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It's Dimitri! Staying true to myself, coming out post

Congratulations Dimitri for matching your outside with your inside. Also, I would say as a parent, to your parents, "what the fuck are you doing?! To put limitations on another person is a waste of energy and we all end up losing out.":2c: Sometimes Dimitri, people just suck; sorry it had to be your parents in this case.
Dimitri, thank you so much for having the courage to share this with us on here as it must have taken alot to press the button to post it. Either male or female you are still a beautiful person both on the inside and the out. It must have been hard to to tell your family and im so sorry you got the reaction you did as they should eant to support you no matter what as your still the same person on the inside that you always were you have just finally allowed yourself to be true to who you really are and that must of been hard at first but I bet it felt amazing when you finally were able to be the real you. Anybody that doesn't support you doesnt deserve to have the honour and privilege of being around you or getting to know you although I do hope you manage to sort things out with your family if thatscwht you want. Once agaib thank you for sharing and congratulations on finally becoming the person you've wanted to be. Much love dan x
Dear Dimitri,

I had just mentioned your name last night as part of the most recent group of new models to appear on site, that I found to be very much in the classic traditional Broke Straight Boys mold of being young, pretty and 'masculine', so this does come as quite a surprise to me, but you are not the first Broke Straight Boys model to be going through this process. We had a young man named Price who it was hinted it by David, the original Broke Straight Boys director to also being on hormone treatment during his time of filming, and his body did appear to be taking on changes from his first appearance to his last.

It's interesting as I always assumed, and was informed that some of the "straight" boys who've appeared here over the years, have used Broke Straight Boys as a way to explore their gay side, but I hadn't thought of Broke Straight Boys as a way for a transgendered person to explore as well, but in any case, you are a very attractive young person, and I thank you for not just disappearing from the site, but instead informing us of your coming out process, not as a gay man, but as a transgendered person. I do wish you all the luck in the world, and commend you for taking these steps toward letting your family and friends, and now us your fans on this site know about the process you are going through. It would indeed be very cool of you to stay in touch with us through the forum.

Thanks for your scenes here and for remaining our friend through the forum, and obviously the best of luck to you through your journey. All of my sincere best wishes to you, Dimitri.
All the best to you!!! Being true to yourself is great and important. I hope your family realizes that one day real soon.
Thanks for being so open and honest, Dimitri. You really are a wonderful human being. Since you are willing to be in A.M.A. mode, could you share with us what were the first indications you experienced that led to to realize that you are female in a male body?
Good On You Dimitri!!!!!!
Dimitri, I'm wondering if you are willing to comment on just what role Broke Straight Boys played in your coming out process. And maybe why you chose to do BSBs at that point in your transitioning process. What were you thinking as you thought about joining BSBs. I realize you said AMA, but if that is too personal to answer, I would certainly understand.
One of my favorite Shakespearean quotes is "To thine ownself be true" and I try to live it. Congratulations on having the courage and taking the steps to become the real you. You're a beautiful young woman. May you now know the peace that comes from self acceptance.
Dimitri, you are an amazing soul and one of the coolest guys I have ever met. Thank you for sharing with me what you were going through during the time we spent together. You confided in me and, while it was tough not to tell the other staff members, I connected with your sense of pride in your individuality, your robustness, and your courage and kept your revelation to myself.

Again, you have my full support and if there is anything that I can do, you just pick up the phone and call me (if i don't call you first, lol). The person I met hasn't fundamentally been altered or lost – he has actually been discovered. It's important that you know I will forever be proud of you, more than ever. You are my wonderful friend and I'm enormously proud that you have the courage to be yourself and take on so many obstacles.

With help and the love of your Broke Straight Boys family and friends you will survive this difficult time and it will give you the strength and resilience to hold your head up as the beautiful young woman you will become.

To the members, please show respect, kindness, and dignity in your responses to Dimitri. The models are real people, with real struggles, and this is a perfect example. We can't always share with you why someone hasn't come back, or why your favorite model isn't on the site anymore. People have struggles that are their private business. Please show respect to Dimitri during this difficult time he has chosen to share with the world.

Dimitri, you are an amazing soul and one of the coolest guys I have ever met.

Again, you have my full support and if there is anything that I can do, you just pick up the phone and call me (if i don't call you first, lol). The person I met hasn't fundamentally been altered or lost – he has actually been discovered. It's important that you know I will forever be proud of you, more than ever.

With help and the love of your Broke Straight Boys family and friends you will survive this difficult time and it will give you the strength and resilience to hold your head up as the beautiful young woman you will become.

To the members, please show respect, kindness, and dignity in your responses to Dimitri. The models are real people, with real struggles, and this is a perfect example. We can't always share with you why someone hasn't come back, or why your favorite model isn't on the site anymore. People have struggles that are their private business. Please show respect to Dimitri during this difficult time he has chosen to share with the world.


What a great post Damian!

Dimitri is a beautiful human being whether we call her Dimitri or Katyana. I have attended transgender workshops at church where transgendered members (some of whom are friends) talk about their struggles of dealing with their usually former spouses, their children, friends, employers and coworkers.

It's so difficult for them to go through the process their whole lives of having a gender identity that is in direct contradiction to the genitalia they are born with and the societal expectations of same. For some the process is more traumatic than others. Usually depending on the degree of family support or the lack thereof. Then there's the process of counseling, hormone treatments, more counseling and then surgery. Some opt for only partial surgery. Some go all the way.

As others have said Dimitri, you are a beautiful person inside and out. None of that will change, whether you're a man or a woman. :) Your beautiful soul will only be made more joyful when the outside of your body matches the inside.
What a great post Damian!

Dimitri is a beautiful human being whether we call her Dimitri or Katyana. I have attended transgender workshops at church where transgendered members (some of whom are friends) talk about their struggles of dealing with their usually former spouses, their children, friends, employers and coworkers.

It's so difficult for them to go through the process their whole lives of having a gender identity that is in direct contradiction to the genitalia they are born with and the societal expectations of same. For some the process is more traumatic than others. Usually depending on the degree of family support or the lack thereof. Then there's the process of counseling, hormone treatments, more counseling and then surgery. Some opt for only partial surgery. Some go all the way.

As others have said Dimitri, you are a beautiful person inside and out. None of that will change, whether you're a man or a woman. :) Your beautiful soul will only be made more joyful when the outside of your body matches the inside.
well said Tampa, I think that sometimes the hardest thing to do is admit to your self that you don't feel how others feel about themselves whether it be regarding sexuality or that your body doesn't match who you truly are. So I think that Dimitri is such a brave person to finally admit that they aren't in the right body and start the process to be how you know your supposed to be. The hardest step I'd imagine would of been telling the family but if they can't accept Dimitri as as the beautiful person that she has become then they are the ones that are missing out on a remarkable human being. I personally think that Dimitri makes a beautiful woman and anyone that gets to be part of her life should consider themselves lucky. Dan x (by the way I love the name katyana is that dimitris new name?)
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No. lol I made that up as a for-instance. I just thought it was a pretty sounding Russian name. :)
it is beautiful name maybe that should be the new name as it seems to suit her now you've put it in my head. Dan x
Boy you can be just aweful sometimes!! With what you said to Jon on this thread and now Tampa you sound like nobelegg

By the way, it's "awful" !!!
Boy you can be just aweful sometimes!! With what you said to Jon on this thread and now Tampa you sound like nobelegg

Totally agree peterh6308, sounds like someone took an overdose of asshole pills today.

When it comes to overreacting and lashing out rudely and being insensitive to his fellow forumites, I rate Stowe a 5 - which is way uncalled for in my grading system.

Frankly Stowe I am shocked that you didn't take the high road and seize the opportunity to educate us as to why certain things that were said may be construed as offensive or objectionable, especially since you seem to be well versed on the subject.
I suspect that Dimitri was not offended as she did not react negatively to anything that was said. But enough about you.

Congratulations Dimitri, may your future hold much health, wealth and happiness. - Jason
Dear Dimitri,

I had just mentioned your name last night as part of the most recent group of new models to appear on site, that I found to be very much in the classic traditional Broke Straight Boys mold of being young, pretty and 'masculine', so this does come as quite a surprise to me, but you are not the first Broke Straight Boys model to be going through this process. We had a young man named Price who it was hinted it by David, the original Broke Straight Boys director to also being on hormone treatment during his time of filming, and his body did appear to be taking on changes from his first appearance to his last.

It's interesting as I always assumed, and was informed that some of the "straight" boys who've appeared here over the years, have used Broke Straight Boys as a way to explore their gay side, but I hadn't thought of Broke Straight Boys as a way for a transgendered person to explore as well, but in any case, you are a very attractive young person, and I thank you for not just disappearing from the site, but instead informing us of your coming out process, not as a gay man, but as a transgendered person. I do wish you all the luck in the world, and commend you for taking these steps toward letting your family and friends, and now us your fans on this site know about the process you are going through. It would indeed be very cool of you to stay in touch with us through the forum.

Thanks for your scenes here and for remaining our friend through the forum, and obviously the best of luck to you through your journey. All of my sincere best wishes to you, Dimitri.

Your comment about Price is fascinating to me as both he, and Dimitri, were among the models on this site that I found most arousing!