I'm going to chime in here...I really didn't read this thread fully so I can make and voice my own thoughts about this privacy issue. As most of you know, I don't post as much as I normally do for many, many reasons..one reason is because of privacy issues I have with many members. I have never given out MY personal information to any members. I've only met 3 members of this site and had lunch with them and hung out with them for about 2-3 hrs at the most. In that time, I never gave my personal home address, my personal home phone number nor my private email. I kept it very professional and any information I chose to give out was strictly business. For example I only gave out our office number, people have our office address, members have my business email address, this information I don't mind giving out because its business. It seems that some weren't satisfied with just keeping it business and wanted more and pried into my private life and over-stepped there boundaries.
As for the models, its a two way street. Unfortunately many of the models I blame for giving out there information to members during there time on the
Broke Straight Boys events. No offense to any particular members, but here is a perfect example what happens without naming names.
Diesal goes to events, he's having fun passing out t-shirts, putting
Broke Straight Boys tattoos on people, answering questions, passing out
Broke Straight Boys DVD's, taking pictures. In many cases, there are some members that follow the events or go to an after event with the
Broke Straight Boys boys, they get drunk, they party and they all have a great time. In the meantime,
Diesal gives out his personal email, his personal phone number, his facebook/myspace account and he does this innocently without thinking.
This is when the can of worms open up. The member that now has Diesals information, goes home and then the next day goes on to Diesals facebook/myspace account and see's that
Diesal is friends with other
Broke Straight Boys models and has access to
Diesal personal life. The member that is all excited about having this information starts talking privately to other members and that member starts spreading
Diesal information around inner workings of the
Broke Straight Boys forum (and this is done privately amongst the
Broke Straight Boys forum members). In turn, when the forum members receive this info they pass it along to everyone else they chat with. This is all done innocently but what many people don't realize is that when this information goes out and you look up Diesals personal facebook/myspace info, you have access to all his family, friends and other
Broke Straight Boys models and this opens the door for certain members that are so infatuated with models that they start contacting these other models including
Diesal Members that do this don't realize that many models do this on the down-low and don't want others to know what they did and what your doing is placing them in a very awkward position and your contacting them without there permission and in some cases stalking them, which is against the law. Just because they take off there clothes and have sex on video doesn't give any members the right to contact these models but at the same token, our models shouldn't give out there information so both the models and the members are to be blamed for this privacy issue.
The damage is done so
Broke Straight Boys management is taking every precaution to protect the models privacy. I have already notified many of our models to place there facebook/myspace info as private and to warn them to no longer give out there personal information. We also gave them a warning that members may find them on myspace/facebook and to take caution. These are the only steps we can take. For those that have this information, there is nothing we can do, but I respect that you would have the decency to respect there private lives and to not contact anyone from there friends list and only contact the model that gave you his information.
Its just like the preacher in gainsville that wanted to burn the Koran on 9/11. By burning the book, you don't know the repercussions and the damage it can cause for our troops still overseas. This is the same by having private information that is private and taking it upon yourself to pry into other peoples lives without there permission, you don't know the damage or the repercussions its can cause that person. Think before you do!