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Jason & Graham - Really hot up to a point!

Exactly my reaction. Jason certainly deserves a 5 with an extra E for effort.

Graham laid there like a lump and a 2 would have been too high a score for him so I averaged it all out and gave the scene a 3.

If Graham wanted no part of it he should have opted out as Mike famously did.

Maybe he needs a good fuck or two to show him what he signed up for.

Dear RSand88,

We saw Graham's role quite differently. I thought he did fine!

Additionally, I'm not a fan of 'power bottoms'. I like my bottoms
on the passive side pretty much, other than when I ask (in
body language or words) for him to do something (eg, move his
body into a certain position or to service me somehow). As a
top, I would have been delighted with Graham's behaviour--
other than, of course, his averting his mouth from mine
which I would have tolerated for the sake of his newness.

As I see it, Graham's left a number of things unexplored
that I hope will supply hot content for future Broke Straight Boys videos.

Graham looked pretty scared and first and many times during the shoot. Not wanting to kiss and so on. But when Jason pulled his shorts off Graham was almost fully hard so the hormones had to be flowing. Graham loved the rimming but needs to practices his dick sucking which will come in time. Graham is cute as hell. His smile at the very end was so beautiful!! Glad to see Jason take the cum in his mouth too. I love Jason and I think Graham will be a true star. I hope they let Jason pop his cherry!
It may have been acting; it may have been real. It really does not matter because in this seduction context - it was hot.

This, to my mind, is exactly what Broke Straight Boys ought to be about.

Bravo to Jason, Graham, the crew and Clay and I suppose Mark for putting together this ensemble. I found it electric and magical.

An easy "5 Stars" in my book.

The whole premise of this site is to get straight guys to go through a process of gradually opening up to gay sex. This was Graham's first scene with another guy, and Jason's role was to show Graham how good it all felt, and as the progression continues we will see how Graham responds to it all.

If every newbie model jumped right into all out gay sex from the get go, it would no longer be Broke Straight Boys I thought this was a fine progression scene and my props go out to both Jason & Graham for both playing their roles to a tee. Kudos to both models for an excellent scene.

Blue and MikeY,

You two, in my opinion, have captured precisely what this scene and what this site is all about.

There's plenty of free sites available to see everything imaginable in gay sex from the git-go, but that's not what Broke Straight Boys is, and why I choose to pay my subscription monthly to see exactly what this scene has depicted.

Thanks guys for putting it succinctly.
There are obviously, and yet again, two sides to this update. I will wait until another couple of Graham updates before I make a decision on whether he will (in my opinion) make it or not. We have in the past been duped into thinking that models give a bad attitude, only to learn that this was scripted. My opinion is totally unbiased and not influenced by Graham's 48 page thread.
Jason..oh Jason...what an incredible human being you are!!! Another great performance by the ultimate pro. Graham is adorable and I think he has a definite future in this business should he decide to remain in it. I was a bit disappointed that he showed almost no physical emotion or attachment to or with Jason. If the very best can't get him at least a little turned on, then perhaps he might rethink his desire to be a Broke Straight Boys model. However, I will cut him a ton of slack here since it was, I believe, his first time teaming up with another guy on camera.

I have commented before and will again about the studio. A garage door as a back drop simply does not do it. To me it really cheapens the entire Broke Straight Boys site. Anything to cover the door panels and tracks would be an improvement. As for the couch, it seems to work well for solos, but it is not up to the Broke Straight Boys image for more than one person. If it were mine, I'd get rid of the couch and replace it with another bed so that there would be a couple of different "bedroom" sets from which to work.

I gave he scene a 5 in spite of the above objections. Jason carried the day and Graham seems to have wonderful potential. A big thanks for the moments when both were in their underwear playing. I found that very hot and, as always, loved Jason's choice choice of snug, bulging boxer briefs. Graham's Hanes fit him very nicely and allowed for a growing bulge to become very evident. Excellent choices by both guys. Jason's rubbing of the two dicks together was very hot as well. Tip of the hat to both and to Clay for just letting it happen. Great job.
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There are obviously, and yet again, two sides to this update. I will wait until another couple of Graham updates before I make a decision on whether he will (in my opinion) make it or not. We have in the past been duped into thinking that models give a bad attitude, only to learn that this was scripted. My opinion is totally unbiased and not influenced by Graham's 48 page thread.
Jon, you've been around here long enough to know that the basic premise for all of the scenes are scripted, in fact they do a run through before the filming starts and that is where the stills come from.

The premise of this scene is that Graham is a reluctant straight boy being mentored by Jason, and I feel confident that Clay told Jason to try to kiss him, and for Graham to avoid the man kisses. Is this what you considered a bad attitude?

I found Graham totally adorable with a beautiful smile, and yes I am also influenced by his 48 page thread. I find him charming both on the forum and in his first two naked scenes too. :thumbup1:
I suppose I saw things differently. Graham rebuffed every attempt for Jason (bless his wonderful heart and talents) to kiss him and Jason tends to be a kisser. Furthermore, Graham's face was a blank until the very end. Maybe it was discomfort or fear;what it certainly was for be was boring. Some have spoken of his performance and my question is "What performance?" The performance was all Jason, who is always great to watch. I actually watched it second time after reading some the posts to see if I missed something. As it turns out, I did...I missed the time I wasted watching the video again. I admit that I really baffled by some of the comments, as I don't find this guy attractive or interesting at all. For my money, it wouldn't be as waste to buy Graham a one-way ticket home.
Jason..oh Jason...what an incredible human being you are!!! Another great performance by the ultimate pro. Graham is adorable and I think he has a definite future in this business should he decide to remain in it. I was a bit disappointed that he showed almost no physical emotion or attachment to or with Jason. If the very best can't get him at least a little turned on, then perhaps he might rethink his desire to be a Broke Straight Boys model. However, I will cut him a ton of slack here since it was, I believe, his first time teaming up with another guy on camera.

I have commented before and will again about the studio. A garage door as a back drop simply does not do it. To me it really cheapens the entire Broke Straight Boys site. Anything to cover the door panels and tracks would be an improvement. As for the couch, it seems to work well for solos, but it is not up to the Broke Straight Boys image for more than one person. If it were mine, I'd get rid of the couch and replace it with another bed so that there would be a couple of different "bedroom" sets from which to work.

I gave he scene a 5 in spite of the above objections. Jason carried the day and Graham seems to have wonderful potential. A big thanks for the moments when both were in their underwear playing. I found that very hot and, as always, loved Jason's choice choice of snug, bulging boxer briefs. Graham's Hanes fit him very nicely and allowed for a growing bulge to become very evident. Excellent choices by both guys. Jason's rubbing of the two dicks together was very hot as well.

Once again Chase, you seem to be reading my mind here with most of your post. Jason gave his usual 5 star performance even though I couldn't give the scene a 5 overall. This was Graham's first scene and he was very nervous/scared. That's to be expected. So I think we do need to cut him some slack. I was disappointed that he kept rebuffing Jason's attempts at kissing. Maybe it wasn't in the script and Jason was ad libbing it? If it was in the script then Graham should have gone with the flow. I myself would have had more of a problem with someone licking my neck and face than with kissing me. I know... Go figure. Right? haha

I know they want the couch set for the BSB TV. I'm in agreement with everything you said Chase about the sides of the garage door and the use of the couch in non solo scenes. The closeups of the garage door sides and walls don't give me an "edgy" look, as much as they give a "low rent" look. (To me at least) I don't think it reflects well on the models or the site in sex scenes. (Though I still think solos would be okay where the closeups are tightly fixed on one model, mostly on the center of the couch) I actually do like the garage door...and even the colors. I'm just not feeling the door rollers and the messy cinder block look around the sides.

I don't think it will inspire TV viewers with a sense that this a classy set for a TV show that wants to be taken seriously. Curtains around the sides of the door maybe?

I also like the fact that they both wore briefs or boxer briefs. At risk of repeating myself again, I think that even the prettiest and nicest boxers look lame and totally unsexy on a porn set. I was very pleased to see that both models wore something besides boxers. :) Yay! haha

My advice for Graham here would be to emote more and show more facial expressions. I look forward to his next few scenes.
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So fucking hot; cute little guy graham

Dear Brother MikeYank,

There's no arguing with the point that you know me well.

Jason has considerable oral proclivities--he is or has been a smoker, after all--
and he demonstrates the various inspired uses to which he can use his mouth
on fortunate pretty youngster Graham. Not only did I enjoy the rim-job,
but the nipple-attention, too.

Some of what happened here seems to be quintessentially Broke Straight Boys: Graham's
reluctance to let go of control, then finally being vanquished by pleasure
when Jason spread his arse and tongued in there. Graham's eyes--
sometimes filled with caution, sometimes with bliss--were tremendously
expressive. It's true he turned away when Jason was making himself
available for kisses, but I don't think we have to wait till the next Pope
is chosen before we see Graham being more amenable to French-kissing
other top-guys. Graham does seem to have a cheeky nature and more
verbal teasing and playfulness would probably have helped him relax,

The only part of the tape that didn't delight me was the hair-grabbing
and the downward cock-thrusting. I don't think anyone can be at ease
in Graham's position with a cock coming down at him; the angle means
the glans hits the soft palate and the sub/bottom can choke easily; it
seemed that Graham felt a bit of that. I thought Graham's eyes suggested
he was frightened by the hair-grabbing and I was concerned that it might
have been physically uncomfortable or even painful. Although I enjoy
expressing all my power and control over a sub/bottom partner, I never
want to cause pain; I want to (in Aldous Huxley's terms) "torture" them
with pleasure.


I LIKED THESE COMMENTS ESPECIALL TORTURE THEM WITH PLEASURE. I would have loved it even more if Jason would have continued his face fucking hair holding until he shoot off. FACE FUCKING TO ME IS EVEN HOTTER THAN AN ASS FUCK IF THE FUCKER SHOOTS OFF IN MOUTH BUT DOES PULL OUT TO SHOOT THE REST OF HIS LOAD. The whole scene was HOT hot and Graham slight resistence was CUTE AS he gave in more each time. CUTE MESSAGE. I wish he would shave his ASS HAIR.
This scene was really going on all "5" point cylinders thanks to both guys, but especially Jason. Is there anything this guy doesn't do well? Then we got to the 14:07 mark and the video collapsed by virtue of our having to sit through a more than 6 and a half minute segment of poor Jason trying with all his might to get Graham off. Then when Graham finally got off - it's a wonder Jason didn't get lockjaw and a sprained wrist from his workout - it wasn't all that!

Some people have trouble getting off by other people. Especially straight guys new to gay for pay porn. Making the guys go through that much time and making us sit through all that was a bad call.

But thanks to Jason, especially, and Graham especially for his excellent "reluctant debutante" acting, this scene got a 4 from me - very good in my grading syatem.


Well, thank you very much! That was precious.
Slight resistance ??? He virtually didn't want to know lol..

Mike - Yes I have been around a long time but one has to take these films at face value, just as you Spencer haters did on his first duo. It is only we see the BTS scenes - as we did Lucas and Mike - that we get to find out what really happened.

That is why Jon's jury is out until I see the next couple of duos...
I gave this a 3 but it was really a 5 for Jason and 1 for Graham. If I had Jason crawling all over my body and trying his upmost to kiss me, I would have eaten his face off, but Graham clearly didn't want any part of it. Now whether this is another trick on BSBs part to get us to think that Graham is another Lucas (without the verbals), it doesn't work for me.

This video had all the attributes to make it a 10 on the richter scale, but because of Graham (or the producer's) performance, it got nowhere near it.

A 1 is highly great for me, means I always cum 1st. LMAO!
Graham, as you peruse over these posts I hope you take some of them as a grain of salt or a drop of cum, your choice. LMAO

Were we looking at the same guy? I honestly did not find anything attractive about Graham; the only thing that kinda saved it was seeing Jason. Otherwise I thought the whole thing sucked (and not in a good way). Maybe if Graham does another scene he will wake up from his zombie state.
You guys didn't see Graham's eyes and expression. He is SEXY! Jason is Hot and a strong top! We will probably see him in more fetish sites, I can't wait. As for this scene I gave it a 5. They worked well together. Jason the strong top and Graham the bottom who sucks and came on comand. Id like to see them do it again.
Thanks, guys, for making it so much easier for me to post my thoughts on this near perfect first experience in M2M sex. Both beautiful models performed exactly as should be expected in a similar real life experience.

Graham was not holding back or playing uninterested, but was taking his lead from Jason. Jason was the one in control here from beginning to end and in my opinion created a near masterpiece that only he could pull off.

Thanks so much to both Jason and Graham for this beautiful and loving scene.

I'm not exactly sure what some of you guys expect out of Broke Straight Boys The whole premise of this site is to get straight guys to go through a process of gradually opening up to gay sex. This was Graham's first scene with another guy, and Jason's role was to show Graham how good it all felt, and as the progression continues we will see how Graham responds to it all.

Everyone loved Paul's last scene with Jason, but he didn't kiss and make passionate love to a dude in his first scene either.

If every newbie model jumped right into all out gay sex from the get go, it would no longer be Broke Straight Boys I thought this was a fine progression scene and my props go out to both Jason & Graham for both playing their roles to a tee. Kudos to both models for an excellent scene.

I agree with everything you guys and some others, before, posted about this scene.
It was a seduction scene and had Graham started kissing Jason passionately, I'm pretty sure, some would have complained about the lack of progression and what not.
This was a good intro to m2m sex for Graham by the best, Jason.

I look forward to more scenes with Graham.

Don't you guys/gals know how to use your imagination? hahaha. The whole purpose was that, I'm straight and that Jason was coming on to a straight dude sexually. When the straight dude clearly was not interested at all, but went ahead and did it anyway. It gave it a bit of a different flavor. I thought it was different. I'm not really into the whole voting thing, so that I could care less about LOL. But I figured I give you guys some hints on to what we wanted the scene to be like.
Graham, as you peruse over these posts I hope you take some of them as a grain of salt or a drop of cum, your choice. LMAO

Grain of salt!! Some of them are EVEN hilaaaaarious LOL
Graham looked pretty scared and first and many times during the shoot. Not wanting to kiss and so on. But when Jason pulled his shorts off Graham was almost fully hard so the hormones had to be flowing. Graham loved the rimming but needs to practices his dick sucking which will come in time. Graham is cute as hell. His smile at the very end was so beautiful!! Glad to see Jason take the cum in his mouth too. I love Jason and I think Graham will be a true star. I hope they let Jason pop his cherry!
Surprisingly they were really flowing LOL. Thank you, very much man ha.