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Sad News - Two Long Time BSB Forumites Passing - R.I.P. Buckeye1 & Stowe1


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
I’ve often quoted former forumite Ms.K when she said regarding this site, “I came for the porn but I stayed for the forum”. Two of my good friends who I met through this forum have passed away, and I discovered about both within hours of each other.

Robb aka Buckeye1 has been in declining health for years, and he and I usually had a weekly phone call, although he has been in hospitals and rehab several times in the last year. He had promised me that his aid would call me when his passing occurred and she did on Thanksgiving Day. I had a message to call her when I returned home Thursday night after spending the day with my family. I called and she told me that she had stopped by his house that afternoon to bring him dinner and discovered he had passed.

I texted Peter Friday morning to tell him about Robb, and mentioned that I have not seen Stowe either here or on FaceBook for a while and Peter searched his facebook account and saw that his daughter had posted on October 11 that her dad had passed away two days earlier. What a shock that they are both gone. Very sad news indeed.

As I have gotten older myself, it is starting to happen with greater frequency that my contemporaries are dying. It is the old inevitable part of life, but it is so fucking sad when it is someone we loved and will never see or in the case of these two friends, will never speak to them again.

Thank you Mark for starting this forum in 2008 and enriched my life by making it possible to meet some of the best friends in my life through this forum. I will miss Buckeye1 whose threads still remain alive today on this forum, including ironically his “On-Line Funny Shit” thread which Bob posted on the very day I discovered he had died, and of course, “HumpDay Tales” and “Hot Sex Mondays” and Selfies as well as other picture threads that he was proud of and we all enjoyed.

And Stowe was one of a kind, the self proclaimed, “Ye Olde Curmudgeon”. While he was tough on his rating system for Broke Straight Boys scenes, he was also an old softie as a loving friend. I will miss both gentlemen very much. ♥️
I’ve often quoted former forumite Ms.K when she said regarding this site, “I came for the porn but I stayed for the forum”. Two of my good friends who I met through this forum have passed away, and I discovered about both within hours of each other.

Robb aka Buckeye1 has been in declining health for years, and he and I usually had a weekly phone call, although he has been in hospitals and rehab several times in the last year. He had promised me that his aid would call me when his passing occurred and she did on Thanksgiving Day. I had a message to call her when I returned home Thursday night after spending the day with my family. I called and she told me that she had stopped by his house that afternoon to bring him dinner and discovered he had passed.

I texted Peter Friday morning to tell him about Robb, and mentioned that I have not seen Stowe either here or on FaceBook for a while and Peter searched his facebook account and saw that his daughter had posted on October 11 that her dad had passed away two days earlier. What a shock that they are both gone. Very sad news indeed.

As I have gotten older myself, it is starting to happen with greater frequency that my contemporaries are dying. It is the old inevitable part of life, but it is so fucking sad when it is someone we loved and will never see or in the case of these two friends, will never speak to them again.

Thank you Mark for starting this forum in 2008 and enriched my life by making it possible to meet some of the best friends in my life through this forum. I will miss Buckeye1 whose threads still remain alive today on this forum, including ironically his “On-Line Funny Shit” thread which Bob posted on the very day I discovered he had died, and of course, “HumpDay Tales” and “Hot Sex Mondays” and Selfies as well as other picture threads that he was proud of and we all enjoyed.

And Stowe was one of a kind, the self proclaimed, “Ye Olde Curmudgeon”. While he was tough on his rating system for Broke Straight Boys scenes, he was also an old softie as a loving friend. I will miss both gentlemen very much. ♥️
May their names be a blessing to all who knew them. Both of them were good people and fun to communicate with.

We are, well some of us, a tad older than we were when we first appeared here. It is a reality of life. But it is enjoyable to read the comments here and the interaction between people from various and assorted [if not sordid] places. Were it not for David's sofa futon, we should not have met and that would have been a tragedy.
Damn, I'm sorry to hear of their passing. It's crazy, I've had several people that I work with lose loved ones tragically recently. It always seems the deaths pick up pace around the holidays unfortunately 🫤

As my grandma used to say, "don't get old", but it sure beats the alternative
Earlier this morning, the song, “Bohemian Rhapsody” came on the radio and I thought about Stowe who often expressed that this was one of his favorite songs. As I was listening and thinking, it occurred to me why this song was so significant to him. He was born in 1942, and while coming of age, dated girls but always knew that his real attraction was to other guys. But he was raised in a strict Catholic family and he tried to repress his natural desires and met a girl that he married and had two children, a boy and a girl. This is a very typical path for many men born in that time period and before.

He was from the Pittsburgh area, working for one of the large steel corporations, who had corporate headquarters in New York City. For his work, several times a year he came to Manhattan for meetings and stayed at hotels in the city. One of my first “bonding” experiences with him on the forum was when I mentioned the area in Manhattan at the time on East 53rd Street near Third Avenue which was a known area that male hustlers plied their trade. My best friend growing up was a blonde haired tall thin attractive guy in his mid twenties during the mid-late seventies and he earned some extra cash in that area. I would sometimes tag along to check out the action on 53rd & Third, so I was very familiar with the scene there.

Stowe private messaged me on the forum and told me that it was there that he met guys for sex, while on business trips to NYC and that was the beginning of him realizing that he could not live the straight life anymore and eventually divorced his wife and got his own place in suburban Pittsburgh. So I checked and Bohemian Rhapsody came out in 1975 when Stowe was 33 and this was probably his period of “coming out”, so he totally identified with openly gay lead singer of Queen, Freddy Mercury.