My Lovely 2 Cents
So I have now fully read this thread twice now. So for the most part I know what things have been said. Many of you may not like my opinions so if you are worried about disliking it DO NOT READ FURTHER!
I am going to try using multiple quotes here and hoping it works.
First Quote:
as for starting a "witch hunt," if you don't know... i'm not sure some of you do since some of you live in a crazy reality, witches weren't real

though I may never hear an answer about this I will state/ask it anyway. When you stated witches weren’t real were you stating the historical fact that not all from the witch trials were actual witches or are you completely denouncing some other people’s religion and beliefs? I am hoping that you are just stating the historical fact. However, if not,
Please DO NOT PUBLICLY denounce other people’s religions and beliefs. That is RUDE, and I wonder how you would feel if someone did that to YOU. So please, if that is the case, don’t do it in the future. If you wish to do that, do it in PMs.
Second Quote:
You know - this is amazing. I never post - but read the forums often. This issue is beyond reasonable levels of
With the current warnings/threats against members - I have to reflect upon what David has disclosed about models private lives.
During several of his recent rants we have heard:
About how fat and
unhygenic cj had become - had to fire him
How Mike was enraged when fired because his family intervened
Hoe stupid Braden is - he called him illiterate
Now we here how
Diesal let his private info slip out
As a management employee - I would be fired for disclosing these
kind of trade secrets. Instead, members are chastised for behavior that management here participates in?
Love the
sit btw - just
ate the lecturing.........
For This Quote I have a few things to say. Warning… the B****

in me is coming out as this post goes on!
Dear echo,
Before pointing out issues/problems/point fingers at someone for something take a look at your own things.
You want to ridicule someone for their mistakes (not saying there were any on David’s part) yet in your post you have many grammar, spelling and punctuation issues. See above with the
red bold areas that are mistakes.
As I stated, you may want to look at your own things before ridiculing others.
A final thought on this WHOLE thread and issue. It seems it was all a big miscommunication because people were talking to each other about what info may have been given out and such. Not so good looking for a management team of not knowing everything before acting. However, I understand with the dire nature of the matter something had to be done.
Some people over reacted about the whole thing, others worked in the background and shadows to fix the matter (you know who you are and thank you for doing that)
Oh and by the way, I love the idea of having a PO Box that we can send cards, gifts etc to for the model and such

. I would love to see that put into action. Good luck and hope it can happen.
Well folks I am sure I have riled up some people’s feelings and for now I am going to end this post.
Have a good day/night/whatever it is wherever you are