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The Virtual Coffee Shop, Diner And Corner Pub

Most of the members have heard this story before so sorry for the repeat, but some members who haven't might like this story. A few years back do you remember when Paul had his man-bun? Anyway back then Damien Kyle and I were IRL friends and had been for a couple of years. Well everyone knows that him and Paul (the dynamic duo) were partners. I was talking to Damien one morning and he told me that Paul was going to cut off his bun that day. I thought shit Johnny is a hairdresser and wouldn't that just be the perfect birthday gift for him "Paul Canon's hair" So he put Paul on the phone and I asked him if he would save a lock of his hair and send it to me and I would send it to Johnny? He laughed and said hell yes that's awesome! and he knew who Johnny from the forum was. A few weeks later a packaged arrived and of course I opened it and there it was in a ponytail in a bag Paul's hair. Now that wasn't the best part, Paul included a personalized birthday card for Johnny thanking him for being his #1 fan. It was really neat and it ended with lots of XOXOXO's . Needless to say Johnny loved it!!!! Johnny will be forever be missed and in my heart :001_wub:
That's a great story Peter. Thanks for sharing it! :)
Some members are very contradictory. They say The Forum should be like this but for sometnings they like it is okay to be like that.
Cage Kafig was a good versatile performer, in my opinion.

I’m referring to what he said in that 1 minute 15 second clip about how his baby sister died and about his two year old daughter. I was not talking about his sexual versatility. It is the human factor and not always the sex with the boys here that interests me.
I got that. Sadly so many of these players have heart breaking events in their lives as do us members. It is part of life and I feel bad for them. Yes it makes him human as do all the stories assuming they are true. And again yes it adds a dimension to them by us players. I am sorry if I came across as insensitive I did not intend to.
We just had a new world record in the longest goal scored in history! Granted, it was partly due to an unforced error on the part of the opposing goalie. But still, the ball made it from one goalie on one side kicking it all the way into the other into the net on farthest end of the field. :)

A loose translation:

"The first goal kicked "arco a arco" from one side of the field to the complete opposite side, of the Bettson Championship. (#CampeonatoBetsson) This was the score of Leandro Requena from his own goalie box and that left Brayan Cortés stunned, causing the error of the goalkeeper of the team in white in the #CSLvsCCxTNTSports."
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That was terrific. I‘ve watched reruns of “That Seventies Show” just to see Ashton Kutcher. But after seeing clips like this one, I see they tackled real issues including gay kids in a funny but real way too. Kelso saying that if Buddy was gay, he would have been all over him was hilarious but true. lol

Great clip. Thanks Tampa.
I loved the show and watched it as recently as last year although I did not get the gay references but then I guess I am too dense.