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Vacation Memories!!

Going down to Mexico


What a wonderful story. Sounds like so much fun. Did you ever get to see the Mayan Sites?

Live Long and Prosper,


As background music while reading the following, you might enjoy hearing from James Taylor:


Dear vicekid,

The fact is that as 22- or 23-year old college kids, we all had a lot of growing up to do. I loved my archeology classes I took dealing with the Mayan pyramids and studying their culture, technology, astrological and mathematical skills, and the mayan hieroglyphs. Both Jim and I were the two in the group that were really interested in touring these sites. The others guys on the trip were not particularly interested at the time, as far as Jim and I could tell. But, because of all the various problems we experienced and our time limitations of Spring Break, we didn't get to view them then, nor at some later time.

I would still be interested in seeing the Mayan ruins and visiting the Yucatan Peninsula today, just like I have always been fascinated with viewing the Egyptian Pyramids and all their amazing artifacts. Years ago, I was fortunate to view the national tour of the "King Tut Exhibit" when it was in Memphis, TN. I found the exhibit simply amazing to be viewing artifacts that were made thousands of years ago and were still existent and beautiful after all this time. The artistry and craftsmanship put into these items would be outstanding, even by today's standards. In fact the costs probably would be too prohibitive in today's dollars. Back then, they really knew what it took to live and die like a King.

So, the short answer to your question is..."NO! Unfortunately I didn't get another chance to return. Thanks for the interest, though!


Dear Tampa,

I just gotta get this out of my system in the worst way!:blush:

Those porcelain wonders you speak of with the two places to put your feet during the daily festivities they evoke, these were commonplace in older homes in France and Germany as well as other nationalities. I lived in both Germany and France in 1965-66 for some 6-months+ but, rather than leaving a false impression with our readers, in newer construction whether residential or business, their bathroom facilities were every bit as modern than here in the US. Europeans for the most part live every bit as comfortably as we do, if not more. The current standard of living in both France and Germany is higher than it is in the US for many years now, ever since we began shipping perfectly good jobs abroad hurting our own economy. Italy isn't far behind France and Germany, either. These are countries I have personally visited.

I imagine that in remote rural areas in the US, one can occasionally run across an old-fashioned "out house", if one looks hard enough. Word to the wise, JUST DON'T FALL IN! Now that newspaper subscriptions are at an all-time low, I just can't imagine what they use in place of the old-reliable standby "Sears & Roebuck Catalog". Without the S & R Catalog providing a comprehensive educational community-service for those horny boys, I cannot call to mind what those poor disadvanted pre-pubescent and later boys would use for sex education to stimulate their hungry imaginations today (other than having an internet equipped "out house" running on moonshine liquor-fired generators. I imagine only slim pickings without the internet drop (not to be confused with the deceased legendary actor "Slim Pickens" who still can't tell his ass from a USB port")! So much for clean living!

Hopefully, we can all avoid "getting our bowels in an uproar":blushing: over this!

Sincerely moved, at times almost to tears even:001_tt2:,


Sorry Stimpy,

I missed this post earlier and agree wholeheartedly. Those kind of restrooms were all over various countries of Europe while I was there in the 80's. Some of my worst experiences with them though was in Morocco in northern Africa. Their ideas of clean restrooms and personal hygiene were/are not the same as ours. :scared:
Well, first of all...

Sorry Stimpy,

I missed this post earlier and agree wholeheartedly. Those kind of restrooms were all over various countries of Europe while I was there in the 80's. Some of my worst experiences with them though was in Morocco in northern Africa. Their ideas of clean restrooms and personal hygiene were/are not the same as ours. :scared:

Dear Tampa24,

I feel it is very easy to make unintended mistakes or at least misstatements when we call upon our own personal experiences. Over time, our thoughts get clouded as does our perspective on past events. And oftentimes, it is those ALL IMPORTANT "first impressions" that are what prevails when we call to mind our recollections.

It is not that hard to imagine "public bathroom horror stories" as an eventuality for us all wherever we may go.

Sincerely disinfected,

As background music while reading the following, you might enjoy hearing from James Taylor:


Dear vicekid,

The fact is that as 22- or 23-year old college kids, we all had a lot of growing up to do. I loved my archeology classes I took dealing with the Mayan pyramids and studying their culture, technology, astrological and mathematical skills, and the mayan hieroglyphs. Both Jim and I were the two in the group that were really interested in touring these sites. The others guys on the trip were not particularly interested at the time, as far as Jim and I could tell. But, because of all the various problems we experienced and our time limitations of Spring Break, we didn't get to view them then, nor at some later time.

I would still be interested in seeing the Mayan ruins and visiting the Yucatan Peninsula today, just like I have always been fascinated with viewing the Egyptian Pyramids and all their amazing artifacts. Years ago, I was fortunate to view the national tour of the "King Tut Exhibit" when it was in Memphis, TN. I found the exhibit simply amazing to be viewing artifacts that were made thousands of years ago and were still existent and beautiful after all this time. The artistry and craftsmanship put into these items would be outstanding, even by today's standards. In fact the costs probably would be too prohibitive in today's dollars. Back then, they really knew what it took to live and die like a King.

So, the short answer to your question is..."NO! Unfortunately I didn't get another chance to return. Thanks for the interest, though!




When you get a chance you really should take a trip to visit a site or two. I just got back from Progresso, Mexico and visited the Mayan ruins at Uxmal. That puts me over a dozen ruins I've been too. You will find those visits,


Live Long and Prosper,

Stimpy's Story

Thanks so much for your story Stimpy. You wrote it so well too. I loved the detail that you remember from that trip from over forty years ago, including your obnoxious friend commenting on all the pussy that he could be getting. I'm sure if you close your eyes, you can remember being in that car, the sounds, the smells, and all. Thank you so much for taking the time to detail your trip for us. I do appreciate your sharing it with us.
More than just a footnote...

Thanks so much for your story Stimpy. You wrote it so well too. I loved the detail that you remember from that trip from over forty years ago, including your obnoxious friend commenting on all the pussy that he could be getting. I'm sure if you close your eyes, you can remember being in that car, the sounds, the smells, and all. Thank you so much for taking the time to detail your trip for us. I do appreciate your sharing it with us.

Dear Mikeyank,

Being in such close quarters for so many hours, it is a wonder that Ralph made it back at all, alive. For a moment on our return trip driving through Igualla(???), I seriously considered swapping him for one of those oversized iguanas on display, stuffed or live. With his fowl mouth, I doubt that we could have driven sufficiently far away without them demanding a refund. But then, I found out later that he was added to the trip mostly because he could help with the expenses. I really don't think the other two guys had much use for him otherwise.

But of course you are right, I remember as if it were only yesterday with all of his implied cockiness. Fortunately, when making his insulting pronouncements, our windows were closed and I doubt anybody heard all of his vile negativity toward all the Mexican women passing by.

For the record, I really only remembered the actual name of one of the guys, a dear friend Jim, who was 100% straight. I foolishly hoped someday he would share himself with me, just a one-sided sexual attraction. The one and only time I shared a bed naked with a girl next to me was in a three-way with Jim as the third party. This took place in our dorm room we shared and as soon as he felt my hand reaching for his ass, the party ended with each of us going our separate ways. We did remain as friends however, but my days of secretly enjoying him totally disrobe seeing his slendor body with his beautiful long dick just a few feet away, were now gone forever. After living with him for 6 months, he moved out of my dorm room and joined a Fraternity.

Years later, we would visit at his apartment in Little Rock mostly in the summer months. I lost track of him after his move to St. Louis. He had been good about sending a Christmas card every year. Finally, I hadn't heard from him in years so I contacted the allumni association, gave them his name, date of graduation, and major and they returned with an e-mail message that he had died on Feb. 14th at that time about 7 years earlier with no specific details of his death, and I was absolutely stunned by the bad news. I have no idea if his death was due to a car accident, drugs, a jealous lover, or even suicide. The fact that it was Valentine's Day - Feb 14th makes me suspicious. Also, I was aware Jim told me a few years earlier, he had been betrayed by who he considered as a good friend who stole his girlfriend makes me suspect suicide, but this is just highly speculative on my part.


Dear Stimpy,

I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend.

Thank you again for sharing your story about the trip to Mexico. If it's within your budget I highly recommend taking cruises down to that part of the world and going on excursions to the Mayan ruins. I have been to Tulum on Yucatan peninsula. It was an awesome sight. Of course I really want to go and see the major pyramids at Tenochtitlan.
Me personally, I am a huge travel buff, I do not care how broke I am, I will go on a trip. (sorry if you are a literature teacher, forgive all the "I(s)")

So many trips worth speaking of.. No idea where to begin..


Some of you may have read when i was talking about how i sang in Saltsburge, Austria at the Dom. I guess this is the story elaborated.

It is my senior year in highschool 09', and my varsity choir goes on a trip every year with each year getting progressively more elaborate. Senior year rolls round and we are going to Europe, Germany and Austria! Very much excited about this opportunity. But the price to go is 3,500 bucks!! Holy Hell no! so my dream of going was kinda crushed a bit.

My best friend at the time had told their grandmother about the issue that i have with money and i come to school the next day to hear my name called for the meeting we are having to get ready to go to Europe. I go to my teacher and i said, i didnt pay to go, he looked at me and said, "I know, someone else did it for you." My friend had walked up behind me and like a movie says "Surprise" kinda quiet like. Tears came to my eyes, i thought everyone was messing with me. i was going to Europe.

Oh man.. To talk about everything that happened in that two weeks.. I just cant.. from going to the Castles of Germany and Austria, to the salt and crystal mines deep under ground, the old prisons, and small quiet mountain towns, from hotels to houses, Neuschwanstein to deep underground catacomb cathedrals made of bones.

I just cant do it all in one post.. Not to mention other trips like Cruises, Yellowstone, Tetons, New Mexico, Mexico, Cozumel, Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Florida.

Here is another of my most favorite Blake memories and stories from the past. You telling us how you got to go on the class trip to Germany and Austria is a story that has warmed my heart over these many years when I've thought of you.
I also remember how much you love cruising. Not the naughty kind. haha But the legit out on the ocean kind. :)

I'm very eager for the cruise ship industry to recover from Covid and start sailing again. I'm actually already booked for a cruise in the fall. I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping it will happen for me along with it being safe, mask free and unfettered by social distancing guidelines.

Have you been on other enjoyable cruises since you left us Blake?