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My Monday! A true story of a homophobe getting what he deserved!

Once again some insensitive comments have driven away a good member. I now feel that any member who would like to open up to the forum will be reluctant in doing so. I will never ever again disclose what is happening in my real life again.
Upon reading his reaction to our comments, I hadn't picked up on Rick saying that he was leaving the site, or at least the forum, but if that is what he is saying I really don't understand why.

Rick told us a very real, personal story from his life, and the members of the forum who responded gave our visceral reactions to a very dramatic and tense situation that he just went through. Everyone agreed that Rick's boss, his American co-worker and his loving partner supported him totally against this sick thinking, homophobic co-worker who was fired on the spot and put into his place after violently attacking Rick both with anti-gay slurs and with then with his fist. He is obviously a rather sick person, who I still believe is being tortured by his own inner feelings which he cannot face, but never the less, we all agree that he was rightly fired.

However some thought that Rick's boyfriend was excessive in his physical retaliation and commented on it, but I didn't read any "insensitive comments" by anyone on the forum that drove away a good member, but rather a lot of love and support, and admiration of a strong loving relationship between Rick and his boyfriend. We are all human beings with our own life experiences and may not agree 100% with every aspect of how the situation was handled, but I found everyone supportive that a sick homophobe received his comeuppance.

I would hope that Rick realizes how supportive everyone who responded is to him and his situation and I think that he may be misreading what was said here and sure hope that he reconsiders leaving the forum over the comments made on this thread..
Upon reading his reaction to our comments, I hadn't picked up on Rick saying that he was leaving the site, or at least the forum, but if that is what he is saying I really don't understand why.

Rick told us a very real, personal story from his life, and the members of the forum who responded gave our visceral reactions to a very dramatic and tense situation that he just went through. Everyone agreed that Rick's boss, his American co-worker and his loving partner supported him totally against this sick thinking, homophobic co-worker who was fired on the spot and put into his place after violently attacking Rick both with anti-gay slurs and with then with his fist. He is obviously a rather sick person, who I still believe is being tortured by his own inner feelings which he cannot face, but never the less, we all agree that he was rightly fired.

However some thought that Rick's boyfriend was excessive in his physical retaliation and commented on it, but I didn't read any "insensitive comments" by anyone on the forum that drove away a good member, but rather a lot of love and support, and admiration of a strong loving relationship between Rick and his boyfriend. We are all human beings with our own life experiences and may not agree 100% with every aspect of how the situation was handled, but I found everyone supportive that a sick homophobe received his comeuppance.

I would hope that Rick realizes how supportive everyone who responded is to him and his situation and I think that he may be misreading what was said here and sure hope that he reconsiders leaving the forum over the comments made on this thread..

Very well said amen!
Upon reading his reaction to our comments, I hadn't picked up on Rick saying that he was leaving the site, or at least the forum, but if that is what he is saying I really don't understand why.

Rick told us a very real, personal story from his life, and the members of the forum who responded gave our visceral reactions to a very dramatic and tense situation that he just went through. Everyone agreed that Rick's boss, his American co-worker and his loving partner supported him totally against this sick thinking, homophobic co-worker who was fired on the spot and put into his place after violently attacking Rick both with anti-gay slurs and with then with his fist. He is obviously a rather sick person, who I still believe is being tortured by his own inner feelings which he cannot face, but never the less, we all agree that he was rightly fired.

However some thought that Rick's boyfriend was excessive in his physical retaliation and commented on it, but I didn't read any "insensitive comments" by anyone on the forum that drove away a good member, but rather a lot of love and support, and admiration of a strong loving relationship between Rick and his boyfriend. We are all human beings with our own life experiences and may not agree 100% with every aspect of how the situation was handled, but I found everyone supportive that a sick homophobe received his comeuppance.

I would hope that Rick realizes how supportive everyone who responded is to him and his situation and I think that he may be misreading what was said here and sure hope that he reconsiders leaving the forum over the comments made on this thread..

Mike, I suggest you read his last post carefully, it's all in there. What do you mean by everyone has been supportive ?? If you read most of the reaction by members who say he went over the top and they would never react that way. I'm sure you've been reading another thread dude.
I have to say that what was done was very badass, and very much so deserved. Everyone and their grandma knows that the term "fag" is offensive and rude, and anyone who uses that work knows that. And who the hell in their right mind would call a man, who they fully know is a marine, a fag?!? Of all people you could call a fag, he chose a marine!!

I have a friend who I have know all through high school who is a marine. We were on the swim team together, we took group camping trips together, we've even drank together. And through the whole time I told myself, "If there's one person here you should never piss off, it would be him." In fact, when we went camping together the weekend after graduation, he lead a search party to find a group of our friends who had gotten lost on a hike. We found them after an hour or so, and then he lead us on what he thought was a short cut back to the camp.... We got lost for an additional 4 hours. And I was PISSED that he told us he knew where we were going, but I kept my mouth shut, because I knew that if I said something wrong he could do much more damage to me than I could to him.

Point being: this little shit head got what he deserved, and Rick and Brad did nothing wrong. If people wanna say that that wasnt the way the situation should have been handled and that they would never do something like that, they just need to wait until they are put into that situation. Because everyone likes to think how they would handle a certain situation, but when it happens for real, you end up making different decisions. Furthermore, I would very much like to go scuba diving now.
I would like to quickly apologize for the two typos in my last post. It is currently 2:51am and I lose the ability to properly type after the 12th stroke of midnight.
I would like to quickly apologize for the two typos in my last post. It is currently 2:51am and I lose the ability to properly type after the 12th stroke of midnight.

Don't worry about the typos Ian, it's a forum not an English class. And thanks for your comments regarding my buddy Rick (and new buddy Brad) situation. Apart from me, you're about the only one that has supported him but now it is too late, he's gone.
Don't worry about the typos Ian, it's a forum not an English class. And thanks for your comments regarding my buddy Rick (and new buddy Brad) situation. Apart from me, you're about the only one that has supported him but now it is too late, he's gone.
ian, it's good to see you posting.
jon, I think I was another one who thought what was done, was done and well done.
I was sorry to see him go. his post made me look my own way of viewing things and I enjoyed it.
Don't worry about the typos Ian, it's a forum not an English class. And thanks for your comments regarding my buddy Rick (and new buddy Brad) situation. Apart from me, you're about the only one that has supported him but now it is too late, he's gone.

WHAT?! NO! Why did he leave? You get him back right now!! I did NOT tell him it was okay to leave!!!
WHAT?! NO! Why did he leave? You get him back right now!! I did NOT tell him it was okay to leave!!!

He got rather upset about some of the comments he got on here, but he was also going through a bit of an emotional crisis with the incident and other stuff, so I guess it tipped him over the edge.
Hello All!
I did something I never do but decided to join my very first forum. I was inspired by both my new friend Jon and also very much by Ian Dempsey!

I am happy to discuss anything you want about Rick's posts on here. Rick and I are both back in Texas for a few weeks. We left Hawaii a week ago today. I am recently back from my second tour in Afghanistan, and that was my third tour in the middle east.

I hope to hear from anyone who wants to chat. I can assure you Ian, you would be more then welcome to come scuba diving with Rick and or me anytime! I hope we can make that happen! I will let Rick know he didn't have your permission Ian to leave the forum!!

Tampa, Thank you for the kind words. Rick has not been on the site but I will let him know what you wrote and have him send you a message. Rick is truly the best and he didn't mean to offend anyone, just stand up for himself and protect customers and friends from some really terrible hate that Paul has in him. In a way I wish I knew what makes him that hateful inside. But I won't loose sleep over it!
Again, your thoughts are very kind!

All the best to you!
Dear Rick,

I'll be very sorry to see you go if you leave the site. I thought my post was one of the most supportive of you. While I said that I couldn't take on somebody physically because I don't have the youth, health or strength...I enjoyed the story of a homophobic jerk getting his comeuppance. I'm glad that you shared the story. And again I enjoyed hearing it just as you hoped that so many here would.

I had the honor of meeting Mathew's mother Judy Shepard at my alma mater in 2005. I shook her hand and we exchanged some pleasantries. I expressed my condolences for her loss after she had told a rapt audience in the auditorium the full story of what happened after the rancher had found Matthew barely alive and strapped to the fence in the freezing cold. His death was a tragedy for not just his parents but also his younger brother who took the loss very hard.

Brad is a hero for serving our country and even getting wounded in the process. Please pass on to him how grateful we are for his service. You've found a good man there. But you know that already. :)

That Paul guy is an jerk who accepted your hospitality and then turned into a hateful prick. I won't lose any sleep over the fact that he picked on someone who he though should just meekly walk away in shame, and instead picked on people who fought back and gave him the worst end of the fight. Hopefully he'll think twice about starting his crap with someone else in the future. It's even more galling that he's not even a citizen but we gave him a chance to come over to a paradise in Hawaii. And then that's how he behaves with an employer who was willing to give him a chance, and Americans like you and Brad who offered him the hand of friendship. No. I won't be losing any sleep over his injuries, his bruised ego or his lost job.

If he wants to act like that in today's world, then let him stay home in his own country and let the people there have to put up with him. Work visas for the U.S. are limited and hard to come by. We can certainly find better quality people more deserving of the chance to pursue and experience the American Dream.
Tampa, Thank you for the kind words. Rick has not been on the site but I will let him know what you wrote and have him send you a message. Rick is truly the best and he didn't mean to offend anyone, just stand up for himself and protect customers and friends from some really terrible hate that Paul has in him. In a way I wish I knew what makes him that hateful inside. But I won't loose sleep over it!
Again, your thoughts are very kind!

All the best to you!

Hey Brad!

Now that I can tell you directly, thank you very much for your service to our country. It sounds like you received at least one Purple Heart, if not more. You were injured more than once in combat from what I understand. We are in your debt. I'm glad to know that you are safely Stateside and can start planning your own future now.

Wishing you and Rick all the best wherever the river of life takes you. :)
