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No sharing Private Information

Now, I'm really getting scared. I, for the second time in a week, totally and completely agree with aquarius.

First of all, the people who own this site own it. We do not. Some of the members feel that since they pay their membership fees, it gives them some sort of right of management. It does not. Our decision, as members is whether to continue to subscribe or not. That is where our desicion-making rights end.

Secondly, as aquarius was saying, but I feel stopped short, is that we can throw blame back and forth all day long, but the bottom line is that we are all adults and we know right from wrong. We know what lines not to cross and we know when we cross them. It's called a conscience. We all have one. Some of us don't listen to ours.

We know the potential dangers caused by indiscretion. We know the difference between disclosing that a certain model missed the hygeine bus and contacting other models' families and friends. And, yet the transgressors want to try to hide behind the elementary-school defense and say, "Well, they did it, too!"

I respect management's right to ban anyone at any time for any reason, and they don't have to disclose it to the other members. When the fertilizer struck the ventilator earlier this year, I voiced the opinion that some of the most onerous and dangerous of the guilty simply went into hiding, flew under the radar, and were lurking. It seems that some of them have been sussed out.

It's simple. Use your head. What can possibly be gained by prying into the private lives of any other individual, model, actor, politician, pornstar, anyone? Why would someone feel the need to invade someone else's existence to that degree?

And, my other warning which goes unheeded. Facebook and Myspace are the two most dangerous electronic entities so far known to man. They serve no purpose and expose the world to your life. Why would anyone allow billions of strangers access to not only their information, but all of their "friends"?

We all have a right to privacy. Broke Straight Boys is only trying to protect that.
Hey guys,

I'm going to chime in again and hopefully we can place this issue at rest. Like many of us that read & follow the boards I think we've been shocked and perhaps some insulted that Slim was banned due to a privacy issue. At the time I was not aware of why or what happen since I was not informed of the situation, but I had some idea.

After investigating this issue further it has come to my attention that a simple gesture of giving ViceKid our business address and permission to give out our address to a "select group" of individuals to send Tyler a happy B-day card. I'm not faulting ViceKid by giving the addy to a select group of individuals, but those select individuals took it upon themselves to contact a mass group of people and started sending out our business addy to others that don't even post on this board and have no clue who they are. Since many people on this board lurk and are also active on the board many are aware that we have an issue with privacy and they contacted Mark & Chuck telling them that a certain member is spreading our address to many of the members. With this information Mark & Chuck decided to ban the person in question until they figured out what is going on. They did this to protect me and our business and the security of D&E Productions. In the past we had one person try to break into our office/studio because they wanted to "see models". This alerted both Mark & Chuck and they took action right away and I have to thank them for there quick thinking.

We understand that there are many fans of Tyler out there and folks want to send him a b-day card and greetings and we appreciate it and Tyler appreciates the well wishes, but we prefer to keep this type of appreciation to a minimum. Tyler does read the boards and anyone that wants to give Tyler well wishes and wish him a happy-B-day can do so by posting here on the Broke Straight Boys forum.

Again we are not faulting anyone and this goes to show that I'm not better then any of the models giving out there information at events. I innocently gave out information to one member and telling him he can give it to a few/some members that already had our address anyways, it got out of hand when one of those members took it upon themselves to spread this information. I'm not angry or upset with this member, I adore him and I've got to know him over the years and we have communicated several times and I know he didn't do anything malicious and he innocently sent out our business address. Unfortunately and sad we live in a society that people can't control themselves and passion and infatuation and being obsessed about a site or the models that appear on the site can get the better of us and some people have clouded visions and don't think clearly and will go and do something malicious and we have already experienced this first hand.

I'm not going to post about this anymore and making this into a major case. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please PM. Lets place this issue behind us and move on and enjoy the site. Overall at the end of the day, we appreciate your support lets have fun and enjoy the videos.

I will not quote any of the previous posts since I last posted. I'd just like to reiterate that sure, the site is owned and run by Mark and his staff. However, I would also like to add that if it were not for the members subscriptions then there would be no site. And the important bit I'm trying to get across to you guys over the pond.. is that the initial message was too cruel and pointing the finger at most of the members who knew nothing what was going on.

I, through someone who was allegedly affected, now know exactly what has happened and I find it a bit trivial in respect of what has gone on in the past. I'm sorry but now that I know the facts, I feel that Broke Straight Boys have gone OTT in banning two of the most influencial people on this forum.

I would also like to say that I'm really dissapointed by those who have commented on Slims excellent posts in the past, but have remained closetted in this situation. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Since none of us really know what happened and never will, my opinion is that the people who should be ashamed of themselves know who they are, and the rest of us should go on with our lives. It seems that, in life, no matter what the situation, someone will find a way to try to screw it up for the rest. Someone will always want more. Someone will find a way to work around the rules. Someone will always cross a line.

There has been a general undertone of some disturbance pervading the forum for some time now. Something has been rotten in Denmark, as the old saying goes. Perhaps, if not now, soon, we can squelch that persistent odor and clean up our act. We all, myself included, need to act like the adults we are. We MUST respect each other, and that includes our space and our privacy.
Everyone, it is SO very cool that D&E gave us a chance to express our appreciation of the site. Good and bad. I have been a member for a long while. But I have to say, this type of thread just drives me bonkers. Way to much stupid stuff has gone on. If I were David, Eddy and Mark, I would say screw this and just shut down the forum. Come on people. We are supposed to be adults. If you don't like the site over the long run, then cancel. But damn, respect all involved in bringing the site to us and yeah we PAY for it. BUT. SO much of what I see is so petty. And yes I am pissed that members annoy the models. If a model opted to chat with you in private, thats great. But why on earth would someone share that with the masses?? Does anyone know the meaning of trust and respect??
I saw this link come up and about puked. Stop the nonsense. D&E shut it down if you have to! Or at least keep a link we can PM you about things and you can control it. I know you dont want that because your day is full as it is. This is simply junior high school at its worst!
Padre Island, Texas
Scorn as you may at the perputrators but be aware that those that are banned have a lot information about you silent people. For instance, there are many of you members that were too scared to mention in public the bareback porn that I found for a certain model. But you nevertheless continue to hound me in PM for the websites that they are involved in.

At least Slim and I mentioned in public that we enjoyed watching bb porn whilst a lot of you hid underneath your sheets.
We were able to resolve this and bans were lifted including for Slim since it was not the fault of some of those individuals, so we now understand that no harm was meant to be done but with the information at hand we had to take immediate attention. David had given out the address without our knowledge, had we have known this would have been more easily handled.

Mark and myself honestly do what we can to protect the models and want this to be kept a safe and fun environment.

Thank you all for putting this to rest.

We were able to resolve this and bans were lifted including for Slim since it was not the fault of some of those individuals, so we now understand that no harm was meant to be done but with the information at hand we had to take immediate attention. David had given out the address without our knowledge, had we have known this would have been more easily handled.

Mark and myself honestly do what we can to protect the models and want this to be kept a safe and fun environment.

Thank you all for putting this to rest.


So my initial assessment of you jumping to conclusions was correct. I hope you have apologised to the individuals concerned and I guess your last post is the closest we're going to get for an apology.
Many of us have been upset by the recent events, and I suppose as is natural, have jumped to conclusions. It sounds like what really happened is a series of unfortunate misunderstandings, a reaction to concern that some members of this forum and website have not respected the models and other members of the forum.

I think it is realistic that management has to choose to ban first, and ask questions later. Above all else, management owes its first responsibility to the models whose very willingness to be on camera provides us with the hours of entertainment we so enjoy and to the members who continue to support the site. How we feel about those decisions, no matter how angry they make us or how frustrating they are, is irrelevant. I think management’s involvement in the forum is a testament to just how very important their membership is to them.

We are all often harsh and judgmental people. What we have to keep in mind is that everyone is a sum of his past experiences, and many of us have suffered terribly and at great personal cost. Not everyone has had a lovely childhood, loving parents, accepting friends and family. Just read the majority of the personal stories that have been written on this forum and it’s clear. We can comment on the beauty or lack thereof in a model, we can criticize David for his inarticulate and difficult to decipher posts and synopses. We can criticize management when we feel they have made a mistake. What I don’t feel we have a right to do is judge anyone for their behavior. We are all human, allowed and expected to make mistakes. Those mistakes will frequently be at someone else’s expense. It’s unfortunate. All we can do then is apologize to those who have been hurt, do what we can to repair the damage and move on. We can’t ask anything more.

Many people who I care very deeply about were affected, negatively, by these recent events. I believe Slim will recover, will forgive and put this behind him and move on. I hope the same is true for everyone. I expect that management has apologized personally to everyone who was involved and negatively affected. I hope we can all begin to repair the damage that has been done, to find again the trust and respect we have developed for each other, management and the models.

Thank you, Broke Straight Boys management and members who continue to demonstrate integrity and respect for others. This is one of my very favorite places to hang out. I love this forum and the friendships I have made here. I hope to continue to be a member for a very long time.
I don't ever remember David divulging personal information about models or calling them names. The only tidbits were basic reasons why a certain model is no longer active. However, I feel the original offenders should have let their memberships expire or just resigned and left. They obviously had too much time on their hands and stepped over the line to try and get or share personal data.
I don't ever remember David divulging personal information about models or calling them names. The only tidbits were basic reasons why a certain model is no longer active. However, I feel the original offenders should have let their memberships expire or just resigned and left. They obviously had too much time on their hands and stepped over the line to try and get or share personal data.

Honestly it was not personal information but a business address, which management has decided we don't want this shared either. Please do not hold grudges against anyone, as we are not pointing fingers, but are being strict about divulging personal private info for the future.

We are discussing thoughts of having a PO Box so gifts and cards can be sent to models. We will give everyone posted on this. I know models do appreciate the thoughts.

Thank you!
Just want to thank you all for the terrific support from everyone over the last few days. Chuck, thanks for your great e-mails, and for reinstating me, but more than that, for contemplating my idea for a totally neutral, anonymous P.O. Box for sending cards and presents to the straighties, or at least the brokies. If you guys go back a couple of weeks you'll see my post asking about one on Tyler's thread, I think it was. Speaking of whom: Tyler dude, thanks v. much for your off-forum support too. Have a great birthday trip mister and drive carefully. David, you are awesome, thank you for the great e-mails and your excellent intervention on my behalf. Lovelumps, you were the first to notice and email me, thank you so much; I didn't have a computer when I was banned so didn't even know it had happened. Oscar night continues: clock12, you never cease to knock me over with the great age of your beautiful soul, thank you for your first responder intercession. Mike and Jayce, you guys are such amazing friends, thank you for being there (Jayce I hope your split personality is remedied fast, and that you'll be back on soon. This place needs you very badly).

Giggling away here in Palma at the absurdity of all this heartfelt, "Best Comeback in a Documentary" gratitude, the gawkiest dork with the most technical of all the statuettes in both his sweating hands being drowned out by the orchestra. But it's not over yet. MissD I owe you a lot. As part of the moderating management I'm imagining you were very instrumental in helping sort this all out. And jon, you wild man, if I didn't have a crush on you before I do now. You stick your neck out in the most graceful fashion, but you really stick it out. Props buddy.

Penultimate on my crumpled little list, vicekid you dear guy, thanks for noticing my posts asking about a way to send Ty birthday greetings and supplying me with the D&E business addy. It will sound shit smug to say that anyone could get it out of the phone book, so I won't since it's possibly not true. But you acted in totally good faith in passing it on to me. And to the 3 or 4 Tyler fans whom I PMed asking if they'd like to send him a birthday card if we could get an address, you guys are my witnesses that I never passed on any address of any kind to a single soul, not one single soul.

Lastly, Kianna, huge amounts of love as always from your battered dinosaur. I just adore you. Thank you for conducting the mobilization.

To my fellow forumites who were sort of glad to see the back of me, I can certainly understand where you were coming from. I have far more flaws of personality than I have virtues, and know it very well. I feel that to you I should say sorry I've been let back in the door, but it seems the orchestra is really upping the decibels...THANK YOU MOM, CALL YOU LATER BABE!!! THANK YOU UNCLE DICK FOR SHOWING ME THAT TRICK WITH THE...!!![/SIZE]
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Slim's Acceptance Speech

Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back
(sung by John Sebastian on Welcome Back Kotter)

That was a beautiful speech Slim. I started getting teary eyed as you were reciting your thanks, and love to the little people who helped make you who you are today. :cool:

But seriously the prospects of a Broke Straight Boys forum without our spiritual leader, (no offense Jayman :cool: ) was rather daunting to me, and I'm glad that you were only gone for a short period. Part of the fun on the forum for me is guessing which posts you will chime in on, and offer usually wise perspective, and good humor. (Now I'm getting teary eyed again. :001_unsure:).

But it is great to still have you with us here, "Mister", in our dysfunctional little forum family. :thumbup:
Welcome Back, Welcome Back, Welcome Back
(sung by John Sebastian on Welcome Back Kotter)

That was a beautiful speech Slim. I started getting teary eyed as you were reciting your thanks, and love to the little people who helped make you who you are today. :cool:

But seriously the prospects of a Broke Straight Boys forum without our spiritual leader, (no offense Jayman :cool: ) was rather daunting to me, and I'm glad that you were only gone for a short period. Part of the fun on the forum for me is guessing which posts you will chime in on, and offer usually wise perspective, and good humor. (Now I'm getting teary eyed again. :001_unsure:).

But it is great to still have you with us here, "Mister", in our dysfunctional little forum family. :thumbup:

Dude, so honored. I do beg to discrep about who is or isn't a spiritual leader around here. It may be there's even a dual god-head, Jayman and Clockie. If I'm anything it's the gay cheerleader with the blond streaks in his mistaken head of hair, just spiritual fluff.

But I thank you from the bottom of my heart mister, you are such a dear guy. It's nearly quarter to 3 in the morning in España. Good night.
Welcome back Slim! :thumbup1: This has obviously been a very stressful week in here. Or at least it seems like a week. haha I hope your computer problems are resolved or are at least getting there. I also want to thank all the people who interceded on Slim's behalf to clear up this misunderstanding.
Welcome back Slim! :thumbup1: This has obviously been a very stressful week in here. Or at least it seems like a week. haha I hope your computer problems are resolved or are at least getting there. I also want to thank all the people who interceded on Slim's behalf to clear up this misunderstanding.

Un montón de gracias tío. Estaba desterrado por exactamente el tiempo que mi amigo Eugenio requería para reparar el pc. Es decir que cuando le llevé el ordenador todavia no me habian hechado de aquí, y cuando lo tuve otra vez en casa, ya estaba devuelto de mis 3 dias en limbo! Did you get all that?:thumbup1:
Teaching school, tutoring after school, grading papers and tests, supervising the dorm, running a shop and DJing on the radio keep me busy, busy, busy, with little time for play.

Pobrecito! Que lastima, no?

Rainy season here. Started in August, lasts til December, but today and yesterday were very nice. Of course, I don't get much chance to get out and enjoy it.

I'm definitely a workaholic, so it's a good thing I love what I do.

My list is different from yours, but I feel the same about life. Could it be some kind of island weltanshauung? No, you're right, it's not that...