Is that unusual?
Smart move Chac. In most cases when something doesn’t feel right, go with your gut instinct. Also I’ve heard that when someone wants to switch from Grindr or another meeting app to your personal number right away, he is very likely a scammer.
@trebligon - not sure, I am only about 2 weeks I think being on there. I would have no issues swapping numbers after we meet and I get a good reading on them.
@mikeyank - yeah, that's the way I read it. The guy was claiming to be single "discreet military" in Texas tired of the hookup scene. Number 1, I'm starting to finally be comfortable in my skin, I'm not doing the stay hidden anymore. 2 - I want to be able to HOLD my guy, not chat on a phone. One of the best parts of the whole hookup last week was when we hugged and kissed (the other one was well a bit more private ). Then when he laid on top of me and we made out more I was like, yep, 100% confirmed, I am gay and into dudes
The women on my mother's side are what would be called, maybe intuitive? They tend to feel or can tell things that are going to happen. I don't know if I picked up a bit of that, but, my bullshit detector works just fine . He just came off super strong and wanted to flip within like 2 minutes or chatting. I flat out told him I wasn't comfortable sharing that yet and he did a big grandstand on trust an being in a relationship and how it starts with a small trust first. Next he would be selling me his hot crypto stock or some other BS thing