Thanks Mikey! I really enjoyed that background info. Yes. The movie really was a mixed bag. Gays saw something to love (and hate) about it. And so did the homophobes. Sigh.... haha But ahead of its time, it was.

I'm also impressed that Marttine Sheen andHal Holbrook were willing to put their careers on the line for it.
I remember (watching as barely a young teen) when Robert Reed played a transgender man wanting "Sexual Reassignment" surgery to female on an episode of "Medical Center" in September of 1975. Unfortunately it
did ruin his career, as he really was a closeted gay man and actor in real life. He had so much goodwill and positive regard for playing the loveable dad on "Brady Bunch". But after that one episode of "Medical Center", offers of solid work all but dried up for him after that. He was pretty much blacklisted from then on out. Whereas Martin Sheen's career was going nowhere but up. "Apocalypse Now" in 1979, all the way to "West Wing" and beyond into the present day. Robert Reed died of AIDS with much less screen time or recognition in 1992. Go figure. Right?
In Memoriam
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