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Ethan Steel fucks Cody Smith - Scene Thread

Seriously? You must have missed the comments made of Denver Dubois. People went out of their way to say the most vitriolic, spiteful, hateful things about him and after only his solo scene. I didn't say Ethan should go and never come back and it's certainly possible that I could change my mind if he ever stops acting like a selfish jerk. But so far I believe he's treated each model he's been paired with like they're less than him. For some people that's a feature not a bug, but not me. It's my opinion.
And to my way of thinking, characterizing a young straight identifying guy who is totally stepping out of his normal comfort zone to entertain a bunch of mostly older gay guys as a "selfish jerk" is out of line.

If you recall in our introduction to Ethan in his BTS, he told Sha right from the start that he was straight and said he wouldn't suck dick and not get fucked. Sha said he would try to push his boundaries, but Ethan made no promises and Sha never said that he HAD to do either of those acts. The way I see it, he was very truthful with us from the beginning and has actually done more than he promised with some kissing and dick sucking.

And also please keep in mind that this is not "real life", it is a porn scene set up by the director before hand, where the scenes are blocked out and rehearsed before the cameras roll. Both Ethan and Cody were ACTING and I thought both boys played their roles to perfection. If you don't like Ethan, don't watch his scenes and give him one's in the ratings, but to insult the kid as a "selfish jerk" is rather immature and unnecessary. That's how I see it.
It does always amuse me how on one hand people complain that they want straight guys on this site, not gay guys but then are upset when straight guys do not fulfill some fantasy they have about straight guys who passionately kiss, suck dick, and take it up the ass like a bossy bottom. It was a good scene showing two very straight guys having sex with each other.
Well said we can't win :lol:
Thanks for saying that Mark. It is true that you can't win. But I love your're occasionally having a guy like Ethan on your site for us "old timers" who joined your site back when "Broke Straight Boys" was much closer to the true definition of the term. LOL
Seriously? You must have missed the comments made of Denver Dubois. People went out of their way to say the most vitriolic, spiteful, hateful things about him and after only his solo scene. I didn't say Ethan should go and never come back and it's certainly possible that I could change my mind if he ever stops acting like a selfish jerk. But so far I believe he's treated each model he's been paired with like they're less than him. For some people that's a feature not a bug, but not me. It's my opinion.


Although I DID say Ethan should never come back. They should send him home and block his number and delete it from their phones as well, although I'm told that deleting his number from their phones might unblock the number. I don't know. LOL

He's a selfish little fast talking jerk. Although hot as a fuck and I cannot deny that he DOES have a long, pretty dick.
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And to my way of thinking, characterizing a young straight identifying guy who is totally stepping out of his normal comfort zone to entertain a bunch of mostly older gay guys as a "selfish jerk" is out of line.

If you recall in our introduction to Ethan in his BTS, he told Sha right from the start that he was straight and said he wouldn't suck dick and not get fucked. Sha said he would try to push his boundaries, but Ethan made no promises and Sha never said that he HAD to do either of those acts. The way I see it, he was very truthful with us from the beginning and has actually done more than he promised with some kissing and dick sucking.

And also please keep in mind that this is not "real life", it is a porn scene set up by the director before hand, where the scenes are blocked out and rehearsed before the cameras roll. Both Ethan and Cody were ACTING and I thought both boys played their roles to perfection. If you don't like Ethan, don't watch his scenes and give him one's in the ratings, but to insult the kid as a "selfish jerk" is rather immature and unnecessary. That's how I see it.

Oh get off your high horse, Mary! If you had actually read my response to Juanjo you would have seen that my criticism had nothing to do with Ethan not sucking a dick or anything else like that. THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF MY RESPONSE TO HIM. As far as the rest of your latest response... I can't even think of anything to say about that ridiculously demeaning diatribe, except possibly, "Thank you Captain Obvious". Sorry to disappoint you but if I don't like a model's performance then I'll not vote on them. I'm not going to give them a 1 because I don't like their attitude. And I can think of a helluva lot of worse things to say about a model other that "selfish" or "jerk". In fact, I believe others here have already done that. Maybe you should get all over them and give me a rest.
Oh get off your high horse, Mary! If you had actually read my response to Juanjo you would have seen that my criticism had nothing to do with Ethan not sucking a dick or anything else like that. THAT WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF MY RESPONSE TO HIM. As far as the rest of your latest response... I can't even think of anything to say about that ridiculously demeaning diatribe, except possibly, "Thank you Captain Obvious". Sorry to disappoint you but if I don't like a model's performance then I'll not vote on them. I'm not going to give them a 1 because I don't like their attitude. And I can think of a helluva lot of worse things to say about a model other that "selfish" or "jerk". In fact, I believe others here have already done that. Maybe you should get all over them and give me a rest.
Deal. We all have more important issues in our lives than arguing over porn models. Sorry if I upset you. Perhaps I overreacted to what you said. I'm perfectly willing to just let it go.
To be fair Mikeyank, you do criticize some of the models you don’t like in your own specific way. You may not comment on their appearance, but you do label the ones you don’t care for as bi or gay just because they do more sexually in the scene than you prefer or if they have previous experience. That’s just as mean, imo. You named Ryan Pitt, Cody Smith, & Sky Clesi recently in a post. I just don’t think it’s kind to make assumptions about a person’s sexuality. We treat straight men differently than anybody else. Straight women can do lesbian porn and still be considered straight women just doing a job to satisfy straight men’s fantasies. I can be a gay man and do porn with a woman and you still wouldn’t question my sexuality as a gay man. But God forbid a straight man doing gay porn for money, he’s automatically gay.
One of the more recent things that you said that I found to be absolutely awful was.....

“I am much more interested in guys who would rather be a success in life with a good job and good relationships.”

As if to imply that anyone doing this for a longer period of time is somehow a loser and not interested in being successful.

All of you older members need to quit trying to convince all of the newer members what a “true straight boy” is in the year 2019. People change. What guys wouldn’t do in 2005 or 1975 isn’t necessarily the case today. People identify as more than just straight, bi, or gay. We have Pansexuality and others as well.
Today’s younger guys just aren’t as uptight about it. And then when you throw in the money......I’m sure people who clean windows on high rises don’t necessarily LOVE their job, but it’s a job that pays well so they fucking do it.
As I often tell you Jay, I love having you on the forum as your passion for Broke Straight Boys rivals mine, and you are actually more of an expert on Broke Straight Boys-Present where I consider myself an expert on the original versions of the site. But it is all the same site with the same owner and the same archives so it is fun to exchange views with you.

I would like to comment on a few of the points you made. I don't think considering Sky, Ryan Pitt and Cody Smith as being bisexual is an insult. And as SFPS01 said on Post #34 on this thread, ...."I am sorry, but if a guy likes to give/get a blow job and also likes to be fucked, he isn't straight honey! He is either Bi or gay. This site isn't called Broke Bi Boys or Broke Gay Boys, Its Broke Straight Boys JMO". I feel the same way, but calling a guy Bi or gay is not an insult. I am totally gay so in no way is saying that an insult or I would be insulting myself. Gay is good!

And I stand by my saying that making a career out of porn is not the way I would want my nephew or a younger friend to make the primary way of earning a living. I admire some of our gay models, like, Tanner, Cousin Mikey and Gage Owens have used Broke Straight Boys as a way to have fun and make some extra money during their youth, but all have careers with solid futures. I do not see porn as having much of a long range future.

And finally as an "older member", I am not trying to convince "newer members" of anything. I do have very strong opinions as you do as well Jay. But for me that kind of discussion and debate is the fun part of being on the forum. Obviously I believe in my opinions as I'm sure you do in yours. I love the discourse. It is what makes the forum fun for me.
In a way, I hope that the new Ethan fucks Ryan Parks scene is delayed. I am exhausted from all the posting on Ethan for a while. I think I may have to start a fan club and get T-shirts printed. LOL

As I often tell you Jay, I love having you on the forum as your passion for Broke Straight Boys rivals mine, and you are actually more of an expert on Broke Straight Boys-Present where I consider myself an expert on the original versions of the site. But it is all the same site with the same owner and the same archives so it is fun to exchange views with you.

I would like to comment on a few of the points you made. I don't think considering Sky, Ryan Pitt and Cody Smith as being bisexual is an insult. And as SFPS01 said on Post #34 on this thread, ...."I am sorry, but if a guy likes to give/get a blow job and also likes to be fucked, he isn't straight honey! He is either Bi or gay. This site isn't called Broke Bi Boys or Broke Gay Boys, Its Broke Straight Boys JMO". I feel the same way, but calling a guy Bi or gay is not an insult. I am totally gay so in no way is saying that an insult or I would be insulting myself. Gay is good!

And I stand by my saying that making a career out of porn is not the way I would want my nephew or a younger friend to make the primary way of earning a living. I admire some of our gay models, like, Tanner, Cousin Mikey and Gage Owens have used Broke Straight Boys as a way to have fun and make some extra money during their youth, but all have careers with solid futures. I do not see porn as having much of a long range future.

And finally as an "older member", I am not trying to convince "newer members" of anything. I do have very strong opinions as you do as well Jay. But for me that kind of discussion and debate is the fun part of being on the forum. Obviously I believe in my opinions as I'm sure you do in yours. I love the discourse. It is what makes the forum fun for me.
In a way, I hope that the new Ethan fucks Ryan Parks scene is delayed. I am exhausted from all the posting on Ethan for a while. I think I may have to start a fan club and get T-shirts printed. LOL


We’re not talking about your nephew now are we? You know what? I’m just going to let this whole ignorant response sit here and marinate with everyone.
We’re not talking about your nephew now are we? You know what? I’m just going to let this whole ignorant response sit here and marinate with everyone.
Ignorant response? I have no clue where you are coming from.

I stand by what I said, that considering a guy who performs here as being "bi or gay" not being an insult. In fact I consider EVERY model who ever appeared in more than a solo as having at least a bi side to him and the more scenes he has been in either exclusively topping or bottoming or doing both, that fact still remains the truth. Straight guys don't have sex with other guys, and that includes Ethan Steel and Jimmy Johnson. We have guys who identify as being straight and living a straight lifestyle with women and never falling in love with another guy, but still have a bisexual itch that they feel the need to have scratched, and that is why they came to a gay porn site. And again there is nothing wrong with that. There have been homosexual and bisexual guys going all the way back through recorded history. We are everywhere. That is no insult. It is a fact.

And no, none of the models on the site are my actual nephew. But one of the great things about Broke Straight Boys is that it is more than just a porn site where we see nameless guys just having sex. Instead we get to learn a bit about their personalities and I do feel a kinship for some and do wish for them the best that life has to offer, as I would for my own nephew. And when I discover that Logan who last performed here nine years ago has gone on to a successful career in the medical field, I am as proud of him as if he were my nephew. Or that Gage Owens works in the veterinary field or that Jason Matthews has a career in business, I am very proud of "my boys". But when I discover that former models are selling their bodies on twitter or on "rent boys" sites, or the like I am saddened. Porn is not a career with a long shelf life but it can be intoxicating for a pretty young guy who makes easy money at eighteen and twenty when he is the new thing, but quickly discovers that there is always someone younger and prettier coming down the pike.

If those feelings are what you consider to be an "ignorant response", then we are much further apart in our thinking than I had thought.
Let's please refrain from calling each other names and not getting along here. Let's please just move along and all be friends. :2c:

There are no names called by me. I know that Mikeyank is an intelligent person and very well liked and respected here. I wasn’t calling him ignorant but referring to his response to me as being ignorant. I have seen in past threads from years passed that this has been an issue before, so I will do you the favor and just refrain from commenting on the forum again.
I never wanted Jay to stop posting on the forum and hope that at some point, he changes his mind. As I've said many times I love his passion for Broke Straight Boys, and always enjoy his posts. And from my perspective I enjoy the banter and debate with an intelligent and witty fellow forumite. Obviously he does not feel the same way about me, and there is nothing I can do about that, and for that I am sorry.
I never wanted Jay to stop posting on the forum and hope that at some point, he changes his mind. As I've said many times I love his passion for Broke Straight Boys, and always enjoy his posts. And from my perspective I enjoy the banter and debate with an intelligent and witty fellow forumite. Obviously he does not feel the same way about me, and there is nothing I can do about that, and for that I am sorry.

Aww. :cheeerleader:
When I watched this scene a few days ago, I wasn't able to comment. I did read the comments on this thread which at that time were at page 3. From there it has certainly taken a dark turn, regrettably so. As to the scene itself, I gave 3's all around. I was disappointed overall given my expectations. I have liked Ethan from the beginning for the potential I thought he had to be a dominant macho stud which is the kind of top I like. While he has had that persona at times, for me there has been a lack of consistency in that regard. And there is persistent problem with JFSFDS (yes, mikey, you got it right - lol !!!). If he wants to continue in this business then he needs either to psychologically condition himself to become fully aroused (not that easy) or take a pill (easy, if there is no medical reason for him not to). What is clear is that what I like about his persona from an attitudinal perspective, others see as ill-mannered or worse. But that is a perspective issue. My view of him is my view and someone else's view is someone else's. Doesn't mean one is right and the other wrong; it's just how different people see things.
So one of these performers was going home, I hope it was Ethan. I am so bored with this performers one dimensional performance. Ethan didn't even look like he was enjoying himself when Cody was sucking him off. All he wanted to do was fuck Cody, this is the same in every scene this guy is in and frankly it's boring viewing there is no variety to his performance and at the end as he walked off you do almost hear him saying job done. No connection between these two models. I felt it was a cold boring scene. I know there is more scenes to come with Ethan in them but please someone have a word with him about about exploring other positions other than fucking. I felt sorry for Cody cos he really did try to lift this scene but with a cold fish like Ethan that is never going to happen. Not a scene I will revisit and I am a big Cody fan but it was dismally boring.