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Hi, how is your day going.

I got a new job in a PRISON!!!!!

I'm looking after them at night. I'm still finishing uni this year, but as I have only 2 modules to complete, and I really really need the money I had to get real life job!!!

I'm not sure I'm cut out for it all as it's quite macho, and I'm just not - but i'm not a proper prison officer, it looks like just normal people look after them at night. Anyway, that's my update. I kind of split up with ryan sadly, and I'm not covered for my house from this month so have got this really weird job. Everybody seems nice, it's a bit out of my comfort zone. My cousin used to watch WWE wrestling and he had a poster of the big boss man who was a prison officer - I keep thinking of myself as him :ROFLMAO:

Wow Max! Great initiative, gotta give you props, you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to. I'd volunteer for shower duty, watching over them making sure they behave and get squeaky clean. Hahahaha 😉😏

My cousin is a guard and part of the response team for when inmates have a fit, probably not something I'd do as he is built like a brick shithouse and I'm all cuddly bear 🐻 🤣

Sorry to hear about your split with Ryan. Hope you get your finances squared away!
Wow Max! Great initiative, gotta give you props, you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to. I'd volunteer for shower duty, watching over them making sure they behave and get squeaky clean. Hahahaha 😉😏

My cousin is a guard and part of the response team for when inmates have a fit, probably not something I'd do as he is built like a brick shithouse and I'm all cuddly bear 🐻 🤣

Sorry to hear about your split with Ryan. Hope you get your finances squared away!
I'm fine now I have a job but thankyou x

YES! Most of the proper prison officers here are macho - which as you can imagine is not me whatsoever - I so respect your cousin, these people are protecting us all from dangerous people. I just have to make sure they are ok through the night, which is still an important job but i'm no hero like your cousin.

Don't start me thinking of shower duty lol - there are nice guys on my wing that i have to look after. Dont wanna think
Thanks. Yeah I definitely don't recommend the pills. Luckily I was able to complete the exam. I thought the drinks were bad but the pills were way way worse. I was going to try the Gatorade thing next time.
I avoided this discussion when Mark brought up his bad experience last Friday, because I knew that I had my colonoscopy scheduled for today, and I didn’t want to say anything until mine was over. I’ve been dreading it as my last one five years ago, I had a very difficult time drinking down the huge jug of “ draino”, :ohmy: but last night after a day of all liquid diet, I was able to get down half of the jug followed by the second half this morning, and I cleansed myself out sufficiently and had the procedure this morning.

The injection went into my hand and I was totally out and woke up feeling fine and felt even better when I saw the doctor in his office and he told me I was fine and to come back and see him in five years. Luckily I had a very good experience over-all. Not something that is a fun experience but definitely necessary for those of us of a certain age.
I avoided this discussion when Mark brought up his bad experience last Friday, because I knew that I had my colonoscopy scheduled for today, and I didn’t want to say anything until mine was over. I’ve been dreading it as my last one five years ago, I had a very difficult time drinking down the huge jug of “ draino”, :ohmy: but last night after a day of all liquid diet, I was able to get down half of the jug followed by the second half this morning, and I cleansed myself out sufficiently and had the procedure this morning.

The injection went into my hand and I was totally out and woke up feeling fine and felt even better when I saw the doctor in his office and he told me I was fine and to come back and see him in five years. Luckily I had a very good experience over-all. Not something that is a fun experience but definitely necessary for those of us of a certain age.

Glad to hear that everything went well for you Mikey! Next time instead of using the huge jug of draino as you call it, if your doctor agrees the Gatorade prep is what my dad swears by...
Glad to hear that everything went well for you Mikey! Next time instead of using the huge jug of draino as you call it, if your doctor agrees the Gatorade prep is what my dad swears by...
I tried to get something different. I have friends who’ve said there are much better preps. But when I met with him last week he said this is the one that I use because it cleans you properly. No arguing. Maybe I’ll try again in five years, 2029. Yikes. That is almost 2030. Crazy. :w00t:
I avoided this discussion when Mark brought up his bad experience last Friday, because I knew that I had my colonoscopy scheduled for today, and I didn’t want to say anything until mine was over. I’ve been dreading it as my last one five years ago, I had a very difficult time drinking down the huge jug of “ draino”, :ohmy: but last night after a day of all liquid diet, I was able to get down half of the jug followed by the second half this morning, and I cleansed myself out sufficiently and had the procedure this morning.

The injection went into my hand and I was totally out and woke up feeling fine and felt even better when I saw the doctor in his office and he told me I was fine and to come back and see him in five years. Luckily I had a very good experience over-all. Not something that is a fun experience but definitely necessary for those of us of a certain age.
Congrats on the good news and not having to deal with "prep day" for another five years!
I still need to reschedule my first colonoscopy. Do you have to be unconscious? I would prefer not to have any unnecessary breaks in consciousness.

With my birthday next week, I usually do karaoke, but I am so tired all the time now with school. I kind of want skip celebrating this year, but you never know when you won't be able to anymore, so it seems like a big sacrifice. Man, I wish life wasn't just the one shot. How did Kurt Vonnegut do it?
I still need to reschedule my first colonoscopy. Do you have to be unconscious? I would prefer not to have any unnecessary breaks in consciousness.

With my birthday next week, I usually do karaoke, but I am so tired all the time now with school. I kind of want skip celebrating this year, but you never know when you won't be able to anymore, so it seems like a big sacrifice. Man, I wish life wasn't just the one shot. How did Kurt Vonnegut do it?

The few I bought my Dad to, they heavily sedate you (need to have someone around for a bit afterwards)

And an early happy birthday to you!
I still need to reschedule my first colonoscopy. Do you have to be unconscious? I would prefer not to have any unnecessary breaks in consciousness.

With my birthday next week, I usually do karaoke, but I am so tired all the time now with school. I kind of want skip celebrating this year, but you never know when you won't be able to anymore, so it seems like a big sacrifice. Man, I wish life wasn't just the one shot. How did Kurt Vonnegut do it?
Yes you do have to be unconscious, but the consensus is that prep day before is much worse than the procedure day itself!
Friday afternoon I went on a walking tour of the Upper East Side of Manhattan focusing on gilded age mansions between Fifth Ave and Madison, and we went in several high end art galleries too. It was an interesting and fun walk.

And I woke early this morning to actual snow falling, a very unusual occurrence in New York City over the last few seasons. It looked like at least three inches, but when I got dressed to go outside it had warmed up and mostly melted on the ground. But there was still some lingering in the trees, a pretty sight. :001_smile:

And I woke early this morning to actual snow falling, a very unusual occurrence in New York City over the last few seasons. It looked like at least three inches, but when I got dressed to go outside it had warmed up and mostly melted on the ground. But there was still some lingering in the trees, a pretty sight. :001_smile:

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Nice pics today Mike! We had a mini blizzard at one quick point here on the Cape. Matches the other snow from earlier in the week LOL
And I woke early this morning to actual snow falling, a very unusual occurrence in New York City over the last few seasons. It looked like at least three inches, but when I got dressed to go outside it had warmed up and mostly melted on the ground. But there was still some lingering in the trees, a pretty sight. :001_smile:

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More amazing pictures mike, i love your street
Two facts:

Tomorrow is my birthday.

I like cocks inside of butts.

That's all.
Two facts:

My birthday was this week too, I'm 23 which seems weirdly old to me but I know some of you will think I'm daft for that. A lot of my profile and other pictures online are up to 5 years old, I feel a bit of a fraud, time for some new I think.

I like cocks inside of my butt but that's not all 😎