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Hi, how is your day going.

Wednesday is named for the Norse god Woden (or Wotan or Odin), the king of the gods in that mythology. For whatever reason, the Romans interpreted Odin as a version of Mercury. Perhaps by coincidence, Mercury is where we get the Spanish name for the day Miercoles.

In America (at least), it's also called hump day, because it's the midpoint of the work week. It makes me a little sad to think of life going in cycles where you are trying to get through 5/7 of your life for a short reprieve. Capitalism sucks.

Speaking of humping, some porn performers are really bad at it, at least on camera. The worst are those guys who kind of move their whole lower body about an inch back and forth. I like best when their thrusts have a sense of rolling.

So I wish all a good day filled with wanton humping if that should behoove you, and that your Wednesday can be as fulfilling as your weekend. The All-Father commands it!!!
By Jove, it's Thursday!

Thursday is obviously named for Thor, Norse god of thunder and founding member of the Avengers. The Spanish name for Thursday is Jueves, which comes from Jove, another name for Jupiter (Zeus), who also wields lightning.

Speaking of Marvel Comics, there's a pretty obscure supervillain who replaced her head with a marble. Supposedly her brain is inside the marble, but it seems too small. Her name is Ruby Thursday.

This week has been a very social one. I spent hours at a bar yesterday and played Quizzo. We won second place. Our prize was beer. I hate beer. I hate bars. I have a headache.

I wish everyone a good headache-free Thursday.
Thursday is a great day because there is usually a new episode of ‘Shark Tank” 😂 Other then that, there is again no difference in their est of the week. My life is quite ordinary, but I enjoy having the freedom that comes with ordinary. 2022 was a tough year for me, so for the majority of 2023 I mostly took it easy. Recently though I have had a longing for pushing myself again and doing more. I like staying busy, filling my schedule with no gaps or breaks. I have always felt that the busier I am, the slower time goes by, and I want to live a long life. Regardless of it being long through perspective or long through measurement, A long life seems like the best thing that can happen.
Thursday is a great day because there is usually a new episode of ‘Shark Tank” 😂 Other then that, there is again no difference in their est of the week. My life is quite ordinary, but I enjoy having the freedom that comes with ordinary. 2022 was a tough year for me, so for the majority of 2023 I mostly took it easy. Recently though I have had a longing for pushing myself again and doing more. I like staying busy, filling my schedule with no gaps or breaks. I have always felt that the busier I am, the slower time goes by, and I want to live a long life. Regardless of it being long through perspective or long through measurement, A long life seems like the best thing that can happen.

Love to watch Shark Tank too lol
I can never remember if Friday is Frigga's or Freya's Day. Viernes is for Venus.

Joe Friday was a cop on an old show called Dragnet. Friday was also Robinson Crusoe's slave.

Rebecca Black, some rich teenage girl, got a mediocre music video made like 15 years ago, with inane lyrics like, "It's Friday" and "yesterday was Thursday". In a completely unwarranted response, she was bullied relentlessly and told to kill herself. People can be terrible.

One year ago, Friday was the greatest day of the work week for me. Now I have no need to look forward to Fridays over any other day. Someday I expect I will do so again, but I am so very lucky that I am getting a chance to treat Friday as just another day. I could not have made it to this point without my friends encouraging me and letting me know they won't let me fall. People can be beautiful.

I wish everyone a good Friday and hope you can get something wonderful from today.

Saturday! Named for the Roman god Saturn (or the planet). Why is the English version taking from the Romans all of a sudden? In Spanish, it's Sabado, which is referring to the Sabbath. For those who don't know, in Judaism the Shabbat, the holy day of rest, is from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. This un-factchecked exploration of the days of the week makes me want to find out some things. Like, how did the Western world settle on the seven day week? Are there other week systems still extant in the world? Is time really a flat circle?

This last week before school starts again has been crazy with socializing. Quite a contrast to the three weeks prior. Now I'll be having to socialize with the youngsters at school. It'll be good, but I feel conspicuously my age when there. I'm seeing my big sister today so it'll be nice to feel younger.

I maybe should have brought it up on Thursday (get it?), but over the break I looked through a telescope for the first time and saw the planet Jupiter. It was fantastic and I was overwhelmed by it. Being an adult human often feels big with responsibility and anxiety. Sometimes it's relaxing to feel small and unimportant.

I wish everyone a numinous and revelatory Saturday!
Saturday! Named for the Roman god Saturn (or the planet). Why is the English version taking from the Romans all of a sudden? In Spanish, it's Sabado, which is referring to the Sabbath. For those who don't know, in Judaism the Shabbat, the holy day of rest, is from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. This un-factchecked exploration of the days of the week makes me want to find out some things. Like, how did the Western world settle on the seven day week? Are there other week systems still extant in the world? Is time really a flat circle?

This last week before school starts again has been crazy with socializing. Quite a contrast to the three weeks prior. Now I'll be having to socialize with the youngsters at school. It'll be good, but I feel conspicuously my age when there. I'm seeing my big sister today so it'll be nice to feel younger.

I maybe should have brought it up on Thursday (get it?), but over the break I looked through a telescope for the first time and saw the planet Jupiter. It was fantastic and I was overwhelmed by it. Being an adult human often feels big with responsibility and anxiety. Sometimes it's relaxing to feel small and unimportant.

I wish everyone a numinous and revelatory Saturday!
Up until Katrina, the New Orleans Mardi Gras had a Krewe of Saturn, whose Captain Al Russell became a very good friend of mine as my Float Lieutenant on the Krewe of Pygmalion and passed two years ago or so. I believe that krewe was named after the Roman God Saturn.
Up until Katrina, the New Orleans Mardi Gras had a Krewe of Saturn, whose Captain Al Russell became a very good friend of mine as my Float Lieutenant on the Krewe of Pygmalion and passed two years ago or so. I believe that krewe was named after the Roman God Saturn.
What's a krewe?
Sunday. The week is complete! I hope Baruch, wherever he may be, can feel my affection for him. It's hard to think of something different to say daily. That ends now, but I will try to drop in to wish people good and painless days now and again.

Speaking of pain, I already have homework and classes won't even start 'til Tuesday! But, like sex, it's a good pain? Or something. I dunno. (I am going to be great at giving closing statements at trial.)

Have a restful and/or fun Sunday, my friends.
What's a krewe?
In New Orleans Mardi Gras, the carnival parades are run by private clubs. Most but not all of them choose the old middle English word "krewe" for "group of" followed by the name, usually a classical ancient Greek or Roman figure, of which your reference to Saturn was a good example.
Is Sunday the start of the week, or the end?
I meant that the week of me posting daily is complete.

Otherwise I'd say it's rather arbitrary. In most American calendars it is on the left, so it's the start in that way, I guess. But it is part of the weekend, so...? Yeah, arbitrary.
I meant that the week of me posting daily is complete.

Otherwise I'd say it's rather arbitrary. In most American calendars it is on the left, so it's the start in that way, I guess. But it is part of the weekend, so...? Yeah, arbitrary.
There is a religious component as well depending on what day is your Sabbath: For Muslims, it is Friday so the first day of the week is Saturday, for Jews and Seventh Day Adventists it is Saturday, so the first day of the week is Sunday, and for Christians it is Sunday, so the first day of the week is Monday.
There is a religious component as well depending on what day is your Sabbath: For Muslims, it is Friday so the first day of the week is Saturday, for Jews and Seventh Day Adventists it is Saturday, so the first day of the week is Sunday, and for Christians it is Sunday, so the first day of the week is Monday
That reminds me of when my step father first moved to the U.S. from Tunisia. HE nearly fell out of his chair when I told him that I work on sundays😂 He told me that everything is usually closed on sundays where is was raised.