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No sharing Private Information


BluMedia Staff
Staff member
Oct 18, 2008
Reaction score
Denver, CO
Hello Loyal Members,

We have gotten word of some members of the forums once again sharing private information on our Broke Straight Boys Models and we have warned of this in the previous months that this will not be tolerated! When we get word of this we will investigate and ban those members without any warning.

Please let this serve as a reminder, let the models have their own private lives outside of this virtual world.

Thank you!
one would think we learned from the first time this happened......
Investigate as you will Chuck. Especially since some of your closest friends who serve as your eyes share info with selected others thru other channels.
I am not here to cause trouble, but there will always be interest in the models as people, some of it good and some of it bad. Management and the models have a right to have a private life, true, if you don't put yourself out in public. Your marketing team is highly visible. If they want privacy, don't drop drawers at various venues across the nation and world. If a model wants privacy then they shouldn't give permission to have their name printed somewhere. In other words, it is the responsibility of management and the models themselves to ensure that their information is not compromised first and foremost. Don't blame the members when someone stumbles upon an unprotected Myspace page or whatever. While you can ban us, you also come close to censorship and violating free speech. Confidentiality is your problem to handle, not ours and telling us "Thou shall not....." just makes management look like the proverbial fools. The information that may be passed around is gained either from management, the models themselves or information that is public in nature. You have control of the first, some of the second, and non over the third.

Ban me, refund my membership, whatever. Just make sure you have your house in order before you start screaming at the members.

there is a difference between chatting about the models and passing around their addresses and phone numbers. if you are given this information freely from a model themselves, then you better believe you should protect it. if you got their address by them giving it to you, thats one thing, but it is not your business to give it to other members. it is not censorship, it is RESPECT! i dont share any information that wasnt given to me expressly for the reason to pass it along because i respect the people its about. i think chucks house is in damn good order if you ask me. his house keeper is the shit!
there is a difference between chatting about the models and passing around their addresses and phone numbers. if you are given this information freely from a model themselves, then you better believe you should protect it. if you got their address by them giving it to you, thats one thing, but it is not your business to give it to other members. it is not censorship, it is RESPECT! i dont share any information that wasnt given to me expressly for the reason to pass it along because i respect the people its about. i think chucks house is in damn good order if you ask me. his house keeper is the shit!

Soooooo we're strictly talking about address and phone numbers? Or does it also include "Oh Model XYZ told me that...............". And unless that model gave their express permission for whomever to discuss on whatever venue happens to suit, then there is no respect either. Chcuk was talking about "private information". You seem to have a better handle on what Chuck means JW. Why is that? And should he (or one of the chosen) given you details of the breach then I would assume that confidential information passed to someone who had little to no business having it. So I am confused Joe. Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black to me.

My kindergarteners know that integrity means doing the right thing, even when no one is looking. Having the "right" to anything should come with the understanding that you have a responsibility attached to that right.
Soooooo we're strictly talking about address and phone numbers? Or does it also include "Oh Model XYZ told me that...............". And unless that model gave their express permission for whomever to discuss on whatever venue happens to suit, then there is no respect either. Chcuk was talking about "private information". You seem to have a better handle on what Chuck means JW. Why is that? And should he (or one of the chosen) given you details of the breach then I would assume that confidential information passed to someone who had little to no business having it. So I am confused Joe. Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black to me.


chuck and i have had no correspondences, and as for his "chosen", she gave me no information on the matter and doesnt share any of her moderator actions with me. i havent even talked to her today, so i am acting on what i deducted from chuck's thread. addresses and phone numbers are private information, as well as employment and family. i suggest before you start a witch hunt, you rethink youre little endeavor and go back into hiding. and while youre on "pot" metaphores, then i think i might point out that you are simply bored of being ignored and simply want to stir the pot to get your jollies.
chuck and i have had no correspondences, and as for his "chosen", she gave me no information on the matter and doesnt share any of her moderator actions with me. i havent even talked to her today, so i am acting on what i deducted from chuck's thread. addresses and phone numbers are private information, as well as employment and family. i suggest before you start a witch hunt, you rethink youre little endeavor and go back into hiding. and while youre on "pot" metaphores, then i think i might point out that you are simply bored of being ignored and simply want to stir the pot to get your jollies.

Joe you are not stupid but you really have no idea what you just said. You are in the "right" and that's all you will ever see. I'm not bored, I have a life. As far as to whom you have spoken or what knowledge you may have of what, I don't know and could care less. Chuck started the "Witch Hunt" with his very broad and very general remarks. Management has decided to decree a pogrom, not the members.

So I take it you will categorically deny ever having said anything about a model (information gained from that model or someone else with access to the information). You have not in any way passed on anything that Austin or Diesal or Jayce or any other member of the road crew has said to you without the model having said "you can share this if you like". I might have done a lot of things, but most of what I was accused of was of that particular nature. So, yes or no, JW?

Joe you are not stupid but you really have no idea what you just said. You are in the "right" and that's all you will ever see. I'm not bored, I have a life. As far as to whom you have spoken or what knowledge you may have of what, I don't know and could care less. Chuck started the "Witch Hunt" with his very broad and very general remarks. Management has decided to decree a pogrom, not the members.

So I take it you will categorically deny ever having said anything about a model (information gained from that model or someone else with access to the information). You have not in any way passed on anything that Austin or Diesal or Jayce or any other member of the road crew has said to you without the model having said "you can share this if you like". I might have done a lot of things, but most of what I was accused of was of that particular nature. So, yes or no, JW?


i have met jayce once and we barely spoke except to exchange salutations, and anything diesal, austin and i spoke of is for us to know and you to butt the fuck out. if you have a qualm with me personally then pm me. this conversation is over with. any accusations you have made of me are completely ridiculous. i respect these models completely and would never share anything with people that shouldnt know. ESPECIALLY PEOPLE LIKE YOU! this whole forum is filled with a bunch a lilly fake queens just waiting to nip at each other. if chuck wants to ban me then he can do so or ask me to leave himself.
Sometimes I think the mgmt start threads like this just to stir things up. It's been very quiet recently so maybe they thought they'd put petrol on a dull fire.
Sometimes I think the mgmt start threads like this just to stir things up. It's been very quiet recently so maybe they thought they'd put petrol on a dull fire.

who knows....if so i kinda fed into it, but i just dont like being called out like that.
I don't agree Jon. It was put up to warn the forum of these behaviors so more "loyal members" will not have to be banned.
this is NOT sexy! Its a like a current situation where its legal but the wisdom of it says not to do it.
what guy wants his private life exposed NOT ME.
the discussion on here makes the models like close friends. We want to know them and everything about their real lives.
What it seems like reading the other posts is that the discussion took place off this site.
To protect the models I think the admin has to do what it said it would do even if it is off the site. A nasty situation for even anyone just reading this.
I want to protect the guys who show us everything they have and do things we want to see. We owe it to them.
i have met jayce once and we barely spoke except to exchange salutations, and anything diesal, austin and i spoke of is for us to know and you to butt the fuck out. if you have a qualm with me personally then pm me. this conversation is over with. any accusations you have made of me are completely ridiculous. i respect these models completely and would never share anything with people that shouldnt know. ESPECIALLY PEOPLE LIKE YOU! this whole forum is filled with a bunch a lilly fake queens just waiting to nip at each other. if chuck wants to ban me then he can do so or ask me to leave himself.

Hey Joe, don't start throwing around words like lily white queens as you fit the bill as well. The point is: You say you haven't shared info with anyone who doesn't deserve it. Exactly who determines that? You? If so you have done what I have done in the past. The consequences may not be the same (yet), but the actions are.

Don't get all self righteous. If you have never shared any piece of info with anyone then say so. If you have, then own up to it, admit that you have done something members are not supposed to do and take any lumps that may come your way. The rules apply to all, members, watchful eyes, management, etc.

You don't like being called out, no one does. Especially in public. That being said, it's not all about you. It's about actions and the possibilities for consequences. Either we all live by the same standard or Management needs to take a chill pill.

I don't agree Jon. It was put up to warn the forum of these behaviors so more "loyal members" will not have to be banned.

Miss D I shall quote the original post

"Hello Loyal Members,

We have gotten word of some members of the forums once again sharing private information on our Broke Straight Boys Models and we have warned of this in the previous months that this will not be tolerated! When we get word of this we will investigate and ban those members without any warning.

Please let this serve as a reminder, let the models have their own private lives outside of this virtual world.

Thank you!

What's this we have gotten word thing all about, sounds like rumour and speculation to me. It's also rather school headmistress type of warning - doh you're talking to adults/paying members. If there are members passing on information about models or in fact other members then deal with them in private instead of tarring all the members with the same darn brush.

Once again, you've come pretty low in the diplomacy stakes. :mad:
Slimvintage banned????

I just saw that Slim has been banned. Can someone from management, Chuck, Mark, David, Scorpio, or MsDeidra please explain.

What is this all about?????
........any accusations you have made of me are completely ridiculous. i respect these models completely and would never share anything with people that shouldnt know. ESPECIALLY PEOPLE LIKE YOU! this whole forum is filled with a bunch a lilly fake queens just waiting to nip at each other. if chuck wants to ban me then he can do so or ask me to leave himself.
Joe, I have enjoyed your contributions to the forum from your first appearance here many months ago. I have publicly defended your right to say whatever you want, and have praised your openness and honesty, as those are traits that I admire in people.

However in this situation, I must support Jayce. You said in the above quote that you "would never share anything with people that shouldnt know".

You are saying that your judgement over whom to share "personal information" with is acceptable, but Jason or other folk's judgment is not????

That is really twisted thinking.

I personally feel that management is going way overboard in this witch hunt. I understand it is a private site, and they can operate the site, the forum, and everything about it however they like, but my personal feeling is that the paranoia has gotten out of hand.

I'm afraid that the end result of all this will be the closing of the forum, which would be very sad, and I would have to question my further membership here without the forum.

What a weird wacky Sunday here in Broke Straight Boys Land.
I'm going to chime in here...I really didn't read this thread fully so I can make and voice my own thoughts about this privacy issue. As most of you know, I don't post as much as I normally do for many, many reasons..one reason is because of privacy issues I have with many members. I have never given out MY personal information to any members. I've only met 3 members of this site and had lunch with them and hung out with them for about 2-3 hrs at the most. In that time, I never gave my personal home address, my personal home phone number nor my private email. I kept it very professional and any information I chose to give out was strictly business. For example I only gave out our office number, people have our office address, members have my business email address, this information I don't mind giving out because its business. It seems that some weren't satisfied with just keeping it business and wanted more and pried into my private life and over-stepped there boundaries.

As for the models, its a two way street. Unfortunately many of the models I blame for giving out there information to members during there time on the Broke Straight Boys events. No offense to any particular members, but here is a perfect example what happens without naming names.

Diesal goes to events, he's having fun passing out t-shirts, putting Broke Straight Boys tattoos on people, answering questions, passing out Broke Straight Boys DVD's, taking pictures. In many cases, there are some members that follow the events or go to an after event with the Broke Straight Boys boys, they get drunk, they party and they all have a great time. In the meantime, Diesal gives out his personal email, his personal phone number, his facebook/myspace account and he does this innocently without thinking.

This is when the can of worms open up. The member that now has Diesals information, goes home and then the next day goes on to Diesals facebook/myspace account and see's that Diesal is friends with other Broke Straight Boys models and has access to Diesal personal life. The member that is all excited about having this information starts talking privately to other members and that member starts spreading Diesal information around inner workings of the Broke Straight Boys forum (and this is done privately amongst the Broke Straight Boys forum members). In turn, when the forum members receive this info they pass it along to everyone else they chat with. This is all done innocently but what many people don't realize is that when this information goes out and you look up Diesals personal facebook/myspace info, you have access to all his family, friends and other Broke Straight Boys models and this opens the door for certain members that are so infatuated with models that they start contacting these other models including Diesal Members that do this don't realize that many models do this on the down-low and don't want others to know what they did and what your doing is placing them in a very awkward position and your contacting them without there permission and in some cases stalking them, which is against the law. Just because they take off there clothes and have sex on video doesn't give any members the right to contact these models but at the same token, our models shouldn't give out there information so both the models and the members are to be blamed for this privacy issue.

The damage is done so Broke Straight Boys management is taking every precaution to protect the models privacy. I have already notified many of our models to place there facebook/myspace info as private and to warn them to no longer give out there personal information. We also gave them a warning that members may find them on myspace/facebook and to take caution. These are the only steps we can take. For those that have this information, there is nothing we can do, but I respect that you would have the decency to respect there private lives and to not contact anyone from there friends list and only contact the model that gave you his information.

Its just like the preacher in gainsville that wanted to burn the Koran on 9/11. By burning the book, you don't know the repercussions and the damage it can cause for our troops still overseas. This is the same by having private information that is private and taking it upon yourself to pry into other peoples lives without there permission, you don't know the damage or the repercussions its can cause that person. Think before you do!