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Time for a new rating system?


Well-known Member
Oct 24, 2009
Reaction score
Isn't it time to invent a new rating system? 1-5 just doesn't cut it. It doesn't allow for enough seperation. So maybe 1 -10? But while we're at it, maybe a system that included the opportunity to rate different aspects of the scene. I'm sure Forumites could come up with three to five categories that could be rated (like cum shot/filmwork and or editing/believability/body beauty/likeability/ etc. Wouldn't that be fun?
Whatever scoring system you use, you have to have guidelines such as 0 - not my cup of tea. 1 - rather watch paint dry, 2 - below average, 3 - Average, 4 - Above average, 5 - Way above average.... or similar lines.
How about these guidelines based on "Would I want to do them" 0- no way in hell, 1- I'm not that hard up, 2- only with your dick,
3- maybe if I am really hard up, 4- Yep, Ok... I'd do him, 5- OMG, Yes, Yes, Yes... what do I have to do... (I'd be a stalker for some of that) Hell, I already got a woody.
Or how about this... 0- I wouldn't touch him even if I had a gun to my head, 1- I'd touch him if I had a gun to my head, 2- I might touch him if I were really hard up, 3- OK, I'll touch him but he has to go first. 4- Oh, yes, I wanna feel that dude up, 5- I would lick every inch of that stud's body.
OK... I am gonna stop there I have already put out way too much info.... lmao !
or how about this... 0- i wouldn't touch him even if i had a gun to my head, 1- i'd touch him if i had a gun to my head, 2- i might touch him if i were really hard up, 3- ok, i'll touch him but he has to go first. 4- oh, yes, i wanna feel that dude up, 5- i would lick every inch of that stud's body.

or how about this... 0- i wouldn't touch him even if i had a gun to my head, 1- i'd touch him if i had a gun to my head, 2- i might touch him if i were really hard up, 3- ok, i'll touch him but he has to go first. 4- oh, yes, i wanna feel that dude up, 5- i would lick every inch of that stud's body.

Whatever scoring system you use, you have to have guidelines such as 0 - not my cup of tea. 1 - rather watch paint dry, 2 - below average, 3 - Average, 4 - Above average, 5 - Way above average.... or similar lines.

Well, it seems a scale of 5 is adequate after all... ;)

Isn't it time to invent a new rating system? 1-5 just doesn't cut it. It doesn't allow for enough seperation. So maybe 1 -10? But while we're at it, maybe a system that included the opportunity to rate different aspects of the scene. I'm sure Forumites could come up with three to five categories that could be rated (like cum shot/filmwork and or editing/believability/body beauty/likeability/ etc. Wouldn't that be fun?

I agree a 1-5 system is awfully generic for expressing our passion about a scene. Particularly if we really really really like a scene. I might give a 5 to a scene like Spencer and Denver because it far surpassed my expectations, but then what happens with Carter and Max?!?! A 5 just isn't good enough. *sigh*
Or how about this... 0- I wouldn't touch him even if I had a gun to my head, 1- I'd touch him if I had a gun to my head, 2- I might touch him if I were really hard up, 3- OK, I'll touch him but he has to go first. 4- Oh, yes, I wanna feel that dude up, 5- I would lick every inch of that stud's body.

So, where does I want to make him my very own, and keep him forever and ever, fit into that scale?
The current scale of 1-5 is good for me. It's easy and doesn't take a lot of time to do the rating. I'm not interested in a complicated system.
So, where does I want to make him my very own, and keep him forever and ever, fit into that scale?

Ms. K. that would fit into the 5 slot. (along with keeping him hostage and tied to a bed in the secret room behind the bookcase) Opps! did I say that out loud?
Ms. K. that would fit into the 5 slot. (along with keeping him hostage and tied to a bed in the secret room behind the bookcase) Opps! did I say that out loud?

I think I am holding Ayden in my secret room. Who is in yours?
How about these guidelines based on "Would I want to do them" 0- no way in hell, 1- I'm not that hard up, 2- only with your dick,
3- maybe if I am really hard up, 4- Yep, Ok... I'd do him, 5- OMG, Yes, Yes, Yes... what do I have to do... (I'd be a stalker for some of that) Hell, I already got a woody.

I'm so aghast or agog at a every scene (no in between) I forget to vote....hmmm...would reminder bells be too much to ask?
I've often thought that a 1-10 voting system would give us so much more flexibility to express our true feelings and distinguish between scenes.
I think that the present system is totally based on "how you feel" rather than on any objective criterion. The first objective before a judgment is formed is what is expected from a truly straight man doing gay sex? Once this is secured, then the judging can begin with any concrete basis. Right now I surmise that most members give rating based on whether they got their rocks off and not on whether the model comes across as authentically straight and was his performance convincing. If this objective is not factored in the rating, then what's the point of Broke Straight Boys? It will be just another gay porn site!