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[Mikeyank] "That was the situation on the old forum until you guys established a limited time to edit. We had a couple of situations where a poster started a thread that went on for pages and pages. They later decided to delete their original post and the whole thread was deleted along with all of our comments. That is when the limited time for editing was initiated."

Tampa speaking,

It was not the forum technology of the past that was the issue here. It was the people. Specifically we had a guy named "M" who made it his mission to get as much attention as posible. Attention for its own sake and for his own amusement and ego gratification. And he didn't care if the attention he got was positive or negative. I won't go into precise detail of his methods or modus operandi. I don't want to give people ideas on how to purposely be a pain in the butt to others.

But long story short, he greatly abused the priviliges of being able to delete his own threads. (As Mikey alludes to above.) He also abused the privilige of deleting or editing his posts after the fact. It was because of a teeny tiny minority of people like him that for about the last 12 years I have been stuck with being unable to fix typos, misspellings or even the re-wording of certain paragraphs that I would have LOVED to have gone back in and edited after the 15 minutes. Fingers crossed we'll be able to keep these newly restored priviliges without incident.
Tampa. Please message me and tell me who “M” was and I will tell you who I thought it was that caused Mark to instill the limited edit time. I remember one guy who was twice banned who used two different screen names. He made veiled racist comments including praising Jefferson Davis on one thread. After pages and pages of comments and I exposed his racist beliefs, he deleted the thread and all of our posts disappeared.
Does anyone know yet if it's possible to quote multiple posts in one response? When I tried to combine Mikeyank's post together with Br's I had no idea how to do it. Is it still possible to do it with the new technology?

Thanks Mark! That's great news that you can single out any troublemakers. From the moment our editing priviliges were timed out, (at 15 minutes) it did feel like a collective punishment and inconvenience.

I went ahead and turned this on. I didn't want to launch with it on because I didn't want to overwhelm users. I have heard people love the multi quote
It works. 😁. Thanks Mark. I missed that feature here.
In the bottom left corner is a link to retrun to this page. No need to scroll back up to the top as I was doing.
I forgot to add. Today I made 4-5 errors, in a number of cases I had to go back a few pages & sometimes a good deal of time. All my corrections went through perfectly with no bad repercussions.:)
I went ahead and turned this on. I didn't want to launch with it on because I didn't want to overwhelm users. I have heard people love the multi quote
I haven't figured out how to use it yet like Mikeyank did. Can anyone offer a tutorial on it?
Super cool feature I enabled. When you react to posts with emojis it will now show emoji reactions on each thread
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Does anyone know yet if it's possible to quote multiple posts in one response? When I tried to combine Mikeyank's post together with Br's I had no idea how to do it. Is it still possible to do it with the new technology?

I went ahead and turned this on. I didn't want to launch with it on because I didn't want to overwhelm users. I have heard people love the multi quote
Thanks Bryce! I think I've got the multi-quote thing figured out now. :)
Another new perk I just figured out is that YouTube videos that are posted here, will now enlarge to full screen when you click on the square bottom right option for full screen. You don't have to switich the vid all the way over to the official YT site in order to watch the full screen version. :)
Another new perk I just figured out is that YouTube videos that are posted here, will now enlarge to full screen when you click on the square bottom right option for full screen. You don't have to switich the vid all the way over to the official YT site in order to watch the full screen version. :)
I have been posting them that way since day one of the new Forum. All you need do is copy the link and insert it as a link directly on the page then post.
Another new perk I just figured out is that YouTube videos that are posted here, will now enlarge to full screen when you click on the square bottom right option for full screen. You don't have to switich the vid all the way over to the official YT site in order to watch the full screen version. :)
Cool. I didnt realize that. We post them the same way as we always did but we can now view them full screen right here on Broke Straight Boys Let me try one.

I played it back and it does work. Thanks again Mark. So many improvements.
I was demoted from elite member to just member now. Lol.
Poor soul.
I actually couldn’t care less. I just thought it was funny. To be fair, I was elite in just a few months after I joined the forum because I posted a lot more then and at the time I thought it was a little weird considering there were people that had been here much longer than me. I’m fine with just being member. I’m elite in sex so that’s all that matters.
I actually couldn’t care less. I just thought it was funny. To be fair, I was elite in just a few months after I joined the forum because I posted a lot more then and at the time I thought it was a little weird considering there were people that had been here much longer than me. I’m fine with just being member. I’m elite in sex so that’s all that matters.
You do know I was a joking. Actually be thankful you have a life unlike some one like me who do to health concerns is homebound. Not that I am concerned as I like my life & am looky thanks to my eldest son can do what i am doing but does show you as it did for me even if you were a fitness nut as I was and always act vie and outdoors as my beloved Jeff use to say shit happens. Just take full advantage of what you have and run with it. Pardon me for my long-winded remarks.
You do know I was a joking. Actually be thankful you have a life unlike some one like me who do to health concerns is homebound. Not that I am concerned as I like my life & am looky thanks to my eldest son can do what i am doing but does show you as it did for me even if you were a fitness nut as I was and always act vie and outdoors as my beloved Jeff use to say shit happens. Just take full advantage of what you have and run with it. Pardon me for my long-winded remarks.
No worries, and I know you were joking. 🙂
No worries, and I know you were joking. 🙂
It is always good to have humor in your life I watch news once a day when I awaken except weekend & frankly most of the time it is such a bummer so the Forum provides a chance to be light hearted and open up and yes make friends