight). Kissing a female was not a problem but kissing a guy - yuk. But one day I had a guy doing some work for me & over a period of a couple of days I found myself thinking "I could kiss this guy" (unfortunately it didn't happen). Over the next few years I found there were some guys I felt I could kiss & others no way. Now kissing guys YES - kissing females I can take it or leave it. So it was a sort of transition for me. Like I said I am not suggesting this relates to you but, who knows, there may be some spark which ignites something within you to, at the very least, give it a try.

(I had posted this on another thread but as soon as I posted it I realised it was in the wrong place. So now it is in the right place.)

me and diesal made out at johnnys, probably only time ill kiss a guy.... lol and that was hard enough
I'm so glad to hear that you will being posting frequently again in the forum Mike. It's always great when the model's on the site post here, and you are without a doubt one of my favorites. You are always honest, and say just what you think. I look forward to reading your thoughts, as well as looking forward to your next video, cause you sure are pretty to look at as well. :thumbup:

hell yeah, thank you mike! ill be here quite a bit now, should be at least!
Hello everybody,
After a longer "forced" break I'm back again. I missed you all. Especially Mike... hey, still not bi? lol

Oh dear, I see that I have much to read to catch up with everything.

Have a great day
Take care

SIRI!! IVE MISSED YOU!! ive been wondering when u were gona come back!!
Hey Mike,

Thanks for the reply. You are always so kind to us. I'm glad to hear that you sent him a message to try to smooth things over. And maybe spare him some hurt feelings. It would be really nice if you two could be back on good terms before you leave.

Hey tampa,
No problem, always happy to talk to you guys!! things are good between us again, he accepts im not into him like that, havnt hung out yet but probably soon! ill keep ya updated! :D
20 bucks is 20 bucks. LOL. Nice to see u back so often. The weather is really good here in South Florida. Its getting close to beach time. I really love living at the beach. When are you going to be back to film?
The Real Deal--Mike Robbins

Hi Mike,
I’ve spent a goodly amount of time reading these 51 pages of messages on this thread and I got to tell you it has really been an education. You are a young man that is deeply loved by your fans and it appears to me it’s reciprocal. You have spent a tremendous amount of time responding, encouraging, and basically having continuing dialog with us and it’s all on your own. By that I mean it’s something you want to do and a far as we know you are not being remunerated for this. Man that is KEWL!! Thanks so much for your time, your openness and honesty. I sure have got to know you as the real deal and I appreciate that. O, did I say you have one fantastic looking cock as well as incredible projectile cumming! Love ya man!!!
Forgive my bloviating, I just can’t help it. (hehe)
Hi Mike,
I’ve spent a goodly amount of time reading these 51 pages of messages on this thread and I got to tell you it has really been an education. You are a young man that is deeply loved by your fans and it appears to me it’s reciprocal. You have spent a tremendous amount of time responding, encouraging, and basically having continuing dialog with us and it’s all on your own. By that I mean it’s something you want to do and a far as we know you are not being remunerated for this. Man that is KEWL!! Thanks so much for your time, your openness and honesty. I sure have got to know you as the real deal and I appreciate that. O, did I say you have one fantastic looking cock as well as incredible projectile cumming! Love ya man!!!
Forgive my bloviating, I just can’t help it. (hehe)
I agree with my friend Mactee. I think it is so cool that you want to communicate with us, and always personally respond to all our our posts on your thread. I would think that the majority of the models on the site think of us as "creepy old men", or "creepy young men" as the case may be.

You definitely seem to want to relate to us, as we want to relate to you, and as mactee said, " you have one fantastic looking cock as well as incredible projectile cumming! Love ya man!!!"

I second that!!!
SIRI!! IVE MISSED YOU!! ive been wondering when u were gona come back!!

I've missed you, too. kiss
The last months have been a crazy time. But now I'm back.

When I read the newest post in this thread, I see, that I have to catch up with this thread before I catch up with the videos. Woa
Much to read but I want to be up to date. lol

Have a great weekend and have fun.
I start the day very late because I had a "little" fun with 2 of my nieces and 1 of my nephews yesterday. 1st amusement park and then we visited a bar that ended today at 3:30am. I had a little to much Long Island ice tea but luckily I'm not hung over. lol
Take care
I start the day very late because I had a "little" fun with 2 of my nieces and 1 of my nephews yesterday. 1st amusement park and then we visited a bar that ended today at 3:30am. I had a little to much Long Island ice tea but luckily I'm not hung over. lol
Take care

Siri, I'm happy to hear you didn't have a HO. Long Island Ice Tea is a tasty drink, but I have found it increasingly difficult to order another after a couple of them. Eventually just pointing at my glass and saying "notherone". LOL!

Take care, Siri
Siri, I'm happy to hear you didn't have a HO. Long Island Ice Tea is a tasty drink, but I have found it increasingly difficult to order another after a couple of them. Eventually just pointing at my glass and saying "notherone". LOL!

Take care, Siri

Yes, the tongue has some difficulties with moving correctly. lol
Actually it was one big (a huge glass) Long Island Ice Tea and before that I tried a Watermelon Man Cocktail. I love the sweet cocktails.:thumbup:
Since I've didn't eat much on that day I was a little tipsy. ehmehm
Normaly I don't drink at all but I found out that the some cocktails are very tasty.
In YouTube I saw a video of a guy which celebrated his 21st birthday. He tells about how he drank at midnight his first Long Island, followed by another Long Island, followed by another Long Island, followed by the floor. :lol:
I laughed so hard.

Take care
Hi Mike,
I’ve spent a goodly amount of time reading these 51 pages of messages on this thread and I got to tell you it has really been an education. You are a young man that is deeply loved by your fans and it appears to me it’s reciprocal. You have spent a tremendous amount of time responding, encouraging, and basically having continuing dialog with us and it’s all on your own. By that I mean it’s something you want to do and a far as we know you are not being remunerated for this. Man that is KEWL!! Thanks so much for your time, your openness and honesty. I sure have got to know you as the real deal and I appreciate that. O, did I say you have one fantastic looking cock as well as incredible projectile cumming! Love ya man!!!

Hey Mactee,

Excellent post here that speaks to the many reasons that Mike is so popular and well loved here in the forum. He doesn't get paid for any of his time on the forum. Yet he is always so open, honest and downright charming with all of us. And he's not just a pretty face and a hot model. He's also obviously very bright and perceptive. :001_tt1:
Hey Mike

Kia Ora from your kiwi fan base:thumbup:
Not posted on your thread before ...had to read it all to catch myself up. You are awesome buddy, you perform, you write....whoa...and you are pretty dam hot too boot, love your work!!
you have had me laughin my ass of at some of your comments...lol

Wish I had something more intelligent to say for my first post on your thread.........ahh well will have to do better next time!
Just wanted you to know that you have a fan all the way down here in New Zealand.
hey eveyrone i have a limited amount of time but i just wanted to share with everyone that on sunday, april 18th, one of my closest friends past away. she was shot in the head at a party by a stray bullet. ive been very busy with the services and comforting her family.

so wednesday after the service me and my closest friends that were mutual friends of her bought a fifth of jose and sat around the campfire telling our favorite stories of her. so about half way thru the night i went inside to "fall asleep" with my friend, she wanted to "cuddle" ;) but while inside someone decided to spill beer on my laptop and not tell me about it. im sending it into hp this week sometime and should have it back asap. but until then live long and prosper my friends! i shall return!
Mike, my sorrow for your loss. Remember that she will never leave you as you hold her in your memory and heart.

A good ole wake is a good way to grieve, although the drinks should go into people not onto laptops! :scared:

Time does heal all. Your heart will not break. And in time, you will be whole again.

May whatever power(s) you hold dear bless you and give you grace, strength and peace.
Hi Mike, sorry to hear about your friend.
I echo what Tucsonjayce said.