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So Many Of The Tops Take A While To Cum; How Could The Bottoms Help?

Now, now, let's be civil...or at least less oral (I can't believe I just suggested that).
As far as the "directing," we've had threads before that outline our ideas and models. I do think it would be neat though if there was a contest, maybe wrapped into the new BSB TV?!

What a great idea! We should be able to vote for models and where to have the scene... sorta like a porn version of Clue...

BLAKE and GRAHAM in the bathroom with a candlestick. Now, that sounds like a good plot. :)

What a great idea! We should be able to vote for models and where to have the scene... sorta like a porn version of Clue...

BLAKE and GRAHAM in the bathroom with a candlestick. Now, that sounds like a good plot. :)


Almost as good as DAMIEN and AYDEN, in the gym, up against the wall.:001_tt1::001_tt1::001_tt1:
I'm just sayin', 30 years with the same guy....honey, you've got to get creative!:thumbup:

I'm all for your 'creativy' Beth! You should write erotic stories, btw ;)

What a great idea! We should be able to vote for models and where to have the scene... sorta like a porn version of Clue...

BLAKE and GRAHAM in the bathroom with a candlestick. Now, that sounds like a good plot. :)

Toby, did you knight BLAKE or did I miss something? Damn, lf so, you beat me to it if you didn't, then, someone still beat me to it, lol ;)

Almost as good as DAMIEN and AYDEN, in the gym, up against the wall.:001_tt1::001_tt1::001_tt1:

Now, guys, you have some amazing ideas!! ;)
What a great idea! We should be able to vote for models and where to have the scene... sorta like a porn version of Clue...

BLAKE and GRAHAM in the bathroom with a candlestick. Now, that sounds like a good plot. :)


Graham: "Oh kind sir, thank you for escorting me to the gentlemen's parlor. It is so dark down these crevasses and your candlestick is large enough to supply ample enlightenment."
Blake: "Assisting you will be my pleasure. I often find that moving in pairs suffices to bring out the best in each of us, again and again."

I would say you "walked into" that one, butt I think it was more of a "backed into."
I thought the object of porn was to make it last as long as possible not see the guy blow his load in 2 minutes so I don't get the whole idea of making a guy cum faster.

I do think the scenes need to be more interesting and less cookie cutter or by the numbers type of porn because that shits getting boring.
Toby, did you knight BLAKE or did I miss something? Damn, lf so, you beat me to it if you didn't, then, someone still beat me to it, lol ;)

Well, I tell you, I couldn't just type BLAKE in standard font. The boy has earned his respect. Someone might tell me that it's the wrong color as Kodi is also red, but BLAKE is all large and in your face; plus he just seems bright red to me.

But what do I know, I'm new around these parts. If I broke some etiquette feel free to correct me.

And I do hope we see BLAKE back around these parts soon (both in scenes and on the forum). He is awesome!

Well, I tell you, I couldn't just type BLAKE in standard font. The boy has earned his respect. Someone might tell me that it's the wrong color as Kodi is also red, but BLAKE is all large and in your face; plus he just seems bright red to me.

But what do I know, I'm new around these parts. If I broke some etiquette feel free to correct me.

And I do hope we see BLAKE back around these parts soon (both in scenes and on the forum). He is awesome!


You peeps have far too much time on your hands. Get out there and smell the fresh air or some armpits lol
You peeps have far too much time on your hands. Get out there and smell the fresh air or some armpits lol

How did you know I have an armpit fetish! Many's a time I've spent staring at dear BLAKE's nice hairy armpits... sorry, what was this thread supposed to be about?

How did you know I have an armpit fetish! Many's a time I've spent staring at dear BLAKE's nice hairy armpits... sorry, what was this thread supposed to be about?


LOL toby - i just guessed about the armpits. The lad I hooked up last Friday did the same as Paul did today when Jason started licking his armpits - he said it tickled too much. I love using my tongue in every orifice of the body but especially armpits, mouth and arse...
Graham: "Oh kind sir, thank you for escorting me to the gentlemen's parlor. It is so dark down these crevasses and your candlestick is large enough to supply ample enlightenment."
Blake: "Assisting you will be my pleasure. I often find that moving in pairs suffices to bring out the best in each of us, again and again."

I would say you "walked into" that one, butt I think it was more of a "backed into."

Haha Glad I can help, I was actually gonna start a new thread about something "sex" since its a topic that goes around on this forum often lol. So what better way to learn from other people on how they have sex with their partners I remember you mentioned on my last thread ha.
What a great idea! We should be able to vote for models and where to have the scene... sorta like a porn version of Clue...

BLAKE and GRAHAM in the bathroom with a candlestick. Now, that sounds like a good plot. :)


Don't think I know who Blake is ha. But the bathroom with the candlestick I might steal from you just to have more ideas incase I have future scenes ha.
I'm just sayin', 30 years with the same guy....honey, you've got to get creative!:thumbup:

Wow, thats is a long time. And I have to agree you gotta try new and different things to spice things up a bit :))).
I would be most happy to see you, of all people, be able to tell Clay that he could take a few hours off while you directed a scene. haha

Clay does very well at what he does and that is direct, but I also think it would be kind of cool to have a member write a scene and post it and hope that Mark will take the advice, you never know lol.
Clay does very well at what he does and that is direct, but I also think it would be kind of cool to have a member write a scene and post it and hope that Mark will take the advice, you never know lol.

I DO believe that you're on to something Graham. It'd may be nice if members could write a scene from time to time!
Don't think I know who Blake is ha. But the bathroom with the candlestick I might steal from you just to have more ideas incase I have future scenes ha.

There goes my fantasy of you having done a scene with Blake... Well, it just means that you WILL do a scene with him and believe me, I'll be the first in line to see it!
Blake is a fantastic guy and I'd love to see you guys together.