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Junk Emails


Well-known Member
Jan 5, 2010
Reaction score
Born & live in Cleveland, Ohio.
I've noticed that whenever I join a site, I start getting a flood of adult (sex) junk emails. I'm working overtime trying to delete and block them but they are coming in like a flood. Do sites (or internet billing company) such as this one sell or otherwise distribute my email address when I join? If so, that really sucks and it should be illegal.
I can honestly say for myself that I have never gotten junk emails through Broke Straight Boys I have gotten some shortly after joining other sites. But not this one. And I can usually tell which ones might have shared my email address because they follow within 2 months of joining these other sites. I agree that it stinks. I have heard some horror stories of pop ups and porn advertisements getting unknowingly sent out in private random emails. But again never from Broke Straight Boys/Blu Media.
I can honestly say for myself that I have never gotten junk emails through Broke Straight Boys I have gotten some shortly after joining other sites. But not this one. And I can usually tell which ones might have shared my email address because they follow within 2 months of joining these other sites. I agree that it stinks. I have heard some horror stories of pop ups and porn advertisements getting unknowingly sent out in private random emails. But again never from Broke Straight Boys/Blu Media.
I'm not sure how to tell how someone gets my email address or who distributed it, so I can't say if it was a result of this site or others. I'm not saying it's this site doing it. I'm just blowin off some steam. It's not even like they come to my junk email folder. They come directly to my inbox. I must get at least 10 a day! I was even considering getting a new email account to stop this, but too many of my contacts have it and it would be a pain to change it.
I've only received spam from sites I've joined or ordered stuff through. I unsubscribe and they quit.

It does suck that you've been getting hit with that stuff.

I had to laugh yesterday. My middle aged, married woman manager, received an email asking if she wanted a fuck buddy!! LOL! I heard her giggling, but was with someone so couldn't ask what was so funny. We've all gotten some mileage out of that email! We have no idea why she would receive such a thing in her work email! LOL!
I appreciate that you are blowing off steam. As a suggestion, have you edited your spam controls by using flag words that will send most of these annoying e-mails directly to the spam folder? I made a list of about 50 words commonly found in the addresses or subject lines of these emails, and "Presto" many less sordid emails to delete! In fact, I recently was forced to add the word barnyard. I mean seriously, a rooster? What about the feathers? Yeeech!
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I appreciate that you are blowing off steam. As a suggestion, have you edited your spam controls by using flag words that will send most of these annoying e-mails directly to the spam folder? I made a list of about 50 words commonly found in the addresses or subject lines of these emails, and "Presto" many less sordid emails to delete! In fact, I recently was forced to add the word barnyard. I mean seriously, a rooster? What about the feathers? Yeeech!
You must have not recevied the type I get. The spammers, in order to circumvent spam controls will place the word "girls" or "sex" as part of a long phrase without any spaces as if it's one word. Spam control can't identify those types of subject lines and pick out a word because it's part of a larger word, if you know what I mean. So I don't know what else to do.
Balboa, I agree and do the same thing as Joninliverton does. I use hotmail and I get my fair share of junk mail too. Usually if it is spam, hotmail usually sends it to my spam folder. If it junk and comes in my inbox, I don't open it, I either delete it or send it to my junk folder and delete it from there. If I don't recognize the address of the sender, then I automatically delete it.
I too have never received junk or spam from this company.

Gary in Tacoma
Talking about hotmail I have just started receiving msn buddy requests from strange named people who I have never known. I just delete the request and report it as spam but sometimes I get about 5 requests a day.

I've noticed that whenever I join a site, I start getting a flood of adult (sex) junk emails. I'm working overtime trying to delete and block them but they are coming in like a flood. Do sites (or internet billing company) such as this one sell or otherwise distribute my email address when I join? If so, that really sucks and it should be illegal.

I have been a member of Broke Straight Boys since "Forever." I have never received any junk mail attributable to Broke Straight Boys It has been revealed however, that search engines, (And particularly Google), do save information about where you search and DO sell that information far and wide. If you have been using search engines to locate interesting sites, that may be where where it comes from.
Thanks for all the responses about my problem. Yes, I don't open them, but my email has preview and there's really nothing inside except some stupid paragraph of words which make no sense and a link. I routinely delete them; it's just annoying as hell getting them. It probably is from a search engine. But I have joined a lot of sites in the past year and that is probably the fallout. It's a shame that the internet is so not private. It's like having someone looking in your windows at home. Anyways, thanks guys!
not just sex related e-mails but loads of spam. I decided to spend a few hours unsubscribing and it helped but more and more every day.