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No sharing Private Information

oh wow, some of these posts make me laugh so damn hard. i guess some people never learn. you've dug your bed, now lay in it. as for starting a "witch hunt," if you don't know... i'm not sure some of you do since some of you live in a crazy reality, witches weren't real, but information sharing is! chuck said "When we get word of this we will investigate and ban those members without any warning." when they are notified of misconduct they will investigate! oh boy... real proof!

tuscon, please go back into hiding. there is no freedom of speech here... yes, you can say what you want, but if what you say is considered gross misconduct, you will be censored. no forums exist anywhere that are a free for all and allow you to do what you want.

oh and before people point fingers and call me self righteous, i have never received any information, i've never met any Broke Straight Boys models, nor have i shared the information that i don't have. <3
I'm going to chime in here...I really didn't read this thread fully so I can make and voice my own thoughts about this privacy issue. As most of you know, I don't post as much as I normally do for many, many reasons..one reason is because of privacy issues I have with many members. I have never given out MY personal information to any members. I've only met 3 members of this site and had lunch with them and hung out with them for about 2-3 hrs at the most. In that time, I never gave my personal home address, my personal home phone number nor my private email. I kept it very professional and any information I chose to give out was strictly business. For example I only gave out our office number, people have our office address, members have my business email address, this information I don't mind giving out because its business. It seems that some weren't satisfied with just keeping it business and wanted more and pried into my private life and over-stepped there boundaries.

As for the models, its a two way street. Unfortunately many of the models I blame for giving out there information to members during there time on the Broke Straight Boys events. No offense to any particular members, but here is a perfect example what happens without naming names.

Diesal goes to events, he's having fun passing out t-shirts, putting Broke Straight Boys tattoos on people, answering questions, passing out Broke Straight Boys DVD's, taking pictures. In many cases, there are some members that follow the events or go to an after event with the Broke Straight Boys boys, they get drunk, they party and they all have a great time. In the meantime, Diesal gives out his personal email, his personal phone number, his facebook/myspace account and he does this innocently without thinking.

This is when the can of worms open up. The member that now has Diesals information, goes home and then the next day goes on to Diesals facebook/myspace account and see's that Diesal is friends with other Broke Straight Boys models and has access to Diesal personal life. The member that is all excited about having this information starts talking privately to other members and that member starts spreading Diesal information around inner workings of the Broke Straight Boys forum (and this is done privately amongst the Broke Straight Boys forum members). In turn, when the forum members receive this info they pass it along to everyone else they chat with. This is all done innocently but what many people don't realize is that when this information goes out and you look up Diesals personal facebook/myspace info, you have access to all his family, friends and other Broke Straight Boys models and this opens the door for certain members that are so infatuated with models that they start contacting these other models including Diesal Members that do this don't realize that many models do this on the down-low and don't want others to know what they did and what your doing is placing them in a very awkward position and your contacting them without there permission and in some cases stalking them, which is against the law. Just because they take off there clothes and have sex on video doesn't give any members the right to contact these models but at the same token, our models shouldn't give out there information so both the models and the members are to be blamed for this privacy issue.

The damage is done so Broke Straight Boys management is taking every precaution to protect the models privacy. I have already notified many of our models to place there facebook/myspace info as private and to warn them to no longer give out there personal information. We also gave them a warning that members may find them on myspace/facebook and to take caution. These are the only steps we can take. For those that have this information, there is nothing we can do, but I respect that you would have the decency to respect there private lives and to not contact anyone from there friends list and only contact the model that gave you his information.

Its just like the preacher in gainsville that wanted to burn the Koran on 9/11. By burning the book, you don't know the repercussions and the damage it can cause for our troops still overseas. This is the same by having private information that is private and taking it upon yourself to pry into other peoples lives without there permission, you don't know the damage or the repercussions its can cause that person. Think before you do!


On this we agree. And that's the problem I have with Blu for spouting a general, non focused charge aimed at one and all. Some would like to see me crawl into a hole..... They can think what they like. The problem is that there are those in favor with Blu that do chat and do have models info. Not that there have been any accusations of problems arising from that, but for Blu to pronounce a warning, when people close to them are doing that which we are admonished not to do burns my ass. Since they have seen no consequences they feel it's ok. I felt that way and God only knows what happened. So am I a bad person just because it did cause problems, and they are not since no consequences have arisen? The playing field needs to be even. There were occasions when I have used information inappropriately. Recently I have come across information in surprising ways. I did a search for someone the other day on Facebook (not Broke Straight Boys related) and came up with a Broke Straight Boys model's personal Facebook page. Facebook and Myspace are designed to throw information at you.
I have not contacted that person (and won't) so I won't say anything more.

Blu needs to look around and see what is happening. Just because there hasn't been a problem doesn't mean there won't be.

I am sorry for all the trouble you have been through because of me. I hope that you prosper, and have a happy and healthy life.

This is simply to protect the models and members, you may have information that a model themselves gave to you which is no fault of yours, but some of our models didn't understand that in the wrong hands that information can be dangerous. Models have and are being educated on keeping their info private and we are encouraging members to not share info either, we will do what we can to protect our models and members of this forum. We have discussed disabling Private Messages on the board but would hate for it to come to that because of a few people.

Just because someone gives you information does not mean that you have the right to share it with others. This got out of hand a few months ago and so we had to put steps in place to handle this. We warned forum members no sharing information and people were given a 2nd chance, but enough is enough.

All we are asking is to use common sense and respect your friends.

I see we are applying selective deletions. JW seems to be having a conversation with Tucsonjayce but Tucsonjayce's posts are all gone. Chuck you might as well have deleted everything except your warning!!! Go ahead and ban away to your hearts content.......
This is simply to protect the models and members, you may have information that a model themselves gave to you which is no fault of yours, but some of our models didn't understand that in the wrong hands that information can be dangerous. Models have and are being educated on keeping their info private and we are encouraging members to not share info either, we will do what we can to protect our models and members of this forum. We have discussed disabling Private Messages on the board but would hate for it to come to that because of a few people.

Just because someone gives you information does not mean that you have the right to share it with others. This got out of hand a few months ago and so we had to put steps in place to handle this. We warned forum members no sharing information and people were given a 2nd chance, but enough is enough.

All we are asking is to use common sense and respect your friends.


Too true but does that include people we all know chat off site? Play fair Chuck.... As David said, there might be consequences. Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't.

I see we are applying selective deletions. JW seems to be having a conversation with Tucsonjayce but Tucsonjayce's posts are all gone. Chuck you might as well have deleted everything except your warning!!! Go ahead and ban away to your hearts content.......

Chuck....JudaVoda and TucsonJayce are the same person. TucsonJayce is using two names and two profiles.
if chuck chooses to delete something on a site he manages, he can. no explanation needed to you, creepy ass.
This is one of the reasons why do not like be involved on this board, will it ever end....
Rocky, I quite agree. A simple point of information from Chuck and a few get their knickers in a twist
I can't believe anyone would share personal information about any of the models. I don't even understand how this information is obtained. I'm sure like most everyone else here I have a past (and present) and it's up to me who that information is shared with.
Come on guys.........show a little respect! Leave the models alone. If you think by having personal information about any of them is going to get them in bed with you, you really need to think again. This site is about fantasy. If any of you can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality you need to cancel your membership and find a therapist.
Keep on fucking with the models and how long will it be before there are no new models when word gets out their personal information is being shared!
if chuck chooses to delete something on a site he manages, he can. no explanation needed to you, creepy ass.

Nice to hide behind a screen name isn't it Zyl? You don't know me, and never will (my choice not yours). True Chuck can do as he pleases, however why not delete everything? and leave the warning and close the thread? one side goes down. I was no more crass than JW was, so it must be the content that irritates. Ban or delete, they have the power to do so. Now you lemmings can go on your merry way...... look out for that cliff.

Is that what you are shooting for Jayce? Are you trying to get banned? I don't understand your motives.
Jayce's wish to be banned has been fulfilled and having more than 1 screen name is against TOS.
Jayce's wish to be banned has been fulfilled and having more than 1 screen name is against TOS.

Well oh my. Slim and then Tucsonjayce being banned, you're doing a good job destroying this forum and theirin this site. I see today Mark is withdrawing the forum on Brokecollgeboys - times are hard eh. They're gonna get even more hard if you lot keep upsetting the paying membership.

Zyl and Tucson, don't have a go at each other, I think you both have the same intentions and I both love you to bits. Threads like this can see posts getting misinterpreted.

Management and especially Chuck. You seriously need to take a course in how to handle a crisis brought on by yourself. You have indeed managed to alienate and barr long standing members who have brought so much to this forum. From what I can recall, you've only actually been a part of the site for a short period of time and from the posts you've written, you indeed have managed to cause more upset and disruption than ANY member could have done.

Sorry Chuck, but maybe you should be looking in the mirror.

Other loyal members - I thank you for your humour and chat during the time I've been on here. I can truthfully say that I have no involvement in the coup and psych that Chuck is referring to. However, because I speak my mind I guess I wont be here in the morning. Good luck to you all.

At the end of the day, big brother wins/

PS. Mark you are a cool dude.. xx
Chuck....JudaVoda and TucsonJayce are the same person. TucsonJayce is using two names and two profiles.

David - By disclosing this information, aren't you indeed giving away confidential information that only management can be aware of.

If the cap fits... wear it..

You know - this is amazing. I never post - but read the forums often. This issue is beyond reasonable levels of hypocracy.

With the current warnings/threats against members - I have to reflect upon what David has disclosed about models private lives.

During several of his recent rants we have heard:

About how fat and unhygenic cj had become - had to fire him

How Mike was enraged when fired because his family intervened

Hoe stupid Braden is - he called him illiterate

Now we here how Diesal let his private info slip out

As a management employee - I would be fired for disclosing these kind of trade secrets. Instead, members are chastised for behavior that management here participates in?


Love the sit btw - just hate the lecturing.........

I know what I have to say is of no importance since half the members have me on ignore and the others joined long after I had anything to say, but it's time we put this thing behind us, and the only way we're going to do it is to stop ignoring the obvious. We can take swipes at each other and management all day long. In truth, we all knew what Chuck was talking about when he issued his warning. CJ's bathing habits and Mike's rants had nothing to do with it. Neither did Tucson's double identity, or, for that matter, Slim's several month's ago. If you read the forum, you knew about these things because they've been posted. David mentioned who Jude was when he first logged on; you just had to 'read between the lines.' These things are gossip, banter, backstage talk - the stuff sites like this toss about constantly.

None of these things, however, endanger or embarrass or put in jeopardy a single person, model, member, or management. On the forum, yes; in reality, no. They reveal no identities, no home addresses, no telephone numbers, no schools, no jobs, no friends, no families, no hangouts. I think we all know the difference. We just need to recognize it and stop nitpicking. It's the endangering kind that's against the rules, not the gossipy sort. We all are capable of telling the difference.

Yes. Lines have been crossed before on the forum - by both sides. It got really difficult during Dustin's funeral because so many real names surfaced and so many real addresses. Having close friends among the models and among the members, I know how painful it can be when obsessive forumania intrudes into private life. I've had threats, on the forum and off, too. And I know models who've had their lives thrown into unheaval by fans who went into stalk mode.

And I'm not being self-righteous, I include myself in the forum. We've all done it or watched it done. We know the difference. Nobody's asking you to be management's spy. Just remember Yogi Berra when someone offers you endangering info and say "include me out."

As far as right of privacy goes - this is a private network, not a public one. We play by the network's rules. And I've re-read Chuck's warning a dozen times and can't find a single undiplomatic thing in it. I'm a classroom teacher and I frequently say "Eyes on your on paper," if I suspect copying going on as a way of stopping it without having to throw away a dozen test papers. When it doesn't work - the waste basket fills. We had our warning and it didn't work.

I apologize for sounding like a pompous ass again. Sitting on the sidelines for so long gives you a different perspective. I really am an ass, I'm just not pompous - I'm like Jessica Rabbit - I just write that way.
At first I was not going to react by reading all this but I will after all.

If not too late already, it is time that both mgnt and members concerned cease fire.You are not only on your way in torpedating the forum but the whole site.

Mgnt makes it sound as if someone has been murdered.Speaking of privacy mgnt, porn models start giving this up once they appear on Internet.They dont perform maquerated do they?The chance they are recognized by family, friends, neighbours, schoolmates is very real,if not unavoidable.If people wont bring it out, the crows will.

This is no excuse for abusing confidential information given ofcourse but once you are a public person, you will have to live with leakages.And after all I suppose that your models are not hunted the way some politicians and royals have to endure.

So get your feeds back to the ground and leave that threatening and those invectives behind for heaven's sake!